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And she's beautiful перевод на испанский

743 параллельный перевод
She's so young and beautiful.
Es tan joven y hermosa.
Oh, but she's so beautiful. And what a figure she has.
Pero ella es tan guapa y tiene una figura...
You think because she's so beautiful and I'm just...
Lo crees porque es muy guapa y yo sólo...
That's not difficult. I have a special fondness for somebody who stands up and fights back. Particularly if she's a woman who looks extraordinarily beautiful when she's doing it.
Me gusta la gente que se defiende, que lucha sobre todo si se trata de una mujer guapa tan guapa como usted.
Right here in front of us, I see the beautiful Lola Burns. The bombshell herself, folks. And she's dancing with the Marquis di Binelli di Pisa.
En frente de mí está la hermosa Lola Burns, una auténtica bomba, bailando con el Marqués de Binelli di Pisa.
She likes to fly with me, she's a beautiful dancer, and we're both crazy about all kinds of outdoor sport.
Le gusta volar conmigo, Es un óptima bailarina, Y nosotros somos ambos locos por todo Tipo de deporte al aire libre.
She's rich, she's beautiful and she loves him.
Ella es rica, es bonita y le ama.
She claims the privilege of any beautiful woman and changes her mind before she's lost her suitor forever.
Hace uso del privilegio de ser - una mujer bella y cambia de opinión antes de perder a su hombre para siempre.
Yes, and a beautiful her too, and she's signing the contract tonight.
Sí, y es bella. Firmará el contrato esta noche.
Well, and she's beautiful!
Vaya y es preciosa.
She's beautiful and exciting, too, don't you think?
También es preciosa y apasionante, ¿ no cree?
Oh, and she's beautiful.
Ah, y es muy hermosa.
And is she thrilled. It's beautiful.
Y está entusiasmada, es precioso.
She is lovely, she is beautiful... And she's mad at me.
Es agradable, es guapa y está colada por mí.
[Playing introduction] * she's only a bird in a gilded cage * * a beautiful sight to see * * you may think she is happy and free from care * * she's not, though she seems to be *
Sólo es un pájaro en una jaula dorada. Una hermosa visión. Te puede parecer que está contento y libre de preocupaciones.
We'd been happy once. It's just that... she was too spoiled and... too beautiful.
Habíamos sido felices, lo que pasa es que era una niña mimada, demasiado bella.
They tell me she's young, beautiful and really can sing.
He sabido que es joven y bonita y que canta como los ángeles.
I hope she's beautiful and that you have ten children by her.
Deseo que sea hermosa y que tengas 10 hijos con ella.
Fanny, a woman is beautiful when she's loved. And only then.
Fanny, una mujer sólo es hermosa cuando es amada.
And then I find you pawing at her. Trying to mislead her because she's beautiful. Trying to influence her.
Y te encuentro intentando aprovecharte de su belleza intentando presionarla para que se aleje de mí.
Barbara is a beautiful woman... and she's pursued you ever since you've been here.
Barbara es preciosa y le persigue.
She's a young, beautiful woman, and I... I am not a rich man.
Es joven y guapa, y yo no soy rico.
You know she's getting so she wants to boss everything and everybody! She's grown too beautiful for her own good!
Tu Jenny quiere mandar en todo y en todos.
She's too young and beautiful.
Yo sólo soy un viejo arenque seco, ella es demasiado joven y hermosa.
She's good and she's beautiful.
Es buena y es linda.
- And she's very beautiful.
- Y es muy guapa.
How beautiful is my wife how well she can cook and she's the best at sewing and ironing.
Qué bonita es mi mujer, qué bien sabe cocinar y es muy hacha pa'coser y pa'planchar.
And she's beautiful too.
- Y es muy guapa.
And she's got beautiful eyes.
¿ Lo ve?
To me and to her dad she's beautiful She's beautiful We're keeping her here
Para mí y para su padre, es muy bonita...
She's beautiful and will probably marry one of those fellows that proposed to her.
Está más guapa y seguramente se case con alguno de sus muchos pretendientes.
She's a woman, a beautiful and desirable one... as you well realize.
Es una mujer, una mujer hermosa y atractiva... como usted bien se da cuenta.
She's so beautiful and so nice.
Es tan hermosa y tan amable.
Oh, it's a long story and she's too beautiful to be forgiven.
Hombre, es muy larga la historia, y ella es demasiado hermosa para que la perdone.
'" and although she's very beautiful,
" Dora La Peligrosa clama misericordia,
# Girls and women, they're beautiful... # #.. but I love Stella, she's also beautiful. #
# Las chicas y las mujeres son bellas, son bellas, # #... pero yo amo a Stella, que es bella, es bella. #
Just'cause she's beautiful, and she has luscious lips, a beautiful figure and she's pretty, and her hair is shiny and silky and...
Solo porque es guapa, y tiene labios sensuales y una buena figura y es bonita, y tiene un pelo brillante y sedoso y...
She isn't nice and fat... but she's nice and beautiful.
No es muy gorda, pero es muy bonita.
She's beautiful and very ambitious.
Es muy hermosa y ambiciosa.
She's brunette, and quite beautiful.
Es morena, y muy guapa.
She's a beautiful young girl, and you're a reasonably healthy young man.
Ella es una joven muy hermosa y usted un joven razonablemente sano.
She's like a beautiful red rose... and, oh, the finest figure I have ever seen.
Ella es como una hermosa rosa roja... y, ¡ oh, la mejor figura que he visto nunca.
All right, I enjoy her company. And I agree she's a beautiful woman.
Sí, disfruto de su compañía, y me parece hermosa.
She's the smartest girl in the world... she's beautiful, and that's the worst lie of all.
Que si es la chica más lista del mundo... que si es preciosa, y esa es la mayor mentira de todas.
She's a beautiful and bright girl.
Es una guapa y prometedora chica.
She's been enchanted. And no one, except myself, knows how beautiful she is, and how unhappy.
Ella ha sido encantada y nadie, salvo yo, sabe cuán hermosa y desdichada es.
She's soft and beautiful.
Es dulce y bonita.
She's 75 now and quite a beautiful old lady.
Ella ahora tiene 75 años y es una anciana muy bella.
She's the most beautiful girl, subtle, and like transparent.
Una chica preciosa, sutil, como transparente.
She's sweet and bright and beautiful, and I'm not.
Es dulce, brillante y bonita, y yo no.
And as you said, she's beautiful.
Como has dicho, es bellísima.

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