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And soon Çeviri İspanyolca

17,290 parallel translation
Exactly my point gentleman, and as it stands, the State can see it all and soon they will own it all.
Ahí quería llegar, caballeros. El Estado lo ve todo y pronto no habrá nada que no sea suyo.
- [ringing continues ] And this smooth motherfucker right here, [ wry laugh] waving his black flag to leverage more control, this is Devin Townsend, CEO of Planet Curl, and soon to be head of Delcour's Planet Curl division.
Este tipo con clase que subraya su herencia negra para obtener mayor control se llama Devin Townsend.
Well, you know, the flipside of closing quick is that you gotta get out and soon.
Bueno, la otra parte del trato para que todo vaya rápido es que os vayáis lo antes posible.
I have my team, and soon begins filming south.
Tengo un equipo, pronto nos iremos a rodar al sur.
And soon Matthew will be working all the time.
Y pronto Matthew va a estar trabajando todo el tiempo.
Gideon, get us underway as soon as Firestorm and the Atom are onboard.
Gideon, ponte en marcha apenas Firestorm y Atom estén a bordo.
And look at that, the Boston Marathon running right past Fenway Park, which will soon empty out making the right turn, they're heading up towards Boylston.
Y miren eso, los corredores del Maratón de Boston acaban de pasar por Fenway Park, que pronto se vaciará giran a la derecha en dirección a Boylston.
Box office was disappointing, and the film soon disappeared from the theaters.
Taquilla fue decepcionante, Y la película pronto desapareció de los teatros.
Next-gen antibiotics, immunotherapies, and some potentially ground-breaking advances in the soon-to-be huge market of food allergy drugs.
antibióticos de nueva generación, inmunoterapias, y algunos avances potencialmente innovadoras en el pronto-a-ser enorme mercado de las drogas de la alergia alimentaria.
From our findings, we concur and we think the children should be returned home as soon as possible.
A partir de esas conclusiones, coincidimos y pensamos que los niños Deben volver a su casa tan pronto como sea posible.
And I'm gonna start listening to you real soon.
Y voy a empezar escuchándote muy pronto,
And the sun sets soon.
Y el sol se pone pronto,
We'll be home soon, and my mom... she'll get you your own bed.
Pronto iremos a casa, y mi mamá te comprará una cama.
According to Hill's affidavit, Thomas soon began asking her out socially and refused to accept her explanation that she did not think it appropriate to go out with her boss.
De acuerdo al affidávit de Hill, Thomas inició invitándola a salir... y se rehusó a aceptar su explicación... de que no es correcto salir con tu Jefe.
He never touched her, she acknowledged in an interview, and he never directly threatened her job, but she said she was 25, and she began to worry that she would soon suffer professionally if she did not submit.
Ella admite en la entrevista que nunca la tocó, y nunca la amenazó directamente. Pero dice que tenía 25 años y le preocupaba... el sufrir profesionalmente si ella no cedía.
And someday soon, I'm gonna cross that East River, and I can't let anybody distract me from that.
Algún día, cruzaré ese río Este y no permitiré que nadie me distraiga.
and will soon be dead to all.
y pronto estará muerto para todos.
Live out your sentence with dignity, and you shall soon be free.
Vive tu sentencia con dignidad y pronto serás libre.
And he knows that as soon as he turns up to the opera, even if he has on a top hat and looks like a million bucks, it doesn't matter, that he's still gonna terrify everyone there.
Y sabe que en cuanto llegue a la ópera, aunque lleve chistera y parezca un millonario, no importa, aun así asustará a todo el mundo.
If the Herculoids don't kill us then Mom and Dad will as soon as we get back.
Si no nos matan los Herculoids, lo harán papá y mamá cuando volvamos.
And someday soon, we will have the life we've both been dreaming of.
Y algún día pronto, tendremos la vida con la que los dos hemos estado soñando.
And she's just had a successful hunt... which comes none too soon.
Y ella acaba de realizar una caza exitosa... la cual llega justo a tiempo.
One glance at that imposing male physique... and this scrappy little predator is soon sent on his way.
Una sola mirada al imponente físico del macho... es suficiente para enviar lejos a este pequeño depredador belicoso.
I just think I need to spend a little more time here and, um, how about this : you go ahead, hold the table, and I will meet you as soon as I can break away.
Necesito un rato más aquí. ¿ Qué te parece esto? Ve, aparta la mesa, y yo te alcanzo si es que me desocupo.
So, soon you'll be putting mustaches on cats and dogs and... - snakes.
Pronto le pondrás bigotes a gatos, perros y serpientes.
And as soon as I watch that video, soon as I watch that video... everything changed.
Y apenas vi ese vídeo, apenas lo vi, todo cambió.
As soon as I find you a room with a bed and a looking glass- - of which we're in very short supply, by the way- - and someone to fetch meals and get little things for you?
Tan pronto como te encuentro una habitación con una cama y mirando glass- - de los cuales estamos en muy escasos, por el manera- - y alguien para ir a buscar comida y obtener pequeñas cosas para usted?
My aim is to be out of this bed and home soon, but the good lord sees it a different way.
Mi objetivo es estar fuera de la cama y el pronto a casa, pero el buen señor lo ve de una manera diferente.
Soon people will forget what this place was and we'll just be remembered only for our exquisite brunch.
Pronto la gente olvidará lo que era este lugar y nosotras solo lo recordaremos por nuestro brunch exquisito.
I need to see some kind of complete draft and I need to see it soon.
Tengo que ver un borrador completo y tiene que ser pronto.
Treatment is soon over, and I feel much better now.
El tratamiento terminará pronto, ya me estoy sintiendo mucho mejor.
I'm sure he'll come and visit you as soon as he...
Estoy segura que va a venir a visitaros tan pronto como él...
And maybe, you know, we're talking about it now and I'll talk about it with Josh as soon as I get a chance.
Y estamos hablándolo ahora, y le contaré a Josh apenas pueda.
I missed Max's first recital and Jackson's gonna start dating soon.
Me perdí el primer recital de Max y Jackson empezará a tener citas pronto.
Yeah, between the tattoos and the body mods, I'll have an I.D. soon.
Sí, entre los tatuajes y las modificaciones, lo identificaremos pronto.
I'll rent a car and get out of your hair as soon as possible.
Alquilaré un coche y le dejaré en paz lo antes posible.
But if I walk in the house at 10 : 00 am, as soon as I walk in the house, my lady in the kitchen, and she like, "Where the fuck was you at last night?"
Pero si entro en la casa a las 10 : 00 am, apenas entre, mi mujer en la cocina, dice : "¿ Dónde coño estuviste anoche?".
Because I never figured you to be the sort of trust fund girl who would go crawling back to mommy and daddy as soon as they threatened to stop sending the dough.
Porque nunca pensé que eras el tipo de chica heredera... que iría arrastrándose de vuelta a mami y papi... tan pronto como amenazaran con dejar de enviar la masa.
As soon as I catch our copycat, and we'll set up a playdate.
En cuanto atrape a nuestro imitador y quedemos para vernos.
Soon we will come ashore, and I will return Richard to his home kingdom...
Pronto vamos a bajar a tierra, Y volveré Richard a su reino a casa...
If Betsy enters the Well you used to leave this place, she will return in her own time, so... you and I must endeavor to help her on her way as soon as she returns from scouting the environs.
Si Betsy entra en el Pozo por el que saliste de este lugar, regresará a su tiempo, así que... tú y yo debemos procurar ayudarla en su camino tan pronto ella regrese de explorar el entorno.
I have a feeling there'll be another one of us on the front pages soon enough, and they'll forget about that.
Tengo la sensación que habrá otro de nosotros en las primeras planas pronto, y se olvidarán de eso.
Well, I have someone coming in here soon, and they might be a little freaked to see their boss...
Bueno, alguien viene pronto, y podría enloquecer un poco de ver a su jefe...
And dinner will be ready soon
- ¿ Has pasado por el gimnasio?
And he knew you'd flip on him as soon as you got arrested.
Y él sabía que le traicionarías en cuanto te arrestaran.
My maternal aunt would check in on me and he would join me as soon as he could.
Mi tía me cuidaría y él vendría tan pronto como pudiera.
Maybe the doctor in St. Louis was right, and we... we took you home too soon.
Tal vez el doctor de San Luis tenía razón, y te trajimos a casa muy pronto.
And Marty Stein's gonna soon learn just how much Talia Freeman's life mattered.
Y Marty Stein va a aprender muy pronto cuánto importaba la vida de Talia Freeman.
And Marty Stein's gonna soon learn just how much Talia Freeman's life really mattered.
Y Marty Stein va a aprender pronto cuánto importaba la vida de Talia Freeman.
We're in the process of piecing together the details of this crime and will report back to you as soon as we've analyzed them.
Estamos en el proceso de unir las piezas, los detalles de este crimen y les informaremos en cuanto las hayamos analizado.
Redhats are coming back soon and they're gonna tear this building apart brick by brick.
Los Boinas Rojas volverán pronto y van a desguazar este edificio ladrillo a ladrillo.

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