And whatever happens Çeviri İspanyolca
426 parallel translation
I've started on the upgrade, and whatever happens, baby, I'm in the big leagues now.
Empecé a ascender y pase lo que pase, nena, ahora estoy en las ligas mayores.
And whatever happens, keep your heads down.
Avancen a rastras y mantengan las cabezas bajas.
And whatever happens, don't panic.
Y pase lo que pase, no os preocupéis.
I'll tell your husband everything, and whatever happens, happens.
Lo que ha de ser, será. Pero recuerda :
And whatever happens, don't leave this room.
Pase lo que pase, no salgas de esta habitación.
I put 10 people out there, and whatever happens, happens.
Yo puse 10 personas ahí y lo que sucede, sucede.
You mean you're gonna let him go through with that show and whatever happens afterwards, all alone?
¿ Quieres decir que lo dejarán ir a ese programa y lo que resulte después, solo?
And whatever happens, hang onto your bucket.
Y, pase Io que pase, no te despegues de tu balde.
And whatever happens now, I feel glad... that Joey's Joey.
Y no importa lo que pase ahora, me siento feliz de que Joey sea Joey.
We know that you've all worked your tails off for us and whatever happens to us, you can't let it affect the program.
Y que sabemos que todos han trabajado noche y día por nosotros. Y que pase lo que pase, no deben permitir que esto afecte al programa previsto.
Hold on like a man and whatever happens...
Tienes que resistir como un hombre, y pase lo que pase...
He chose me, and whatever happens is His will.
El me eligió, y pase Io que pase, será Su voluntad.
And whatever happens, you mustn't let it bring you down.
No importa lo que pase... No debes venirte abajo.
Listen, Frankenstein, there's just you, me and Joe left in the race, and... Well, I just want you to know that whoever wins and whatever happens, it's been really grand racing'with you folks.
Escucha, Frankenstein, solo quedamos tú, Joe y yo en la carrera, y... bueno, solo quiero decirte que gane quien gane y pase lo que pase... ha sido genial correr con ustedes, amigos.
Five hundred dollars Mex to Captain Li and you can get the low-down on whatever happens around here.
Sí señór, 500 dólares para el Capitán Li y puedes conseguir los detalles concretos de todo lo que pasa por aquí.
You do your duty and we may get along but whatever happens, you'll do your duty.
Hagan su deber y puede que nos llevemos bien pero pase lo que pase, cumplirán con su deber. Adelante.
And do not rise, whatever happens. Go!
Y no te levantes, pase lo que pase. ¡ Ve!
You can suit yourself about that, but whatever happens keep your snouts out of the gutter, you muck-covered baboons or I'll kick you out of your hairy hides and throw...
Como queráis, pero mantened las narices al margen, simios mugrientos, u os arranco el pellejo.
I'll stay, johnny, And like it. Whatever happens, We'll face it together.
Afrontaremos juntos cuanto pueda ocurrir.
My wife will be down shortly, and I just wanted to let you know that whatever happens, I personally have nothing against you, Lindell.
No. Mi esposa bajará pronto y solo quería que supieras lo que sucede. Yo, personalmente, no tengo nada contra ti, Lindell.
Remember that I love you... and always will, whatever happens.
Recuerda cuánto te quiero y siempre te querré, pase lo que pase.
Whatever happens this evening, we must be patient and understanding.
Pase lo que pase esta noche, tengamos paciencia y comprensión.
And, daddy, whatever happens, I love you, too.
Papá, pase lo que pase, también te quiero mucho.
- Find out! And, remember, whatever happens, Nick must not be allowed to talk.
Y recuerda, pase lo que pase, no podemos permitir que Nick hable.
Take your positions on that road there, and hold it whatever happens.
Tomen sus posiciones y manténganlas no importa qué pase.
Well, if the bishop will sanction these miracles, and if he agrees to accept all responsibility for whatever happens, why the government has ordered me to lift the ban and to give your church back to you.
Claro que sí. Si el obispo aprueba estos milagros y si se hace responsable de lo que pase tengo orden del gobierno de devolverles la iglesia.
Whatever happens here I would like to know my Anne is safe, and Meg.
Pase lo que pase aquí, me gustaría saber si Anne y Meg están a salvo.
Whatever happens in this case Has got to be based on facts and the law,
Lo que quiera que ocurra en este caso tiene que estar basado en hechos y en la ley,
And when it does, you're going to be here... so that whatever happens to me will happen to you.
Y cuando lo haga, usted estará aquí... así cualquier cosa que me pase a mí también le pasará a usted.
But, Ramon, whatever happens, this is strictly between you and me, and the horse.
Ramón, pase lo que pase, esto quedará entre tú y yo ;
Whatever happens, we'll stick together... and we'll not be swayed.
Pase lo que pase, nosotros seguiremos unidos... y no nos influenciarán.
Society broadcasts to itself its own image of its own history, a history reduced to a superficial and static pageant of its rulers — persons who embody the apparent inevitability of whatever happens.
La sociedad se transmite a sí misma su propia imagen histórica, una historia reducida a la pompa superficial y estática de sus dirigentes ; las personas que encarnan la fatalidad exterior de lo que ocurre.
I've come to realize that I love her and that I'm helplessly bound to her, whatever happens.
He llegado a darme cuenta de que la quiero y que estoy atado a ella sin remedio, suceda lo que suceda.
Even if the ship is destroyed and a plank of wood is all that's left... Whatever happens, I'm not gonna die!
Aunque el barco acabe destruido y sólo quede una plancha de madera... aún así, ¡ no pienso morir!
Whatever your clocks say, it's 4 : 00 - and wherever you are it happens to be the twilight zone.
Diga lo que diga tu reloj, son las cuatro en punto. y donde estás resulta ser...
No, give me your word that, whatever happens tomorrow and whatever state I'm in, even if I'm dying, you'll let me leave.
No, deme su palabra que, pase lo que pase, en cualquier condición, aun en agonía, me llevarán con ustedes.
Whatever happens, I've got to be here and record it!
¡ Pase lo que pase tengo que verlo y grabarlo!
Whatever happens, never you'll forget you and to others.
Ocurra lo que ocurra, nunca os olvidaremos a ti y a los demás.
Whatever happens, I shall deport myself as a husband and a gentleman.
Lo que sea que ocurra, debo comportarme como un marido y un caballero.
But remember, as soon as we're in the sanctum, whatever happens, Thomni and you must smash the controls!
Pero recuerda, tan pronto como estemos en el santuario, en cualquier caso, Thomni y tú debéis aplastar los controles!
And immunity to whatever happens when you win.
E inmunidad contra lo que pase cuando Uds. ganen.
And then, whatever happens, we'll never meet again.
Y luego, pase lo que pase... no volvemos a vernos nunca más.
We must get to the airport in 45 minutes and catch that flight, whatever happens.
Debemos llegar al aeropuerto en 45 minutos para tomar ese vuelo, pase lo que pase.
In the first place, it isn't necessary and in the second place, I want whatever happens this weekend to be honest.
En primer lugar, no es necesario, y en segundo lugar, quiero ser honesta pase lo que pase este fin de semana.
Usually I just go along with her. Whatever happens, she's my mother, and if I argue, I eventually have to give in.
Yo le doy la razón para estar tranquila, porque de todas formas es mi madre, y si discuto, al final tendré que ceder.
And remember, I won't give a damn, whatever happens to you. Whether you go to jail, or starve, or go to a hospital or an asylum!
Puedes ir a la cárcel, pasar hambre, acabar en el hospital... en el asilo...
I am the president the guild of fishermen... and it's my obligation to report to whatever happens... to the Central Board.
¡ Déjame!
Look, nothing's changed between us and nothing will change, whatever happens.
Mira, nada ha cambiado entre nosotros, y nada va a cambiar, pase lo que pase.
And I won't give it up, whatever happens!
Pase lo que pase.
And now don't move whatever happens.
Y ahora no te muevas pase lo que pase.
First, we get back to the house... we get into bed, and then whatever happens... that's where we've been, we don't know a thing.
Regresaremos a la casa... nos meteremos en la cama... y luego pase lo que pase, ahí es donde estuvimos.
and whatever you do 86
and whatever it is 26
and whatever 18
whatever happens 538
whatever happens to me 19
whatever happens next 22
happens 83
happens to the best of us 37
happens all the time 118
happens to me all the time 16
and whatever it is 26
and whatever 18
whatever happens 538
whatever happens to me 19
whatever happens next 22
happens 83
happens to the best of us 37
happens all the time 118
happens to me all the time 16
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and what's more 117
and what happened 146