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Are we lost Çeviri İspanyolca

806 parallel translation
Montague, are we lost?
Montague, ¿ estamos perdidos?
- Are we lost?
- Nos hemos perdido?
We are the lost boys of the Sudan!
Somos los niños perdidos del Sudán!
For the production company, they've already lost hundreds of million won, so we can say they are making a frantic last-ditch effort.
La compañía productora ya sabe eso... tendrán que hacerse cargo de la pérdida, así que éste es su último recurso.
But if someone discovers the grotto's secret then we are lost.
Mas si se descubre el secreto de la gruta estamos perdidos.
We are lost, Sailing is useless!
¡ Estamos perdidos, la vela está inservible!
We are lost!
¡ Estamos perdidos!
We are lost! No faith is any help.
¡ Estamos perdidos!
Our losses are huge, my Lord... we have lost almost half of the troops!
¡ Nuestras pérdidas son enormes, Mylord... hemos perdido casi la mitad de las tropas!
If such comes through here, we are lost.
Si ese tipo viene por aquí, estamos perdidos.
We are a lost patrol, madame.
Somos un patrulla extraviada.
We are lost without a strong army.
Estamos perdidos sin un ejército fuerte
And even what little cattle we had left are lost... or they're frozen to death where we can't get at'em.
El poco ganado que nos quedaba se perdió o murió congelado... en un lugar al que no podemos llegar.
Martin, we're not lost, are we? Oh, no.
- ¿ No nos habremos perdido?
Here we are Two babes that are lost in the wood
Aquí estamos Dos criaturas perdidas en el bosque...
We lost. See, the problem here is the sprocket teeth are all worn down.
Ves, el problema es que los dientes están gastados.
If we can set humanity free from fear if we can show people that those we love are not lost to us if we can wipe out the horror that superstition conjures up out of fear of darkness- -
Si pudiéramos liberar a la humanidad del miedo si pudiéramos mostrar a la gente que esos que amamos no están perdidos si pudiéramos limpiar el horror esas supersticiones temerosas de la oscuridad...
We lost some of the kids there. We then went to Cairo and, uh, most of them are still walkin'up and down the pyramids.
En el Cairo, la tropa se dispersó, entre las pirámides.
We are lost.
Estamos perdidos.
We are two lost ones which the war has reunited.
Somos dos seres perdidos a los que la guerra ha reunido.
We are worried about your comrade who is lost.
Estamos preocupados por su camarada perdido.
In other words, you simple statement of fact is... we are lost in any case because we were generous enough to save your life.
En otras palabras, su simple declaración de hecho Es que estamos perdidos por salvarle la vida.
[Singing] We come home, we come home some of us are gone some of us are lost but we are friends our blood is on the earth together someday, someday we shall meet again farewell and then at quarter to 6 in the morning on november 7th, 1936 18 years later, 500 of us Germans were walking through the Madrid streets on our way to fight the fascist swine along the Manzanares river.
Volvemos a casa, volvermos a casa. Algunos de nosotros se han ido. Algunos de nosotros estan perdidos.
My surmise is that Giles Conover has lost the Borgia Pearl and is trying desperately to get it back just as we are.
Sospecho que Giles Conover perdió la Perla Borgia y trata de recuperarla como sea.
We are alone, abandoned, lost on a desert island.
Estamos solos, abandonados, perdidos en una isla desierta.
If we don't move right now, we are lost, every one of us.
Si no actuamos ahora estamos todos perdidos.
- The Romans are in the courtyard! - ( Attendant ) We are lost!
¡ Los romanos están en el patio!
Here we are in the lost-and-found.
Ya llegamos.
I've been getting more and more worried about Christmas. We're all so busy trying to beat the other fellow in making things go faster, look shinier and cost less that Christmas and I are getting lost in the shuffle.
Durante los últimos 50 años cada vez me preocupa más la Navidad. que la Navidad y yo nos perdemos en el proceso.
Or we go fast or we are lost.
O nos vamos rápido o estamos perdidos.
Louis, we are lost!
¡ Louis, estamos perdidos!
We are lost?
¿ Que estamos perdidos?
And where are we now? We're lost!
¡ Estamos perdidos!
If the Sultan really makes this rat the Treasurer, we are lost!
Si el sultán nombra a esa rata tesorero, estamos perdidos.
You have to return immediately, we are lost!
- ¿ Qué te pasa a ti? Tiene que volver.
Should they return to the ship we are lost!
¡ Si consiguen llegar al barco estamos perdidos!
He's far too confident. If this alliance fails, we are lost.
- Si la alianza falla, estamos perdidos.
You see? We have lost the right to choose for whom and for what we are to die.
Hemos perdido el derecho a elegir por quién y por qué morir.
If we go back to the temple, we are lost.
Si regresamos al templo estaremos perdidos.
Here we are isolated, almost cut off from civilization having lost family or friends to something absolutely unknown.
Estamos aislados, separados de la civilización. Familia y amigos nos han sido arrebatados por algo desconocido.
We're not sure how we lost the Need / e Fin, are we, sir?
No está claro cómo perdimos al Needle Fin.
There're only ourselves where we are-- - folks of the north all lost in Atlanta
No será fácil que nos encuentren.
We're lost and Lieutenant Bridges wants you to be the radio operator and find out where we are.
Estamos perdidos y el teniente Bridges quiere que seas el operador de radio y que descubras dónde estamos.
"We both are lost..."
"Estamos los dos perdidos..."
He'll find out We are lost
Estamos perdidos.
We're lost, too, and we're not crying, are we?
También nos perdimos y no lloramos, ¿ ves?
Heavenly Father, we are lost in darkness.
Padre nuestro, estamos perdidos en la oscuridad.
Do I know? I lost my temper and here we are.
Me enfadé, y aquí estamos.
So we are deeply convinced that everything that is lost is lost forever. Because every useless sacrifice will always be useless because in all cases, it'll never be rewarded in the future.
Por tanto, estamos profundamente convencidos de que... todo lo perdido está perdido para siempre, y de que todo sacrifico inútil seguirá siendo inútil porque en todo caso... nunca será recompensado en el más allá.
We are lost!
Estamos perdidos.
We are five weeks into Mexico... and have lost all contact with the Apache.
Llevamos cinco semanas en México... y hemos perdido todo contacto con los apaches.

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