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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You found them

You found them tradutor Português

526 parallel translation
( Sgt. Markoff ) Drive them out where you found them. Keep them away from the oasis.
Leve-os até onde os encontraram e passem longe do oásis.
Put these back where you found them.
Põe as cartas onde as encontraste.
The gentleman says put them back where you found them.
O cavalheiro diz para as pores onde as encontraste.
So you found them after all.
Então, encontrou-as, afinal.
You found them?
- Achou-os?
Could you put these back as you found them?
Você poderia colocá-los de volta como os encontrou?
Put those pictures back where you found them. - Here's some coffee for the gentlemen.
Rabenstein, ponha às fotos onde estavam!
You found them on the moon, didn't you?
Vocês a encontraram na Lua, não foi?
- Have you found them?
- Have you found them?
- Você as encontrou?
Lieutenant Arex, have you found them yet?
Tenente Arex, já os localizou?
Have you found them?
Então, encontraram-nos?
So you found them... after all.
Encontrou-o. Apesar de tudo.
You found them?
Have you found them?
Encontraram-nos? Lamento.
I haven't finished with chef yet, Sybil. Why didn't you tell me you found them, you stupid cow?
Porque não disseste que os tinhas encontrado?
- You found them all, massa.
- Já encontraste tudo.
Already you found them?
Já os encontraste?
You found them
Você encontrou eles
Where you found them, where they came from.
Onde os encontraste. Donde vêm.
I better let them know that I found you.
Vou dizer-lhes que te encontrei.
- You haven't found them yet?
- Ainda não as encontrou?
I want you to tell them where you found it.
Quero que lhes digas, onde o encontraste.
You think we found them on the street?
Achas que achámos as 30 barricas à beira da estrada?
Just a case of I came home that night when they didn't expect me and I found the two of them together, and what happened after that, I've told you time and again.
Aconteceu eu ter regressado naquela noite, quando não me esperavam, e encontrei os dois juntos, e o que aconteceu depois disso, já o disse várias vezes.
But them nuggets you found must come from some place!
As pepitas que você achou vieram de algum lugar.
I've just found them. How long since any of you have been down in one of your mines?
Há quanto tempo é que não descem às vossas minas?
- I found them... - That's fine, thank you.
- Estavam no chão, dentro da água.
Tell them you found the money, that you'd misplaced it.
Podia declarar que voltou a encontrar o dinheiro, que foi um engano.
You tell him that Chino found out about them... and shot her!
Digam-lhe que o Chino descobriu o que se passou entre eles. E matou-a.
Have you never imagined you saw someone you knew, and walked up to them and found they were a perfect stranger?
Nunca pensou ter reconhecido alguém e depois perceber que se enganara?
- Do you know where he found them?
- Sabe onde ele as encontrou?
Monsieur Paganel, show them the note you found in the bottle.
Eu sei. Senhor Paganel, Mostre-lhe a mensagem da garrafa.
Send them along, and anything else you found.
Mandem isto junto e tudo o que encontrarem.
I found that the films I've made that I didn't like when I finished them, they had a life of their own, you know?
Descobri que os filmes que fiz e de que não gostava, quando os acabava, tinham vida própria, sabe?
I remember it started and then I could only see them like you found down there.
Não sei como começou, mas comecei a vê-los a eles... Tal como os encontrou...
Any one of them could've found you.
Qualquer um deles podia chegar a si, como eu o fiz.
You're going to leave here without them and run off on some wild-goose chase halfway across the galaxy just because you found a discrepancy in a hydrogen cloud?
Vai sair daqui sem eles? E ir à caça de gambozinos, só porque encontrou uma discrepância numa nuvem? !
... but you know, Harry's clothes, the ones we found by the pool, he didn't wear them that night according to the inspector.
Mas, sabe... as roupas do Harry, as que achamos na piscina, ele não as usou naquela noite, de acordo com o inspetor.
Evidently we were wrong because you haven't found them yet!
É evidente que nos enganámos, porque ainda não os encontrou!
Then, as Armando says, you can travel with them to Florida, found your own colony in the Everglades and live happily ever after.
Então, como diz o Armando, podem ir com eles para a Florida, fundar uma colónia nos Everglades e viver felizes para sempre.
You see, we found that when the plaster swells, it makes them appear a half to a full size larger than they really are. - No kidding?
Descobrimos que, quando o gesso incha, fá-las parecer um tamanho ou dois acima do que são na realidade.
Well, I always did want to give them what I'd learned about flying, if that's what you mean by love, but I never found the way.
Bom, eu sempre lhes quis dar o que aprendi sobre voar, se é isso que entendes por amor, mas nunca descobri como.
( man ) They issued us galoshes affer the rains had stopped. If anybody was in the galoshes business, he could have found millions along the roadside, because you couldn't walk with them.
Mandaram-nos botas de borracha depois de a chuva ter parado, e quem estivesse nesse negócio encontrava milhões nas estradas, pois não conseguíamos andar com elas.
I was rather hoping that instead of just dumping the bricks in a pile, you might have found time to cement them together, you know, one on top of the other, in the traditional fashion. Could you fill it in, please?
Pode preencher o formulário?
But foolishly I went on living, and for nearly 20 years compared all men to you and found them wanting.
Mas insensatamente continuei a viver, e durante quase 20 anos comparei todos os homens consigo e achei-os desprovidos de tudo.
You heard the inscription, the Arkadians took the seeds with them. They found a new Arkadia - Earth.
Vocês viram o que estava escrito, os Arkadianos levaram as sementes com eles, eles encontraram uma nova Arkadia, a Terra.
Send in a photo of him to list with "dog found"... and the owner will find you if he checks with them.
Envie uma foto dele dizendo "cão encontrado" e o dono encontrá-la-á se verificar com eles.
If you're looking for the A-Team, Miss Griffin... you've found them.
Se anda á procura dos Soldados da Fortuna, Sra. Griffin, acabou de os encontrar.
- You found them?
- Sim.
Looking for the A-Team? You've found them.
Encontraram os Soldados da Fortuna.

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