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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And off we go

And off we go Çeviri İspanyolca

979 parallel translation
Come, now. Say good night to your mammy, And off we go To the sack.
Bueno, bueno, di buenas noches a mamá y en seguida a dormir.
Tomorrow I'll find Joseph and Mary... and off we go to the Saints'Festival.
Mañana encontraré a Joseph y a Mary... y luego en marcha al Festival de los Santos.
But when this is over. I'll take time off every day. and we'll go to the movies.
Pero cuando esto termine... me tomaré tiempo todos los días, iremos al cine... invitaremos amigos a casa... y te enviaré flores cada mañana.
And here we go in to the last lap. 'They're fighting it off with a terrific burst of speed
Greer y Arnold se disputan la última vuelta a toda velocidad.
If we should get off this boat and go our separate ways and you weren't going to marry me and live the rest of your life with me...
Si bajáramos del barco y fuéramos cada uno por nuestro lado y no fueras a casarte conmigo y vivir el resto de tu vida conmigo...
But, Mum, we wanted to go down and see Daddy off on the ship.
Pero, mamá, queríamos ir al barco a despedir a papá.
We'll get on a merry-go-round and never get off.
Subiremos a un tiovivo y nunca nos bajaremos.
Off we go, Mr and Mrs Henry Hopkinson The Hollyhocks, Hammersmith.
Vamos, Sr. y Sra. Henry Hopkinson de Hollyhocks, Hammersmith.
We're burying her today, and I'd like to get the afternoon off to go to her funeral.
Hoy es el entierro... y me gustaría tomarme la tarde para asistir a su funeral.
We can't go off and leave everything as perfect as this.
Lo haremos mirando al mar. Hace una noche maravillosa.
I'll buy my own plane, and the day after the divorce... we'll hop off and go across...
Compraré un avión, y un día después de conseguir el divorcio... -... haremos un viaje a través...
But when we go, if I leave the door open and turn the machine off, then the alarm will sound in Ranger's office.
Pero cuando nos vayamos, si abro la puerta y paro la máquina... la alarma sonará en el despacho de Ranger.
I suppose pretty soon we'll hear trumpets, and then off we go.
Supongo que pronto oiremos trompetas y entonces nos vamos.
And off we'll go before their goggling eyes.
Cuando vuelva iremos y les pasaremos el cinturón por las narices.
And, oh, yes, we will deduct a certain amount from your salary... which will go to pay off the interest of the mortgage on your home.
Y, oh, si, nosotros deduciremos una parte de su sueldo... para pagar los intereses de la hipoteca de su casa
We don't know where that stuff is planted or when it's due to go off. - And every minute that passes -
No sabemos dónde lo pusieron ni cuándo va a explotar.
We can get off the boat and go back with the pilot.
- Podemos volver con el piloto.
If commander Schultz is found in this house, we`ll go to concentration camp for life and have our heads cut off, too.
Si encuentran al comandante Schultz en esta casa, nos llevarán todos a un campo y nos cortarán la cabeza.
And now, off we go.
¡ Vamos! ¡ En marcha!
Then the dynamite will go off, and we are all little nothings.
La dinamita hará boom y todos moriremos.
You go off for a quick change. I do my soft-shoe routine, and then we...
Luego te cambias, mientras hago mi...
Why, yes. Every now and then we all take time off and go fishing. Fishing?
Sí, de vez en cuando nos vamos a pescar.
Don't let's go off half-cocked and do something we'll be sorry for.
No hagamos algo de lo que nos arrepintamos.
Nicodemus, take the folks baggage, and get it down there afore we shove off, or by juppy, off comes your bosun's ratin'and back ta wiping'ya go!
Nicodemus, lleva el equipaje de los muchachos. Llévalo abajo y ve a afeitarte y lavarte. ¡ Y deja de sudar!
Off and on. - Here we go, Jake.
- Allá vamos, Jake.
We shall have to go away presently and cut off some of your Egyptians'heads.
Tendremos que irnos y cortar la cabeza de alguno de tus egipcios.
Life is pleasant and a little dull, and night after night, we yawn, flick off the radio and go to bed.
La vida es agradable, un poco aburrida, y por las noches, bostezamos... apagamos la radio y vamos a dormir. CLÉRIGO ASESINADO EN CALLE PRINCIPAL
Why don't we go back to my place and dry off?
¿ Por qué no volvemos a mi casa y nos secamos?
Don't let us have a "hate", Judy. People can't feel about each other the way we did and write it off completely. Please, will you go.
No me odies, Judy, no podemos borrar lo que una vez sentimos los dos.
- We go back to the ship and strip off everything we can!
Volvamos a la nave y quitemos todo lo que podamos.
Go far away from me. Pretend it never happened, and we'll both be better off.
Aléjate de mí, imagina que jamás sucedió y los dos estaremos mejor.
Why don't we go down there and pick off a few of them Indians?
Vayamos y acabemos con esos indios.
We heard it go off and came running.
Oímos la explosión y vinimos corriendo
If we were to fill those cylinders with that blasting gelatin and then fix them so that they would stick out over the end of the boat, and then run the boat against the side of a ship, they would go off, just like a torpedo, wouldn't they?
Si llenamos los tubos con los explosivos y luego los colocamos de modo que se asomen por el extremo del barco, y chocamos el barco contra el costado de un buque, explotarán, ¿ verdad? lgual que un torpedo.
In all earnestness, I tell you, gentlemen... that just so long as our workers... can go to their jobs... with the same fervor and self-respect... that they go to their wives... will we be able to fight off the threats of inflation... and avoid the pitfalls of depression.
Con toda sinceridad, caballeros, les digo que mientras nuestros trabajadores puedan acudir a sus trabajos... con el fervor y respeto con el que vuelven a casa con sus esposas, venceremos la amenaza de la inflación y evitaremos el azote de la depresión.
We can't stand off and pound her and we can't go in and board her.
Ni podemos bombardearlos de lejos ni podemos abordarlos.
- We're leaving ladies and gentlemen - Off we go
Ya arranca.
Then after we could go over to Sheepshead... and fish for floppers off the pier.
Y luego podemos ir a pescar platijas desde el muelle.
Let ´ s go someplace where we can sit down and cool off and talk.
Vayamos a un lugar donde poder hablar. No puedo.
Hell. We shall just have to stay here and wait for the bomb to go off.
Entonces deberemos tener que quedarnos y esperar que explote la bomba.
But, Lepidus, go you fetch Caesar's will, and we then shall determine how to cut off some charge in legacies.
Pero, Lépido, ve a buscar el testamento de César... y decidiremos cómo reducir algunas cargas en los legados.
Anyhow, I've got 12 hours off and I thought we might go out somewhere.
En fin, tengo 12 horas libres y quizá podríamos salir.
Hey, Larry, we can get off the boat and go ashore with the pilot.
Eh, Larry, podemos dejar el barco e ir a tierra con el práctico.
I'll go cast off, and we finish this thing, huh?
Voy a largar amarras y acabamos con esto.
Put Francesca off and we'll go.
Devuélvanos a Francesca y nos iremos.
Oh, we could go down to the beach and.. cool off.
Podríamos ir a la playa.
You mean we can't expect the army to go charging off 20 miles into Jap territory on the chance of finding three corpses and a burnt-out plane.
¿ Dice que el ejército no puede Recorrer 20 millas del territorio japonés Para encontrar tres cadáveres y un avión incendiado?
I'll go into his arms and pick up where we left off and everything will be the same again.
Volveré a sus brazos a retomarlo donde Io habíamos dejado, y todo seguirá igual.
When we get off this train, you'll go out of my life, and I have no right to blame you.
Cuando bajemos de este tren, saldrás de mi vida y no puedo culparte.
We go off and fight four years.
Nos vamos fuera a pelear por años |
Don't get pissed off. Have a coffee and then we'll go.
No te enfades, toma un café y nos vamos.

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