She told you перевод на испанский
8,208 параллельный перевод
I can't believe she told you.
No puedo creer que te dijo.
She told you that?
Ella te dijo eso?
Told me that she told you stuff about my mother so that I'd get all caught up in you.
Me ha dicho que te contó cosas sobre mi madre para que me colase por ti.
She told you to take this.
Ella le dijo que tomara esto.
She told you that?
¿ Te dijo eso?
This Operation Troy, the one that I... she told you about...
Esta Operación Troy, de la que yo- - Ella, le habló...
Plus, Miller, tell her what she told you about that night.
Además, Miller, dile lo que te dijo sobre esa noche.
I told you she'd never leave me.
Les dije que nunca me dejaría.
And then... you told me that she was dead.
Y entonces... Ud. me dice que estaba muerta.
She told me how much you enjoy your maid, and I'd like to have someone that I could enjoy as well.
Me dijo lo mucho que disfrutas de tu criado... y me gustaría tener a alguien que yo pudiera disfrutar también.
She told me you'd say that.
- Me dijo que dirías eso.
She told me you'd say that, too.
También me dijo que dirías eso.
So you told evelyn everything, and she didn't fire you?
¿ Así que le contaste todo a Evelyn y no te despidió?
You told me she was murdered.
Me dijiste que fue asesinada.
I told you, she can't be trusted.
Os dije que no se podía confiar en ella.
I told her to show it to you before she goes to bed.
Le he dicho que te los enseñe antes de irse a la cama.
I told you I knew that she did it, David. I knew it!
Te dije que sabía que ella lo había hecho, David. ¡ Lo sabía!
Jaggi, you told me she likes Punjabi food.
Jaggi, Dijiste que le gustaba la comida Punjabi.
What I want to know, were you told, before you asked her to marry you, how bad she was?
¿ Se te dijo, antes de pedirle que se casase contigo, lo mal que estaba?
Out of loyalty... she came to you and told you that she believed your father was paying off the teams you played.
Por lealtad... vino a usted y le dijo que creía que su padre sobornaba a los equipos con los que jugaban,
I haven't told my mom about us yet because she doesn't understand why I broke up with Scott and she knows how hard it was for us when you got back from the war.
No le he dicho a mi mamá acerca de nosotros todavía porque ella no entiende por qué se rompió con Scott y ella sabe lo difícil que fue para nosotros cuando volviste de la guerra.
I... I assumed she had told you.
Yo... yo supuse que usted había dicho.
And had you told me that she was here, I would've told you.
Y si hubieras me dijo que ella estaba aquí, yo he dicho.
She told us where to find you.
Ella nos dijo dónde encontrarte.
She told me, um, you're expecting a child and, uh, it's gonna be a little boy.
Me dijo que estás esperando un bebé y será un pequeño varón.
I told you she'd be upset.
Te dije que ella estaría molesta
Uh, you told me that you and your mom don't really speak anymore and the only real connection you have with her now is when you eat lasagna, which was your favorite meal she made when you were growing up.
Me dijiste que tu madre y tú, ya no se hablaban y que el único vinculo, que te queda con ella, es cuando comes lasaña, que era, tu plato favorito de pequeño.
They kidnapped you in the dead of night and told your mother they would slit your throat if she tried to contact me again.
Os raptaron bajo las sombras de la noche y le dijeron a tu madre que te degollarían si intentaba volver a ponerse en contacto conmigo.
A little bird told me you and she have been friends for a while.
Un pajarito me ha dicho que tú y ella llevan siendo amigas un tiempo.
Then she hasn't told you that she murdered Geoff Armstrong?
Entonces ella no le dijo que asesinó a Geoff Armstrong?
She told me you were alive.
Me dijo estabas vivo.
I told you she wouldn't know who DiMaggio was.
Te dije que no sabría quién era Joe DiMaggio.
My mother, she sent me to live with relatives on the farm that I told you about.
Mi madre me mandó a vivir con unos parientes en la granja de la que te hablé.
She told me you wanted to run away with her and she didn't know how to break the truth to you.
Ella me dijo que querías huir con ella y ella no sabía cómo para romper la verdad sobre tí.
Yes, she told me to tell you she's running a few minutes behind.
Me pidió que te dijera que está atrasada unos minutos.
I told you, she was in the year above me at school.
Ya te dije, era un año mayor que yo en la escuela.
I told her you didn't want to talk, and she said to give you a message.
Le dije que no querías hablar y me dijo que te diera un mensaje.
She told me to tell you,
Dijo que te dijera,
I wish you'd tell Jane this,'cause she told me these are the worst.
Desearía que le contases a Jane esto, porque me dijo que eran las peores.
But she also didn't want to hear "I told you so."
Pero no quería que le dijera "Te lo dije".
Why does she think I never told you I was pregnant?
¿ Por qué ella piensa que nunca te dije que estaba embarazada?
You guys, this is so incredibly cheesy. See, I told you she'd say that.
Lo ves, te dije que diría eso.
When I told you about her the other day, you stood there, acting like you had no idea who she was.
Cuando te hablé de ella el otro día te quedaste ahí, haciendo como que no tenías ni idea de quién era.
And it did, and she told her mom, and her mom freaked, And then, he wasn't allowed to go with you.
Y lo hizo, y ella se lo dijo a su madre, y su madre se asustó, y luego, no le permitió ir contigo.
She told me you got away.
Ella me dijo que tienes lejos.
Only girl you've ever loved is Elena. Your mother's name is Roberta. You told me once she's pretty.
La única chica que has amado es Elena tu madre se llama Roberta.
If you knew she wasn't going to go through with it, you should have told me.
Si sabías que no iba a hacerlo, deberías habérmelo dicho.
Look, you already told Iris how you feel, so unless she comes out and says she feels the same way, all you can do is hold on to those moments.
Mira, ya le dijiste a Iris cómo te sientes, así que a menos que ella venga y te diga que se siente de la misma manera, todo lo que puedes hacer es esperar en estos momentos.
And she never told you about the baby.
Y nunca te contó lo del bebé.
Lainey's grandmother helped raise her, and you just told the school that she got flattened by a semi.
La abuela de Lainey la crió, y le dijiste a la escuela, que la atropelló un camión.
You just told her she didn't!
Si tu le dijiste que no!
she told you that 61
she told me 344
she told me everything 40
she told me that 29
she told us 16
told you 610
told you so 46
told you what 26
you know 156049
you know what 23733
she told me 344
she told me everything 40
she told me that 29
she told us 16
told you 610
told you so 46
told you what 26
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
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you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423