They all did tradutor Francês
1,231 parallel translation
As a matter of fact, they all did, but they wouldn't smoke in his car.
Personne n'aurait fumé dans sa voiture.
They all did, but Orbison had that fantastic voice
Tous d'ailleurs, mais Orbison avait une voix fantastique
All that hard work they did, they did for you.
Ce travail, ils l'ont fait pour vous.
- Did they shut us all down in there?
Ils ont tout coupé?
If we all have our own... individual, unique... soul... where did they all come from?
Si chacun de nous... a son âme unique, individuelle... d'où viennent-elles?
Think about all the right-wing assholes the world would've been better off without if someone had wasted them before they did any damage.
Songe à tous ces connards de fachos sans lesquels le monde irait mieux si on les avait éliminés avant qu'ils ne sévissent.
If such tapes exist, they could tell us, once and for all what did the president know, and when did he know it. I want Hunt paid.
Si ces bandes existent, elles peuvent enfin révéler... ce que savait le président et quand il le savait.
Do you think they'll remember us, Henry, after all the great things you and I did together, as some kind of... of crooks?
Penses-tu qu'ils se souviendront de nous, Henry... après toutes les grandes choses que toi et moi avons faites... comme une sorte... de paire d'escrocs?
Did you know they make contact lenses now... that can protect your eyes from the sun all the time?
Tu sais qu'ils font des lentilles de contact qui protègent tout le temps les yeux du soleil?
Josefina, Sebastian, Teresa all of you we all fight for the same things as they did.
Josefina, Sebastian, tous ici, nous nous battons pour la même chose qu'eux.
After all we did for Great Britain selling all that corduroy and making it swing they just gave us a bloody old leather medal with wooden string through it
Aprés tout ce que nous avions fait pour la Grande-Bretagne Les ventes de velours côtelé étaient en hausse, le pays swinguait et on nous donnaitjuste une petite médaille de merde
They did carry guns after all so you weren't too gung-ho
Et comme ils portaient des fusils, on n'avait pas envie de faire les cons
They had him on medication for it. All the good it did him.
Les médicaments ne lui font rien du tout.
If Nog says so, they did. He knows all about Earth history.
- Si Nog le dit, c'est que c'est vrai.
Unless the public learns why the Sanctuary residents did what they did, all those deaths will be for nothing.
Si personne ne sait pourquoi ils ont agi de la sorte, tous ces gens seront morts pour rien.
And when they did an autopsy to try and figure it out all they could find was a bunch of snakes squirming around inside her belly.
Ils ont fait une autopsie pour en savoir plus. Ils ont trouvé un nid de serpents dans son ventre.
Did you fantasize that Vaughan was photographing... all these sex acts as though they were traffic accidents?
Ça t'excitait de savoir que Vaughan prenait des photos... de ces actes sexuels comme s'il s'agissait d'accident?
I know you know your job but we did a simulation. They're all gonna be dead before you get through.
Tu connais ton boulot mais cette simulation a montré qu'ils mourront tous!
They did all kinds of experiments on me!
Ils m'ont fait subir plein d'expériences!
And basically that's what they did because of what Jessie told them, even though it had all those inconsistencies in it.
C'est exactement ce qu'ils ont fait, simplement à cause de ce que Jessie a dit, malgré toutes les incohérences.
Did they all have the jawbone of an ass?
Etaient-ils tous armés d'une mâchoire d'âne?
Uh, did they all come out okay?
- Merci. Elles sont toutes bien sorties?
The Zaireans kicked us out and they did not want us around, and they want the fight to go on, that's all there is to it.
Les zaïrois nous ont virés, ils ne voulaient pas de nous, ils veulent le match. C'est ça, le problème.
All I had to do was arrange for the regent's men to take possession, and they did.
Je le mettais à la disposition... de ses hommes, et c'est ce que j'ai fait.
Then they start going, " It'll be all right if you just say you did it.
Elles disent : "Tout ira bien si tu dis que tu l'as fait."
Why did they all move away?
- Pourquoi sont-ils tous partis?
When exactly did they all become animals?
Quand exactement sont-ils devenus des animaux?
So did they give you a name... along with all those rippling pectorals?
Quel nom a-t-on donné pour aller avec ces pectoraux?
Well, they did all these tests'n'experiments'n'stuff on me, then I overheard them talking about their plan to take over the earth.
Ils ont fait plein d'expériences sur moi et ils ont parlé de s'emparer de la terre.
I don't know how these things usually go but did you hear all those compliments they made?
Je ne sais pas comment ça se passe d'habitude, mais j'étais attentif. J'ai entendu le beau compliment que t'a fait le petit assis au fond :
Fifth grade, all right? She did two things to us in fifth grade. She taught us what impure thoughts were... and she used to come into the boys'room... during the two times of the day you could go to pee... they march you down in a straight line... you go in and pee... and she'd come in there and watch us pee... to make sure that we weren't playing with ourselves.
En seconde, elle a fait deux choses : elle nous parlait des pensées impures et elle rentrait dans les toilettes des garçons les deux fois où on pouvait aller pisser.
They all thought it was quite strange... and'Midnight Lamp'sort of threw them a little bit but they liked it... and did a great job on it.
C'était assez étrange. Midnight Lamp les déroutait un peu, mais elles ont assuré.
He only did the first sketches. But they took all day.
C'était une esquisse, mais ça a pris la journée.
Shadows couldn't have done all they did alone.
Les Ombres n'auraient pas pu faire tout cela seuls.
I hope you did. They're all true.
J'espère que vous lui avez dit la vérité.
And all I wanna know is... how they did it.
Tout ce que j'aimerai savoir c'est... comment ils ont fait.
They think I did all of'em.
- Coupable de tous les autres.
No, they were there all night. They did it three times each. Plus, after the first go, they removed the gag and replaced it with what I'm told is a piss gag.
Ils le faisaient trois fois chacun et après le premier tour, ils remplaçaient le bâillon par un autre trempé de pisse.
They stopped me from gettin'us all there, but you had to be put... where you'd be safe, and I did that.
Ils m'en ont empêchée, mais je devais te mettre à l'abri.
And they did this all by themselves?
Ils faisaient tout? Tout seuls?
It must have been strange for you when you were a hostage, surrounded by all the friends and family you knew all those years ago, each one looking exactly as they did then.
Être otage chez vous a dû vous choquer. Tous vos proches vous entourant comme avant. Chacun ayant gardé son apparence d'antan.
They're wondering where we've been all these years how they did without us.
Ils se demandent pourquoi on a tant tardé. Comment ils ont fait, avant.
How did they treat you in camp, man? - All right.
- Ils t'ont bien traité?
I see what you're saying but you already brought in those Xmas elves, and all they did was eat leftover dough!
Je vous vois venir mais j'ai déjà eu affaire aux deux nains et ils mangeaient tout.
When did they think they were gonna watch all of this?
Quand pensaient-ils regarder tout ça?
I only started because all my mates did. Peer pressure, they call it.
J'ai commencé parce que les copains m'ont mis la pression.
They won't surrender. show them all your strength and power, as you did all along.
Montrons-Ieur notre force et notre supériorité.
But the things they did with it, in A Matter of Life and Death for example, all those incredible shots of the ceiling of the hospital as David Niven is being wheeled in.
Les effets obtenus sur Une question de vie et de mort... comme par exemple, ces plans des plafonds de l'hôpital... au moment où David Niven est admis.
No, but the one thing I did notice was that he and that other admiral, they didn't seem like they got along all that well.
Non, mais j'ai remarqué que lui et l'autre amiral n'avaient pas l'air de s'entendre.
What I wanna know is... when did all the men get together and decide... that they would only get it up for giraffes with big breasts?
Ce que je veux savoir... c'est quand les hommes se sont mis d'accord pour décider... qu'ils ne banderaient plus que pour des girafes aux gros seins?
They all know you did this to them.
Ils savent que c'est de votre faute.
they all are 95
they all look alike 19
they all look the same 38
they all do 71
they all say that 30
they all die 24
they all were 22
they all 24
they all died 28
did you sleep well 186
they all look alike 19
they all look the same 38
they all do 71
they all say that 30
they all die 24
they all were 22
they all 24
they all died 28
did you sleep well 186
didn 48
didi 196
did you 5422
diddy 20
diddle 17
didier 45
did i stutter 40
diddly 34
didn't 148
did you like it 169
didi 196
did you 5422
diddy 20
diddle 17
didier 45
did i stutter 40
diddly 34
didn't 148
did you like it 169