Try and remember tradutor Francês
399 parallel translation
Try and remember what was said, Jan. You refused, and he said what?
Tâchez de vous rappeler les mots. Vous avez refusé. Qu'a-t-il dit?
Try and remember, Katherine.
Essayez de vous souvenir.
I'll try and remember.
J'en prends note.
Please try and remember.
I'll try and remember that, when I'm on the witness stand singing.
J'essaierai de m'en souvenir quand je témoignerai.
Now dear... Try and remember just what happened.
Essayez de vous souvenir de ce qui s'est passé.
Let's both try and remember that.
Souviens-toi de ça.
Mose, try and remember.
- Try and remember.
- Essayez de vous rappeler.
Now, try and remember, you're not going out to rehearse a water ballet.
Maintenant, essayez de vous rappeler, que vous ne sortez pas pour préparer un ballet aquatique.
Come on, Chester, try and remember. Try real hard.
Essaie de te souvenir.
I hope you'll try and remember that.
Essaie de t'en souvenir.
Try and remember your reaction and describe it exactly...
Ce soir, essayez de noter précisément
I must try and remember what happened.
Je dois me rappeler ce qui s'est passé.
Just try and remember the right spell.
Essaye juste de te souvenir de la bonne incantation.
I'll try and remember how Mother did it.
Je vais essayer de refaire ce que Mère a fait.
Now I want you to try and remember... who else saw the child since you came to England... apart from you and your brother?
Je veux que vous vous souveniez qui d'autre a vu l'enfant depuis votre arrivée ici, à part vous et votre frère?
Well, you have to try and remember that spell.
Tu dois te souvenir de la formule.
And please, try and remember that spell.
Et essaie de te rappeler de la formule magique.
Did you, Ben? Try and remember.
- Essaie de te souvenir.
Do please try and remember your lines.
Essayez de ne pas oublier votre texte.
- I'll try and remember that.
- J'essaierai de m'en souvenir.
I'll try and remember that.
J'essaierai de m'en rappeler.
Do try and remember.
Essaie de t'en souvenir.
I want you to try and remember as far back as you can.
Va chercher tes souvenirs aussi loin que tu le pourras. On revient en arrière.
Take a good look at him, Dad, and try to remember him, because... he's going to be your son-in-law.
Regarde-le bien, papa. Ne l'oublie pas... il va devenir ton gendre.
And please try to remember, should anything happen to me, you remain the hideous monster that you are.
Souvenez-vous bien : s'il m'arrivait quelque chose, vous resteriez le monstre hideux que vous êtes.
Now, captain, please leave my house... and try to remember not to come here again.
M. Butler, veuillez sortir... et ne plus revenir ici!
But you remember and try to make her glad tomorrow of the choice she made without letting her know I told you so.
Mais demain, essaie de la rendre heureuse des choix qu'elle a faits, sans lui faire savoir que je te l'ai dit.
- It'll be in all the dreadful scandal sheets! I know! I've been racking my brains to try and remember what it was I said.
Si au moins je me rappelais ce que j'ai dit!
Don't you remember me? Try and think, David.
Tu te souviens de moi?
And try to remember your form.
Pensez bien à la méthode.
I try to remember that Marshal Pétain is an old man now and in the hands of the barbarians.
Pétain est à présent un vieillard aux mains des barbares.
And, Edith, as you're not in the navy, it's unnecessary to do everything at the double. - And, Edith, when you're serving dinner... try to remember to do it calmly and methodically. - Very good, ma'am.
Rien ne vous oblige à toujours courir.
And I'll try not to remember you.
J'essaierai de vous oublier.
And now, remember, you men, If you flush him, don't try to shoot it out with him. He's quicker than a black-headed snake.
Rappelez-vous que si vous le repérez, n'essayez pas de l'affronter.
If I sound brash and more like a banker than a scientist, try to remember that it takes money to run an institute like ours.
Je parle en banquier plutôt qu'en scientifique car le fonctionnement de l'institut revient cher.
Darling, I want you to remember one thing and please try to remember it I love you with all my heart.
Dis moi. Chérie, je te veux te rappeler une chose... Et essaye de t'en souvenir... Je t'aime de tout mon cœur.
Try to remember that you are dealing with a fellow man And all the hopes that I've pinned on you
Gardez à l'esprit que je ne suis qu'un homme et que j'ai placé de grands espoirs en vous.
Now, remember, all you have to do is speak your lines clearly try not to trip over the furniture and we'll run longer than The Mousetrap.
Souvenez-vous, articulez vos répliques. Ne trébuchez pas sur les meubles et nous durerons plus longtemps que Piège à souris.
Stay in there and try to remember.
Entrez et essayez de vous souvenir.
Was there a nobleman from Córdoba and two women yesterday? Try to remember : a nobleman from Córdoba.
Un gentilhomme de Cordoue est-il venu... hier avec deux dames?
We've got to try and slip through them, but remember : not a sound... not a sound.
Nous devons essayer de passer entre eux, mais rappelez-vous : pas un bruit... pas un bruit.
I'm going upstairs and try to remember that murder is against the law.
Je vais essayer de me convaincre que le meurtre est contraire à la loi.
Now I shall try very hard to remember all your names, but it's going to be easier for you because you've only got one to remember, and that's Miss Mayfield.
Je m'efforcerai de retenir vos noms, mais vous n'en avez qu'un seul à retenir, et c'est Mlle Mayfield.
And remember try to find out Jerome.
Et rappelle-toi essaye de trouver Jerome.
Try and remember.
Réfléchissez bien.
I don't have the blue dress, and I don't have the gloves, and I don't think you're going to try on these sunglasses, but maybe she'll remember you anyhow, wig or no wig
Je n'ai ni la robe bleue ni les gants, et je ne pense pas que vous voudrez mettre les lunettes, mais elle vous reconnaîtra peut-être. Avec ou sans perruque.
Try to remember why you couldn't move your hands and feet.
Vous ne pouviez bouger ni pieds ni mains?
Try to get a move on, and remember to turn off the lights.
Essayez de vous grouiller. Et n'oubliez pas d'éteindre larampe.
'Then try to remember it and think of my position.'
Alors justement, essaie de te mettre à ma place.
try and keep up 31
try and relax 30
try and get some rest 17
try and stop me 45
try and understand 17
try and get some sleep 23
and remember 695
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
try and relax 30
try and get some rest 17
try and stop me 45
try and understand 17
try and get some sleep 23
and remember 695
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
remember who you are 28
remember your training 25
remember this 223
remember this day 16
remember your promise 19
remember when 16
remember when we were kids 18
remember us 50
remember this one 18
remember what i taught you 16
remember your training 25
remember this 223
remember this day 16
remember your promise 19
remember when 16
remember when we were kids 18
remember us 50
remember this one 18
remember what i taught you 16