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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / Stay out of sight

Stay out of sight tradutor Francês

275 parallel translation
- Stay out of sight till things quiet down.
- Sois discret jusqu'à ce que ça passe.
Just stay out of sight, Eddie.
Ne t'en mêle pas.
I know it's been rough on you, but we've got to stay out of sight until i can get you in a safe place.
Je sais que c'est dur pour toi, mais il le faut jusqu'à ce que tu sois en sécurité.
You've got to stay out of sight.
Ne te montre pas.
I didn't see Kerstin at all that weekend and she continued to stay out of sight.
Je n'ai plus vu Kerstin de tout le week-end et elle a continué à rester hors de vue.
- Stay out of sight.
Cachez-vous bien.
Stay out of sight, mister.
Cachez-vous, monsieur!
Stumpy, didn't I tell you to stay out of sight?
Je t'avais dit de ne pas te montrer.
Stay out of sight! "
Rentrez. "
Why does he have to stay out of sight - alone in the middle of 1,000 miles of this ugly Texas country.
Il reste aussi loin, tout seul au beau milieu de l'affreux Texas?
Stay out of sight and keep a sharp lookout.
Restez cachés et soyez vigilants.
Tell your patrols to steer clear of them and stay out of sight.
Dites à vos patrouilles de passer au large.
All right, you go back there and stay out of sight.
Très bien, rejoins-le et reste hors de vue.
- Just stay out of sight.
- Contente-toi de rester hors de vue.
So stay out of sight and be quiet.
Alors ne te montre pas, et silence.
Will you just stay out of sight?
Ne te montre pas.
- You stay out of sight.
Ne te montre pas.
I told you to stay out of sight.
Je t'avais dit de rester à l'écart.
He didn't want anybody to know about us and I promised to stay out of sight.
II ne voulait pas que ça se sache. J'avais promis de ne pas me montrer.
We'll just stay out of sight.
On va rester cachés.
A producer should stay out of sight.
Le producteur doit rester dans l'ombre.
Look, if I order something to eat, you promise to stay out of sight?
Si je commande à manger, vous disparaissez?
Stay out of sight.
Restes hors de leur vue.
Just stay out of sight.
Restes simplement hors de vue.
Just shut up and stay out of sight.
Taisez-vous et restez hors de vue.
Get inside and stay out of sight.
Entre et reste Ià-dedans.
Stay out of sight.
You have to get into the office and stay out of sight.
Tu dois aller dans le bureau et te cacher.
I think you'd better stay out of sight for a while.
Tu devrais rester planquée un moment.
Just stay here and keep out of sight like I told you.
Reste bien planquée comme je te l'ai dit.
Take your dirty intrigues somewhere else, but get out of my sight and stay out.
Emmène tes sales manigances et disparais de ma vue.
Stay put until we're out of sight.
Ne bougez pas avant que nous soyons loin.
Son, you stay here. Don't let them out of your sight till I get back.
Reste ici et ne les quitte pas des yeux.
Just stay out of sight.
- Yeah, Harry? Keep out of sight and stay away from the police.
Évite la police.
Get out of my sight... and stay away from Spanish Bit as long as I live.
Hors de ma vue... et ne remets plus les pieds à Spanish Bit jusqu'à ma mort.
Stay out of my sight.
Reste hors de ma vue!
And why does he insist that you stay here, out of sight?
Pourquoi veut-il que vous restiez caché ici?
Your hands must learn to stay still. And out of sight.
Tu ne dois pas agiter tes mains, Et il faut les cacher,
Stay with him, never let him out of your sight.
Vous viendrez ensemble, repartirez ensemble.
And you just stay out of the Admiral's sight.
Tu dois rester hors de la vue de l'amiral.
We're going to stay right here and we're not going to let Miss Marple out of our sight.
Nous allons rester ici. Nous ne quitterons pas Miss Marple des yeux.
You'd better stay out of my sight, young lady!
Ne croisez plus mon chemin!
And stay out of sight until I give the signal.
Et restez caché jusqu'à mon signal.
Stay with him and don't let him out of sight until those papers are signed.
Ne le perdez pas de vue, jusqu'à la signature.
I promised to stay in my room, out of sight.
J'avais promis de rester dans ma chambre.
You're perfectly welcome to stay, as long as you keep out of sight.
Tu peux rester, mais hors de vue.
It seems to me as how it might serve some military purpose... for someone to stay behind, and kinda out of sight.
Militairement parlant, il est utile de laisser une arrière-garde. C'est vrai.
So long as I stay alive and healthy it stays tucked away and out of sight.
Tant que je suis en vie, il restera là où il est.
now listen, sandra go to the studio with john john stay there and don't let him out of your sight yeah, sure jerry, we'd better get a move on we only have god knows what else will happen
Ecoute, Sandra Va à mon cabinet avec John John Restez-y et ne le laisse pas seul.
Stay here, keep out of sight.
Restez ici. Cachez-vous.

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