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Are we going Çeviri İspanyolca

26,373 parallel translation
How are we going to scale?
¿ Cómo escalaremos?
Are we going to move to Boston?
¿ Vamos a mudarnos a Boston?
- OK. What are we going to do?
- Vale. ¿ Qué vamos a hacer?
What are we going to do?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer?
Where are we going?
- ¿ Adónde vamos?
Are we going steady now?
¿ Ahora salimos juntos?
Can't even get to the basics. How are we going to get anywhere?
Ni siquiera puedes empezar con lo más básico.
What are we going to do?
¿ Qué es lo que vamos a hacer?
Are we going out there?
Vamos por ahí?
- Where are we going?
- ¿ A dónde vamos?
How are we going to figure out which one is the Primary?
¿ Cómo vamos a averiguar cuál es el primario?
Where are we going?
¿ A dónde vamos?
Are we going in order of ranks?
¿ Vamos en orden de rangos?
I mean, what are we going to do now?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer ahora?
When are we going?
- ¿ Cuándo iremos?
Oh, where are we going?
¿ A dónde iremos?
What are We going to do about Joey?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer con Joey?
We are going out.
Tenemos que salir.
How are we gonna get good people to work for us if they think something funky is going on with our stock?
¿ Cómo conseguiremos buenos empleados... si creen que el capital está en problemas?
The political world is watching, Bannon. We need to make sure the President-elect has a smooth transition. All indications are that his transition is going to be fine.
Rhinoplastia de Tom el mundo politico esta mirando, Bannon hagamos que el presidente tenga una transicion lisa todo indica que la transicion ira bien estamos haciendo algunos toques finales pero todo fue bien pueden verlo a él si desean ire
What are you gonna do with us? We're going to use you to set the world on fire. When the servers go online, there will be panic, chaos, and war.
usarlos para... prender fuego al mundo cuando los servidores vayan online habra panico, caos y una guerra y de las cenizas, un nuevo mundo se levantara... un mundo donde todos seran felices y cantantes y no habra secretos... como en Dinamarca!
- Yep. We have to tell someone the truth, Butters. Are you sure about what's going to happen on Mars?
- Sip tenemos que decirle a alguien la verdad, Butters estas seguro de lo que ocurrira en Marte?
Okay, I think that the kid is good for it, but going to trial with where we are now...
Bueno, creo que el chico es capaz de esto, pero ir a juicio en el lugar donde estamos ahora...
We are going to celebrate
# Hoy conmemoramos #
Actually, we are going to need a few drinks.
En realidad, vamos A necesitar un par de copas.
We are going on the trip of our lives.
Vamos a hacer el viaje de nuestras vidas.
We are going to head to platform 37 and we're going to want to get on the 13 train to Sendai.
Vamos a la plataforma 37 Y queremos abordar el tren 13 a Sendai.
There are going to be two options, it's either, we go to the interior and try and find some more low elevation stuff or go to beach and go surf.
Tenemos dos opciones. Vamos mas adentro Y tratar de encontrar algo menos elevado.
# Are we ever going to Get to shred?
♪ ¿ Vamos a obtener el permiso?
We are definitely going into overtime tonight.
Definitivamente vamos a ir a la prórroga esta noche.
We are going to put every investigative team we have on this.
Vamos a poner a todos en esto.
How are we going to get through this?
¿ Cómo vamos a pasar esto? El programa.
We are going to show them a symbol.
Vamos a mostrarles un símbolo.
It might all appear indulgent but, in keeping the estate and the local community going, we are all doing our share tonight for the economy.
Podría parecer indulgente, pero si nuestra clase y la comunidad local continúan con su vida normal, estaremos haciendo lo que nos corresponde en pro de la economía.
Anyway, if I am to succeed, then he and I are going to need all the help we can get.
En fin, si quiero tener éxito, tanto él como yo necesitaremos toda la ayuda posible.
We are going to go on your honeymoon together. - No, no.
Iremos juntos a tu luna de miel.
We are going to Titan.
Vamos a ir a Titan.
If we are going to do this... we're going to do it my way.
Si vamos a hacer esto... lo haremos a mi manera.
And in the process, we are going to show up those charity crashers.
Y al hacerlo, vamos a vencer a esos entrometidos de caridades.
Where are we going?
¿ Adónde vamos?
I wasn't kidding when I told you that for the next couple of days, we are going back to the old ways.
- No era broma cuando os dije que durante los próximos días, íbamos a volver a como era antiguamente.
If we are going to take off, now would be the time.
Si nos vamos a ir, ahora es el momento.
We are going to Silicon Beach.
Vamos a Silicon Beach.
We are going to find her.
Vamos a encontrarla.
We are going for brunch in seven days.
Vamos a tomar el brunch en 7 días.
My hope would be there are still going to be the appeal of deep immersion in something, that through the school system we still subject our kids to, we can really to turn them onto its charms so they become intrinsically self-motivated to pursue it.
Mi esperanza sería que aún haya... deseo por la inmersión profunda en algo... que a través del sistema escolar sometamos a nuestros hijos a eso... podemos realmente intentar acercarlos a sus encantos... para que se vuelvan emprendedores intrínsecamente para ir tras ello.
But we are going.
Pero venga, vamos.
We are going after whoever murdered these people.
Vamos tras el que asesinó a estas personas.
We are going to Fillory to save everything.
Iremos a Fillory a salvar todo.
We are going to Fillory.
Vamos a ir a... Fillory.
Now what we're going to do is we're going to look at, how are you going to support your family?
Ahora, lo que haremos será imaginar cómo vas a sustentar a tu familia.

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