Take a shot перевод на испанский
1,587 параллельный перевод
And if you would have let me take a shot at Carlos...
A que si tu me hubieras dejado disparar a Carlos...
Besides, I wanna take a shot at being the diplomat for once.
Ademas, quiero intentar eso de ser diplomatico esta vez.
- Go ahead. Take a shot.
Vamos, hazlo.
You might be the only person in his life who cares enough to actually take a shot at waking him up.
Probablemente seas la única persona en su vida que se preocupa lo suficiente como para intentar siquiera despertarlo.
Take a shot if your ulna feels safe.
Arriésgate si tu cúbito se siente seguro.
you decide to take a shot with the same gun and make it look like we're prosecutingthe wrong man.
Decides disparar con la misma pistola y hacer parecer que estamos acusando al hombre erróneo.
Let me- - Let me take a shot.
Déjeme... déjeme intentarlo.
Come on, take a shot.
Vamos, arriésguense.
Take a shot.
But I gotta take a shot.
pero tengo que intentarlo.
Every time I mention his name, you take a shot at me.
Cada vez que digo su nombre, me atacas.
His age, he wants to take a shot at a restaurant?
¿ A su edad quiere probar suerte con un restaurante?
Come on, take a shot.
Vamos, dispara.
Take a shot at Dad.
Tomar una foto a papá.
You know, it would be nice to take a shot for leading man every now and again.
No estaría mal hacer de protagonista de vez en cuando.
If you wanna take a shot at a cop, make sure you kill him.
Si quieres dispararle a un policía, asegúrate de matarlo.
Hey, Rachel. Take a shot.
Rachel, intenta encestar.
But you want to came back now and take a shot as a DJ?
¿ Quieres regresar y probar como DJ?
Wanna take a shot?
¿ Quieres intentarlo?
- Take a shot of... of...
... tomar una foto de... de...
I think he needs the right veterinarian to fix him, but go ahead, take a shot.
Creo que necesita al veterinario correcto para arreglarlo, pero hazlo, veamos.
If you take a shot from right here, you'll have the same image.
Si usted toma fotos de aquí obtener la misma imagen.
Take a shot.
You gotta take a shot like this.
Tienes que aprovechar algo así.
You gotta take a shot like this.
Tienes que aprovechar una oportunidad como ésta.
Now, without an alibi and with his previous murders admitted, Callison's only shot is to take the stand and show the jury he's a normal guy.
Ahora, sin coartada y con los asesinatos previos como evidencia la única posibilidad de Callison es declarar y mostrarle al Jurado que es un tipo normal.
.. you didn't even take a single shot and'Om Shanti Om'..
No rodaste ni una escena... y Om Shanti Om se convirtió en la mayor película de tu carrera. ¿ Dónde?
Listen, I need you to give my kid a shot, it'll only take a second.
Mira, necesito que le pongas una inyección, sólo un momento.
I, uh, I had to take a guy out with a single shot.
Tuve que derribar a un tipo de un solo tiro.
And if people know for certain that promicin will kill them, they won't take the shot.
Y si esas personas saben con seguridad que la promicina las va a matar no se inyectarán.
You know, I've been thinking about it a lot, and I wanna take the promicin shot.
Sabes he estado pensando mucho en eso quiero inyectarme promicina.
We'll take a long shot.
Será una toma larga.
When you're going to take the climax in a long shot?
¿ Vas a hacer de la escena principal.. una toma larga?
You know, guys who get shot like you did, they just take that worker's comp and call it a day.
* * You know, guys who get shot like you did, they just take that worker's comp and call it a day.
Six months ago, the promicin shot made those abilities accessible to anyone with the courage to take it.
Hace seis meses las inyecciones de promicina hicieron que estas habilidades fueran accesibles a quien tuviera el coraje de tomarlas.
You know, take the shot and hope you survive, and then join Collier in paradise?
¿ Inyéctate promicina y, si sobrevives únete a Collier en el paraíso?
This town, it's like- - lt's like a little utopia. But it exists to send promicin out into the streets. No matter how you'd look at it, half the people who take that shot are going to die.
Este pueblo, es como una utopía pero existe para seguir enviando promicina a las calles y no importa cómo lo mires la mitad de las personas que se inyecten van a morir...
Even if I agreed to take the shot, what's the point?
Aunque accediera a inyectarme, ¿ qué sentido tendría?
No. It would take time to force a shot on those people.
No, llevaría tiempo obligar a inyectarse a todas esas personas.
Somebody might want to take a shot at you.
Alguien podría querer tomarte una foto.
We went on a couple dates. All she ever wanted to do was take pictures in some building. Hundred bucks a shot.
Salimos un par de veces y ella sólo quería tomar fotos en un edificio y cobrar 100 dólares por toma.
"Meet Danny Ron", "rouble Brewing," "Off the Case", "My Baby's in There," "Enter Niebaum," "Take the Shot,"
Conoce a Danny Roman, el cuarto del problema, fuera del caso... mis hijos estan ahi, entrada nocturna, tome el disparó... elección de Sevian, jaque mate, amigos al fin, creditos de cierre.
Take the murder of 19-year-old Jermaine "LoJack" Walker, who was shot during a street basketball tournament in the middle of a summer afternoon, in front of at least 300 eyewitnesses.
que le dispararon durante un torneo de basketball callejero al frente de al menos 300 testigos.
And no diseases that you couldn't take care of with a visit to the doctor and a quick shot of penicillin.
Y sin enfermedades que no se arreglaran con una visita al doctor y una inyeccion rapida de penicilina.
- l'll burn you for this! - This is my shot, I can take him.
- Te voy a acabar por esto.
I cannot. I has a witch shot! Please take me of lhrer list!
Lamento que... no podré ir, tengo aerofagia, por favor, bórreme de su lista.
We need to match that last take with the milk spilled and the oatmeal, and then when we come back from lunch, we're gonna do a pick-up shot.
Necesitamos concordar la última toma... con la leche derramada y la avena... y luego cuando regresemos del almuerzo, vamos a hacer una toma para ligarlas.
Take off of there or they hit him / her a shot.
Quitese de allí o le pegaran un tiro.
I just don't want to have to worry that every time he drives across the bridge to Jersey, someone's gonna take another shot at him.
No quiero preocuparme de que cuando pase por el puente a Jersey le vuelvan a disparar.
And the fact that you're willing to take that shot means you have a lot to say.
Y el hecho de que quieras hacer ese disparo significa que tienes mucho para decir.
Now, you better pray to God that it's something a shot can take care of.
Tienes razón.
take a nap 62
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take a seat 906
take a bite 43
take a bath 39
take a break 211
take a guess 81
take a look 936
take a load off 65
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take a seat 906
take a bite 43
take a bath 39
take a break 211
take a guess 81
take a look 936
take a load off 65