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She told me that перевод на испанский

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She told me that it was as if he reappeared in the flesh.
Me explicó que era como si se le hubiese aparecido de carne y hueso.
She told me that if we are good, we'll go to paradise, and we will stay there forever.
Me contaba que, si eramos buenos, iríamos al paraíso y nos quedaríamos allí para siempre.
And she told me that when she was on the stairs, she thought, "I'm gonna finish my fucking symphony," and she just flipped out and just, like, punched him and got loose and got away.
Y ella me dijo que cuando ella Estaba en las escaleras, pensó, "Tengo que terminar mi puta Sinfonía" entonces ella volteó
She told me that story years ago.
Me contó esa historia hace años.
And she told me that her marriage with her husband had never been anything but a meeting of minds.
Y ella me dijo que su matrimonio con su esposo Nunca había sido otra cosa que una reunión de las mentes.
Well my Aunt went to see it with a girlfriend and a couple of sailors, and she told me that... whenever the actress...
Bueno, mi tía fue a verlo con una amiga y un par de marineros, y ella me dijo que... cada vez que la actriz...
She told me that she prayed for me.
Ella me DIJO Que ella oró por mí.
she told me that... That jesus...
Ella me dijo que... que Jesús...
She told me that, yes.
Me lo ha contado, sí.
And she told me that she was pregnant.
Y me dijo que estaba embarazada.
She told me that her husband had played a trick on Rollo, and imprisoned him, trying to find where you were.
Me dijo que su esposo ha engañado a Rollo, y lo ha encarcelado, para tratar de averiguar dónde estás.
She told me that I could be Fae.
Ella me dijo que podía ser Fae.
She told me that you were a sister.
Me dijo que eras una hermana.
'Cause she told me that she did. Hey.
Porque ella me dijo que lo hizo.
Hailey told me that she thinks I should... Try out to be the lead singer of some band.
Hailey me dijo que cree que yo debería... probar a ser la solista de alguna banda.
Plus, you told me that her own grandfather said that she wouldn't.
Además, me dijiste que su propio abuelo dijo que no se quedaría.
If you told her and she told me, that'd be fine.
Si le dices a ella y ella a mí, eso estaría bien.
Mum actually told me that she is leaving tomorrow to go home and I said, "Take me." She said, " No, no, you're staying here.
Mi madre me dijo que se iba a marchar a casa al día siguiente, y yo le dije, "Llévame contigo." Ella dijo, "No, no, tú te quedas aquí. Yo me voy." "
But when Steve just told me that she was alive all I could do was think about you that night crying, Dad.
Pero cuando Steve me dijo que ella estaba viva todo lo que pude hacer fue pensar en ti llorando esa noche, papá.
And I will never know whether she told the truth that day.
Y nunca sabré... si era verdad lo que me dijo aquel día.
I was told that she's your mother's sister.
Me dijeron que es la hermana de tu madre.
She told me how you two met, that she came to the hospital because she injured herself.
Ella me platicó cómo se conocieron, que llegó al hospital porque se lastimó.
That's not what she told me.
Eso no es lo que me dijo.
She's the one that told me to pursue you just so you know.
Ella es la que me dijo que te persiguiera, para que lo sepas.
In fact, I had one patient that told me she used it to write letters to her baby.
A decir verdad, he tenido una paciente que me dijo que ella le escribia cartas a su bebe.
She was giving me the third degree, so finally told her that Maria had snuck one.
Ella me estaba interrogando, así que al final le dije que Maria se había fumado uno.
Told her how beautiful she looked and then I left to go back to the dance but on my back I realized that I forgot my bag so I walked back to get it.
Le dije lo hermosa que estaba... y luego regresé al baile... pero al marcharme me percaté... de que me había olvidado el bolso así que regresé por él.
I discovered Kathy Acker, the American writer, and I went to this workshop that she did, and she told me, "why do you want to write?"
Descubrí a Kathy Acker, la Escritora, y me fui a Este taller que ella hizo, Y ella me dijo, "¿ por qué quieres escribir?"
My wife told me once that my probably eight..., ten-year-old daughter, I guess, told her when she came home from school...
Me esposa me contó una vez sobre lo que le pasó a mi hija en la escuela cuando tenía ocho o diez años.
As I was boarding it, I met Dr. Gallon who told me that Miette's baby has whooping cough. They fear for his life. And she never told us!
En el tren me encuentro con el Dr. Gaillon que me dijo que el hijo de Miette tiene una tos convulsa terrible, temen por su vida y su madre no nos dijo nada.
She told me what had happened that morning.
Me contó lo que le había pasado esa mañana.
That poor girl told me she want to go home and I convinced her to stay. that she'll make friends here eventually.
Quería irse a casa, pero le dije, que aquí haría nuevos amigos.
We were getting close and she never told me that.
Nos estábamos acercando y ella nunca me dijo eso.
And she should have told me about that.
Y debería haberme dicho sobre eso.
I was just told that she's very ill.
Me acaban de informar que está muy enferma.
She told me That you forgive everybody.
Ella me DIJO que usted perdona a todo el mundo.
I need to be told that she is all right and when this shit is gonna be over!
¡ Necesito que me digan que está bien y cuándo va a terminar esto!
Miss Froy told me that she saw him when he was supposed to be away, but he wasn't.
La señorita Froy me dijo que le vió cuando se suponía que estaba fuera, pero no lo estaba.
I just wanted to say that she's told me.
Sólo quería decir que ella me dijo.
That's what she told me anyway... Before she died.
Es lo que ella me dijo... antes de morir.
That same afternoon, Jane told me she was gonna have a baby.
Por la tarde, Jane me dijo que estaba esperando un bebé.
They told me that she'd been taken ill..... and that she'd died.
Me dijeron que había enfermado y que había muerto.
The witch that I told you about, the one who did this to me, when I die, she gets my soul.
La bruja sobre la que te hablé, la que me hizo esto, cuando muera, ella se queda mi alma.
I was smitten with Grace Bowman, only she was a Christian back then, too, and Alice told me that she would never go out with me, but maybe someone else would.
Estaba perdidamente enamorado de Grace Bowman, solo que volvió a ser cristiana, y Alice me dijo que nunca saldría conmigo, pero quizás lo haría otra.
You know, I never told her this, but I was so happy when she got into all that Jesus stuff.
Sabes, nunca se lo he dicho, pero me alegré mucho cuando se metió en todo ese rollo de Jesús.
I was told that she was, er, around here earlier on this morning.
Me han dicho que ha estado por aquí esta mañana.
He told me that I can't trust Sutton, that she's not on our side.
Me dijo que no podía confiar en Sutton, que no está de nuestro lado.
She's the one that told me to come here.
Ella es la que me dijo que viniera aquí.
Now that she's told me the truth about what happened on that first day, I don't think it's such a crazy thought.
Ahora que me ha contado lo que ha pasado realmente hoy, no creo que sea una locura.
- Miss Jasinski's just told me that, minutes before the murder, she heard you threatening Mrs. Adams'life.
La Srta. Jasinski acaba de decirme que minutos antes del asesinato lo escuchó amenazar de muerte a la Sra. Adams.
You do not take the easy route like Mrs. Stanley, who has told me countless times that she only became a teacher to have summers off.
No vayáis por el camino fácil como la Sra. Stanley, quien me ha dicho incontables veces que solo se hizo profesora para tener los veranos libres.

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