I told him that tradutor Francês
3,023 parallel translation
I told him that you were the smartest, most hardworking guy I knew, and next thing I know, he kicked me out of his office.
J'ai dit que t'étais le plus brillant, et travailleur que je connaissais, - et d'un coup, il m'a viré.
I told him that if he didn't start telling the truth, then I wouldn't help him any more.
Je lui ai dit que s'il ne commençait pas à dire la vérité, je le l'aiderais plus.
And I told him that I usually always give, but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal and I've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse, so I've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn,
Et je lui ai dit que je donnais toujours d'habitude, mais que mon père avait été inculpé dans un scandale de Ponzi et j'avais perdu ma fortune familiale et ma maison à Manhattan, et que donc j'ai du dormir sur un canapé à Brooklyn,
I told him that I will give him a job in my law firm.
Je lui ai dit que j'allais l'embaucher.
Besides, I thought it was a starter pistol, and I told him that.
En plus, j'ai pensé c'était un pistolet à pétard, et je le lui ai dit.
Yep, I told him that I hate him, and that I still have sex dreams about him, so it was confusing for both of us.
Je lui ai dit que je le détestais, et que je faisais toujours des rêves érotiques de lui, donc c'était déroutant pour nous deux. D'accord.
I told him that I hate the French.
Je lui ai dit que Je déteste les Français.
I told him that I was gonna go back and stop my parents from getting divorced.
Je lui ai dit que je voulais retourner dans le passé pour empêcher mes parents de divorcer.
I told him that she was going to my mom's house, but I don't think that he believed me.
Je lui ai dit qu'elle allait à la maison de ma mère, mais je ne crois pas qu'il m'ait crue.
I knew it! Except for the fact that I thought you put him up to it so I told him off! I blew it!
Je croyais que tu l'avais forcé et j'ai dit non!
- Oh, so it's just a coincidence... that I've been dragged in here to go over Tom Walker's death... just two days after I told you I killed him?
Alors, c'est une coïncidence qu'on me parle de la mort de Tom Walker... deux jours après t'avoir dit que je l'avais tué?
After I told the principal that you could have never done something like that, and I threaten him with the Colombian necktie!
Et j'ai dit au directeur que t'aurais jamais fait ça. Je l'ai menacé avec la cravate colombienne!
All I know is that Dwight called and told me I was gonna take him to a motel in Aiea, but then when we got there, HPD was on the scene and they opened fire.
Je suis au courant de rien. Dwight m'a appelée pour que je le conduise à un motel. le HPD y était.
I know, I told him he doesn`t have to let her do that, but he loves her to death, so...
Il est pas obligé, mais il l'aime à la folie...
I just told him that!
c'est ce que je viens de lui dire!
What did you tell him? I told him we don't give out that information.
- Qu'avez-vous dit?
When I found out I was pregnant, I told him. I could have went after him for the money, but that wasn't my style.
J'aurais pu lui demander de l'argent, mais ce n'était pas mon style.
He's great at making me change the way I see things, like yesterday when I told him I liked your article, he made me see that I didn't.
Il est fort pour me faire changer la façon dont je cois les choses. comme hier quand je lui ai dis que j'aimais ton article. Il m'a fait voir que je ne l'aimais pas.
I'm the one who told him that he could play with us.
Je l'ai autorisé à jouer avec nous.
And that time, I had told him :
Et cette fois, je lui avais dit :
She told him : "Tell him that I received his phone invoice."
Elle a dit : "Dis-lui que j'ai reçu sa facture de téléphone."
Oh, I told Chris that I would take him to a movie if he got all his homework done today.
J'ai dit à Chris que je l'emmènerais au ciné s'il finit ses devoirs tôt.
Which is also why I told him he had a minor respiratory infection that was easily curable by the medication.
C'est pourquoi je lui ai parlé d'une infection respiratoire qui guérirait facilement.
I never told him that day, I never told him how much I loved him.
Je ne lui ai jamais dit ce jour là combien je l'aimais.
So I punched him, and I told him, friend or no friend, he better have that money back in my account, or he'd never walk again.
Je l'ai cogné et je lui ai dit, ami ou pas, qu'il devrait me rembourser ou qu'il ne marcherait plus jamais.
So when he told me that someone wanted him dead, I thought, here's my chance.
Quand il m'a dit que quelqu'un voulait sa mort, j'ai pensé, voici ma chance.
Where is he? He told me I was being cured, that the cancer was behind me as long as I bought his damn medicine. And when Agent Jennsen stumbled onto Dr. Yang, you killed her to keep him in business?
Où est-il? que je serais guéri si je prenais ses pilules. vous l'avez tuée pour pas qu'il ferme?
I also told him that the chances of survival are- - are remote.
Je lui ai dit aussi que ses chances de survie sont assez minces.
I just told him that his wife was a match for Lee Ann.
- Je lui ai seulement dit que sa femme était compatible avec Leanne.
- I thought, when we told him you were gonna move out, that he would just...
J'ai cru qu'en lui disant - que tu vivais ailleurs, il...
I told him we are done, and that's over, okay?
Je lui ai dit que c'était fini, et que c'était du passé, ok?
Oh, I told him he could take that paperwork and shove it right up his cargo hold.
Oh, je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait remplir ces papiers et en remplir son prochain avion autant qu'il le voudrait!
I, uh, told him that I had to work.
Je lui ai dit que je devais travailler.
I wish I could have told him that.
Si seulement je le lui avais dit.
While I'm eating fried chicken and drinking wine... I'll probably tell daddy that you aren't really sorry after all. That you told me you hated him and...
Pendant qu'on mangera du poulet en buvant du vin, je dirai certainement à papa que tu regrettes rien du tout, qu'en fait, tu le détestes et que tu veux partir.
"Judah told me in my dream.." "That Matthew took him to the black room, so I know he is killed."
'Judah a dit que Matthew l'avait conduit dans la Pièce Noire.
I told him what he wanted to hear... but all I cared about was killing the monster that took my mother.
J'ai dit ce qu'il voulait entendre mais ne songeais qu'à tuer le monstre qui avait emporté ma mère.
I told him to bail on you that night at Rex's and he said, "No."
Je lui ai dit de te lâcher ce soir là chez Rex, et il a dit "non".
When you told Luke that I was your boyfriend did you say that just to make him mad or...?
Quand tu as dit à Luke que j'étais ton mec, c'était pour le rendre furieux, ou...
I told him it was my fault that you were always so far away, and he said,
Je lui ai dit que c'était ma faute si tu étais toujours au loin, et il a dit :
I've told him that I can't receive him.
J'ai refusé de le recevoir.
I haven't even told him that she doesn't know anything.
Je ne lui ai même pas dit qu'elle ne sait rien sur rien.
I just need you to know that... when you came by this morning, Adam hadn't told me what you did for him.
Adam ne m'avait pas encore dit ce que tu avais fait pour lui.
That even if they couldn't see each other, maybe if I told her about him, it would be like we were all still together.
Que même si ils ne pouvaient pas se voir, peut-être que si je lui disais à propos de lui, ce serait comme si nous étions tous toujours ensemble.
When I woke up Jason was there and said that he had called and wanted a ride home, but Jason didn't want to wake me up, so told him he had to walk home.
Quand je me suis réveillée, Jason m'a dit qu'il avait appelé pour qu'on vienne le chercher. Il ne voulait pas me réveiller et lui a dit de rentrer à pied.
I introduced myself to Nicholas and then told him why I was there, and that the purpose of this interview was to get his account of his kidnapping and for his assistance in locating his abductors.
Je me suis présentée à Nicholas, lui disant pourquoi j'étais là et pourquoi je voulais l'interroger. Il devait me raconter son kidnapping afin de nous aider à retrouver ses ravisseurs.
I contacted the SAPD, the San Antonio Police Department, and told them, decided to tell them, that, hey, they killed him.
J'ai contacté la police de San Antonio et j'ai décidé de leur dire qu'ils l'avaient tué.
Kevin said that you told him about Becky's brother even though I said it was confidential.
Kevin dit que vous lui avez parlé du frère de Becky. C'était pourtant confidentiel.
Nice try, but I told you I'm committed to him, and nothing's gonna change that.
Bien essayé, mais je te l'ai dis Je suis avec lui, et rien ne pourra changer ça.
He said he read somewhere that high-end baby clothes are gonna be the next big thing, and I told him they will be if my talented daughter's designing them.
Il a lu quelque part que les vêtements de luxe pour bébé vont devenir tendance, et je lui ai dit que ce serait le cas seulement si ma talentueuse fille s'en occupait
I reported him to the police and told them that you acted in defense of Chuck.
J'ai déposé plainte contre lui et j'ai dit à la police que vous aviez défendu Chuck.
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you before 196
i told you so 405
i told you everything i know 35
i told you to go 23
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you i would 20
i told you to shut up 41
i told you yesterday 20
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you before 196
i told you so 405
i told you everything i know 35
i told you to go 23
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you i would 20
i told you to shut up 41
i told you already 105
i told you about it 24
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you everything 52
i told you the truth 55
i told you guys 40
i told you to wait 32
i told you about it 24
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you everything 52
i told you the truth 55
i told you guys 40
i told you to wait 32