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Are we leaving Çeviri İspanyolca

1,094 parallel translation
When are we leaving?
¿ Cuándo nos vamos?
Let's get ready. Are we leaving?
Are we leaving or not leaving the poor?
¿ Salimos o no salimos de pobres?
Are we leaving?
¿ Nos vamos?
No, now. When are we leaving?
No, ahora. ¿ Cuándo nos vamos?
- Are we leaving now?
- ¿ Nos vamos?
- When are we leaving?
- ¿ Cuándo partiremos?
Mummy, why are we leaving?
- Mamá ¿ por qué nos vamos?
Isabel, are we leaving?
Helen, nos vamos.
Come on, we are leaving!
Venga, vámonos. Aquí estamos de más.
We are not leaving.
- Ya no nos vamos.
It could take four or five to start the engine leaving us only with two or three when we are ready to depart.
Consumiría cuatro o cinco para arrancar,... ... dejándonos con dos o tres para cuando estemos listos para partir.
That we are leaving Troitsa.
Que dejemos Troitsa.
Claude, we are leaving the temple.
Claude, nos vamos del templo.
If you are thinking about leaving, is better than we do now.
Si estás pensando en salir, más vale que lo hagamos ya.
- We are leaving.
- Nos vamos.
We are leaving Earth's atmosphere.
Salimos de la atmósfera terrestre.
We are leaving earth very rapidly now and will soon be traveling at the rate of 25,000 Miles per hour.
Dejamos la Tierra a una velocidad que alcanza pronto los 40.000 Km. / h.
- Ja, we are leaving in the morning.
- Ja, nos vamos mañana.
I am glad we are leaving - before someone kills him here.
Me alegra que nos vayamos de aquí antes de que lo maten.
I heard we are immediately leaving for Neretva!
He oído que son inmediatamente dejando de Neretva!
Today we say good-bye to those senior girls... who are leaving Marcia Blaine for the last time.
Hoy decimos adiós a las jovencitas del último año... que dejan Marcia Blaine por vez postrera.
- We are leaving now.
- Ya nos íbamos.
Yes, we are leaving at afternoon and return here by night.
Sí, partimos hoy por la tarde... y volvemos por la noche.
We are leaving. Let's go.
Nos vamos.
Tomorrow, we are leaving.
- Nos vamos mañana.
All my life I believed it was God's work to fight against such tyranny. But God has turned his back upon this nation, and we are leaving it.
Toda mi vida he creído que era grato a Dios luchar contra tal tiranía pero Dios le ha vuelto la espalda a esta nación y nos vamos de ella.
We are french chemists leaving tomorrow for paris on s.A.S. With our tails between our legs.
Somos químicos franceses que salen mañana hacia París en el S.A.S. ( Servicio Aéreo Especial del ejército británico )
We are leaving right now.
Lo hice por el poder y la gloria.
We are leaving today ; we must get ready at once for our departure.
¡ Hoy mismo nos marchamos de aquí! ... ¡ Es indispensable dar órdenes inmediatamente!
We are also leaving this place.
También nos iremos de este lugar.
Gantar, we are for leaving.
- Gantar, nos vamos.
When are we leaving?
¿ Cuándo nos vamos, Alyosha?
We are leaving at dawn.
- Entendido.
We are leaving.
Nos vamos.
I'm leaving pooja, we are made for each other.
Me voy. Pooja, estamos hechos el uno para el otro.
- They are not leaving. - Until we know where they're going.
No van a subirse al camión, Frank.
We are leaving.
We are lucky, he is not leaving until tomorrow morning.
Tenemos suerte, no se va hasta mañana por la mañana.
We are leaving?
¿ Zarpamos?
We are leaving you in charge.
- Pues te hemos dejado al cargo.
But we are leaving now, you must get dressed.
Pero ya nos vamos, debes vestirte.
We are leaving at day break
Nos vamos al amanecer.
Nothing as yet. We are leaving, and taking him with us.
Nada de momento, nos vamos y nos lo llevamos con nosotros.
We are leaving this rotten place, we are moving on...
Estamos dejando este podrido sitio, nos vamos...
- Are we leaving?
- ¿ Se van?
I said we are leaving this house!
Nos vamos de esta casa.
We are leaving this place.
Nos vamos de este lugar.
- When are we leaving?
- ¿ Cuándo nos vamos?
But already we are passing the cape, and leaving it behind us, and heading into unknown waters.
Pero ya estamos doblando este cabo, lo dejamos atrás... y nos adentramos en aguas desconocidas.
Tonight we drink for tsar Shcepan. At dawn we are leaving!
Esta noche brindamos por el zar Esteban. ¡ Nos vamos al alba!

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