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I asked mr перевод на испанский

492 параллельный перевод
I asked Mr Thorpe and he said I could.
El Sr. Thorpe ha dicho que podía.
I asked Mr. Hopkins to send the ticket to his hotel.
Le pedí al Sr. Hopkins que se lo enviara a su hotel.
Why, I asked Mr. Cromwell if he wanted a cocktail.
Le pregunté al Sr. Cromwell si quería una copa.
It's all right, mammy Lou. I asked Mr. Tench to come over.
Siga adelante como si no le hubiera visto.
I asked Mr. Loursat to observe this interview, given the exceptional nature of his situation.
Yo le pedí al Sr. Loursat que asistiera a esta entrevista, teniendo en cuenta lo especial de su situación.
I asked Mr. Blore to keep an eye on.
Le pedí a Blore que nos vigilara.
I asked Mr. Jerónimo to bring me one of his colleagues in uniform.
Le había pedido al Sr. Jerónimo que trajese uno de sus colegas uniformados.
Sister Clodagh, I didn't know how to tell you, so I asked Mr Dean.
Hermana Clodagh, no sabía como decírselo así que le pregunté al Sr. Dean.
I asked Mr. Ames to autograph his novel for me, and we haven't a copy in the house.
Le pedí al Sr. Ames que me firme su novela, pero no tenemos un ejemplar.
I asked Mr. Coombe here because he's the logical man to help me find lodgers for the summer.
Invité al Sr. Coombe porque es el hombre indicado... para ayudarme a buscar huéspedes para el verano.
The one I asked Mr. Kringle for. It is, it is!
La que le pedí al Sr. Kringle.
And I asked Mr. Retch if he wouldn't put them on the flower room floor and poke a little cement between the cracks and make a stone floor where it might be wet with flowers and things.
Y le pedí al Sr. Retch que las pusiera en el piso del cuartito del jardín porque hacía falta suelo sólido para evitar charcos adonde se mojaría por las flores y cosas.
I'm sorry to trouble you, Mr. Dude, but the Count asked me to get the Spanish Consulate on the phone.
Siento molestarle, pero el Conde acaba de pedirme que llame al Consulado Español.
─ Thanks. I wanted to ask you about a Mr Pettison. Who came to see me and asked for a position.
Quiero hablarle de un tal Sr. Pettison que ha venido a ofrecerme sus servicios.
Mr. Stone, I asked you a question.
- Sr. Stone, le hice una pregunta.
Not until I've asked Mr. Beddini for his wife's hand.
No hasta pedirle al Sr. Beddini la mano de su esposa.
I asked money of Mr. Matsuzaki, because I wanted to marry Jirô as soon as possible, but he thought that I was his mistress.
Le pedí dinero al Sr. Matsuzaki porque quería casarme con Jirô cuanto antes, pero él creía que yo era su amante.
But I want you to know that I have asked Mr. Anstruther to draw up a new will so that, when I die, everything I have will come to you and your family.
Pero quiero que sepas que le he pedido al Señor Anstruther que redacte un nuevo testamento para que, cuando yo muera, todo lo que tenga sea tuyo y de tu familia.
Mr. Washio asked me where I would be going to school next year.
El Sr. Washio me ha preguntado dónde voy a ir a la escuela el año que viene.
I understand Mr Barras asked you to coach his son in the evening and you refused.
Tengo entendido que el Sr. Barras te pidió que ayudaras a su hijo y te negaste.
Bondani asked me if I'd written this letter. It was addressed to Mr. Alfredo Hartman!
Bondani me preguntó si yo había escrito una carta a Alfredo Hartman.
I have some papers here Mr. Kirby asked me to bring over.
Tengo unos documentos que el Sr. Kirby me pidió que trajera.
I heard with my own ears what he told Mr. Meng when he asked him to get his lady friend out of his room.
Oí lo que dijo al Sr. Meng cuando pidió que su amiga se marchara de la casa.
Oh, le conseguí esos folletos que me pidió, Sr. Booth.
I wrote to Mr. Webster and asked him to be the godfather of our first baby. - You don't mind, do you?
No te molesta, ¿ verdad?
The last time I spoke to Mr. Farnsworth, he told me that he loved Miss Logan... that he wanted to marry her, and asked me to divorce him.
La última vez que le hablé, me dijo que amaba a la Srta. Logan, que quería casarse con ella, y que me pediría el divorcio.
I even asked Mr. Jonsie.
Incluso le pregunté al Sr. Jonsie.
He wanted to see Mr. Aysgarth. But when I said he was away, he asked if he might speak to you.
Quería ver al Sr. Aysgarth... pero cuando le dije que no estaba, preguntó por usted.
I'm sorry, madame, but you asked me to tell you if Mr. Dodson leaves his cabin tonight.
Disculpe, señorita, pero me pidió que le dijera si el Sr. Dodson se iba.
Even Mr. Whiteside bit my head off when I asked if he wanted breakfast.
Hasta el Sr. Whiteside se alteró cuando Ie pregunté si desayunaría.
That stupid clerk here asked me if I wanted to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Graham... That would mean that you are married?
¿ Quiere decir que está casado?
Then they asked me if you were the Mr. Hill that spoke up at the farmers meeting last night... and I said, "You bet!"
Luego me preguntaron si eras el Sr. Hill que habló anoche en la reunión de agricultores... y dije, "¡ Puede apostarlo!"
I've asked Mr. Sherlock Holmes to come here.
He pedido a Sherlock Holmes que venga.
And now, in honour of my beloved mother and in tribute to my charming wife I have asked Mr. Cugat to play that music for us tonight.
Y, ahora, en honor de mi querida madre y de mi encantadora esposa he pedido al Sr. Cugat que la interprete.
Mr. O'Malley's here because I asked him.
El señor O'Malley está aquí porque yo se lo pedí.
I have the porter as you asked and the railroad company's sent Mr. Moore to unlock cars.
Con el camarero, como me pidió. La compañía envía al Sr. Moore para que nos abra.
The day that I was let go I asked to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Lamont and Mr. Cleeve told me they were feeling poorly.
El día en que me despidieron, quise hablar con el Sr. y la Sra. Lamont,... pero el Sr. Cleeve me dijo que no se encontraban bien.
I asked my fiance's permission to welcome you and I defended you all afternoon and got fired for it by Mr Noble and almost broke off my engagement and you say I'm turning against you!
Aun así, le pedí permiso a mi prometido... para recibirte del modo que creí que te gustaría. Aunque me haya equivocado, te defendí toda la tarde... - por ello me despidió el Sr. Noble...
You were to have gone with the Wing Commander, Mr. Manning, but I happen to be rejoining my outfit not far from your own destination, so they asked me to bring you down from London.
Debía irse con el Teniente Coronel, Sr. Manning... pero me reuniré con mi equipo no lejos de su destino... y por eso me pidieron que lo lleve.
I didn't know what it meant when Mr. Joppe came to see me and asked me to help him prove that Jarnac had been killed.
No lo comprendí cuando el señor Jarnac vino a pedirme que le ayudara a probar que habían matado a Jarnac.
But Mr. Gray asked me to bring you this letter when I got back from the station.
EI Sr. Gray me pidió que le diera esta carta al volver de la estación.
- I asked you to forgive me, Mr. Kent.
- Le pedí que me perdonara, Sr. Kent.
No, Mr. Quincey. You asked to see her, but I don't see any reason for that now.
No, señor Quincey, ha solicitado verla, pero no hay motivo para ello.
- I'm very sorry, sir, but since Mr. Sebastian asked me not to disturb him, I don't know...
- Lo siento mucho, señor pero como el Sr. Sebastian me pidió que no lo molestara, no sé...
So, I asked Mr. Gaising to meet me here.
Bueno, una promesa es una promesa.
I asked you to start undressing, Mr Marlowe.
Le pedí que se desvistiera, Sr. Marlowe.
I've already asked the maid to prepare the rooms, but Mrs Carlota says Mr Anastácio is set on going to the lmpério.
Ya mandé preparar las habitaciones, pero doña Carlota dice que su marido se quiere ira la fuerza al Império.
I asked Pietro to cut some roses for your aunt. That was very considerate of you, mr.
- Es Vd. muy amable, pero...
I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you were up, sir. Mr. Howard asked me to drive him to the station.
- Lo siento, señor, digo, perdone, no sabía que estaba levantado, el Sr. Howard me pidió que lo llevase a la estación...
Mr. Triton, I've asked these gentlemen to...
Sr. Triton, le pedí a estos señores...
Mr. Latimer's been very busy. He hasn't asked for any of his calls. I've quite a list of them.
El Sr. Latimer me ha pedido que me limite a anotar sus llamadas.

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