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Neither was i tradutor Português

243 parallel translation
You were not happy and naturally you not being happy, neither was I.
Não eras feliz... Então também eu não o era. A culpa era minha.
Neither was I.
Eu também näo.
George wasn't there, and neither was I.
George não estava lá, e eu também não.
Neither was I nor my grandfather.
Nem eu nem o meu avô.
Neither was I, Pooh.
Nem eu, Pooh.
Neither was I.
- Nem eu.
Neither was I.
Nem eu.
For a moment there, neither was I.
Por uma momento, nem eu.
- Neither was I.
- Aconteceu-me o mesmo.
No, sir, neither was I. Agent Mulder?
Eu também não. - Agente Mulder?
Neither was I.
Eu também não.
I hope neither of us was kidding.
Espero que nenhum de nós estivesse a brincar.
- Neither do I, now, but just a little while ago it was going like this...
- Agora também eu não, mas se a visses ainda agora, era assim...
She hadn't told me who you were or that she had known you before. And to be perfectly frank, i was so overwrought when i got there that neither your name nor your personality was sufficiently impressive to arrest the pent-Up feelings that had accumulated on the way.
E com toda franqueza, eu estava tão... esgotado que nem seu nome, nem seu... personalidade bastaram para vencer a contrariedade que me embargava.
What I saw in them was neither anger, nor sorrow,
O que vi neles não era nem raiva, nem pena,
- Neither did I. - If I'd seen who it was...
Se eu tivesse visto... quem era...
Neither did I, but I was desperate.
Eu tampouco, mas estava desesperado.
Neither he nor I could suspect there was a third party who would stop at nothing to forestall us.
Nenhum de nós podia suspeitar que podia existir outros interessados disposto a adiantarem-se a nós.
She was going outside to help you. How, I don't know. And neither did she.
Ela ia ajudá-lo lá fora, mas nenhum de nós sabia como.
I'm lost in the city. I was neither born nor raised in one.
Acho que não me sinto bem numa grande cidade porque não foi onde nasci nem onde cresci.
You killed him, or I did, maybe it was something neither of us could help or anybody.
Está bem, você o matou, ou fui eu? ou talvez fosse algo que nenhum de nós o pudesse evitar, ou ninguém.
Neither did your dad when I met him. He was one of our bookkeepers.
Olhe, o seu pai, quando nos conhecemos era um dos nossos contabilistas.
As this creature first came in sight... I doubted my own sanity, and many minutes passed... before I succeeded in convincing myself... that I was neither mad nor in a dream.
Quando essa criatura se mostrou pela primeira vez, duvidei da minha própria razão e muitos minutos se passaram antes de convencer a mim mesmo de que não estava louco e nem sonhando
But, as I! by a miracle, neither he no! anyone else was hurt.
Mas, como que por milagre, nem ele nem ninguém ficou ferido.
Your father was a man that gave law officering a bad name so I won't enjoy hanging you, but I won't be too upset neither.
O teu pai era um homem que deu má reputação aos agentes da Lei... por isso não vou gostar de os enforcar, mas não me preocupo.
I must stress that the brain itself was well preserved and that there was no damage to the brain. Neither was there damage to other portions of the skull.
Devo salientar que o cérebro estava bem conservado e que não apresentava danos.
Me neither, when I was 30 years lighter.
Eu também não, quando tinha menos 30 anos.
I didn't know Dawn was here. No, neither did I.
- Não sabia que a Dawn estava cá.
He became an obsession with me until I realized that there was nothing within him, neither conscience nor reason, that was even remotely human.
Tornou-se uma obsessão para mim até eu perceber que não tinha nem consciência nem razão remotamente humanas.
Me neither. I was on the other side of town when we burned her.
Estava do outro lado da cidade quando a queimámos
Neither did I. I came here a couple months ago to help my aunt, and I was shocked.
Também eu. Vim para cá há uns meses para ajudar a minha tia e fiquei chocada.
I was never lonely... neither when I was alone, nor with others.
Nunca fui solitária. Nem quando estava só, nem quando com alguém.
Neither could I. But I had. So maybe there was a reason. Some kinda message in it all.
Richard disse que tinha uma verdadeira... texturalidade ou textualidade, ou algo assim.
Now that I was dead, I could do what I wanted... and go where I wanted, and neither Pap nor Miss Watson would ever try and follow me.
Agora que estava morto, podia fazer o que quizesse e ir onde quizesse, e nem o meu Pai ou a Sra. Watson alguma vez me iam tentar seguir.
Yes, I liked them both, and neither one of them was suicidal.
Eu gostava dos ambos e nenhum era suicida.
Neither did I. I was just asking.
- Eu também não. Foi só para saber.
I mean, I was no angel when we met, but neither was she.
Sim, com certeza. Eu não era nenhum anjo quando nos conhecemos. Nem ela.
You weren't who you said you were so I wasn't who I thought I was... so neither of us were there
Não eras quem disseste que eras e eu não fui quem pensava que era. Nenhum de nós existiu.
I wrestled it away from three sharks who was eyeing'it for breakfast. At no small threat to me life, neither.
Consegui retirá-lo lutando contra três tubarões para quem ia servindo de refeição, e com grande perigo para a minha vida.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
I mean, neither of us was born on the day we fell in love.
Nenhum de nós nasceu no dia em que nos apaixonámos.
I knew from my first day at Wilkinson that I was neither tough nor strong.
Eu sabia desde o primeiro dia que não era corajoso nem forte.
- Well, I wasn't the one who solved the problem... and neither was Lisa. - But?
- Mas?
Neither can I. I was only insulting him this morning.
Nem eu. Ainda hoje de manhã o insultei.
It's an ocean liner that sails from London to New York,'cause I wasn't keen on flying then and neither was your father.
É um cruzeiro oceânico que vai de Londres para Nova lorque, porque eu não queria ir de avião, e ele também não.
But if you didn't think I was in trouble, you wouldn't be here. And neither would you.
Mas se não achasses que eu estava em sarilhos, não estarias aqui, nem tu.
I wish it was neither of us... but the fact is, I'm glad it's not just me.
Gostaria que não fosse nenhum de nós... mas o facto é que estou contente por não ser só eu.
With you, I was neither Hyun nor Hee
Os tempos que passei contigo são toda a minha vida.
Neither would I. It was a great plan.
Nem isso. Era um ótimo plano.
I realized that neither of us would ever fundamentally change but we were talking about it. And maybe that was the biggest change of all.
Percebi que nenhum de nós mudaria fundamentalmente, mas estávamos a falar disso e talvez essa fosse a maior das mudanças.
- I was doing neither.
- Não fiz nada disso.

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