Kind of Çeviri İspanyolca
196,887 parallel translation
Do you think that will be any kind of life?
¿ Crees que esa sería vida? Quizás no.
My friend here is a kind of. Storyteller.
Aquí mi amigo es una especie de cuentacuentos.
But it must take a very special kind of woman.
Pero debe requerirse una clase de mujer muy especial
Producer-looking guy, kind of chomping on his cigar, bald, kind of chubby, in his red BMW, probably 50, two divorces.
Un tipo con aspecto de productor mordiendo su habano, calvo, medio regordete, en su BMW rojo, probablemente 50 años, dos divorcios.
"What kind of person says that to someone whose mother just died?"
"¿ Qué clase de persona le dice eso a alguien que perdió a su madre?".
And he's kind of looking at me and he yells into my car,
Y él me está mirando y me grita al auto :
"Well, love, we got kind of heated, but I hope you have a good day whatever you're doing." And I'm like, "You, too, man."
"Bueno, nos enojamos un poco, pero espero que tengas buen día en lo que hagas". Y yo digo : "Tú también".
It just kind of...
Es como si...
I think it's kind of old, kind of dorky.
Creo que es un poco antiguo, tonto.
What kind of shit is this? "
¿ Qué clase de mierda es esta? ".
And I go, "What kind of things do you do?" " I've yelled,'Nice tits.'"
"¿ Qué haces?". " He gritado :'Lindas tetas'".
But I had an experience recently that gave me kind of an idea.
Pero hace poco tuve una experiencia que me dio una idea.
It's just like some kind of play set in the South and he's just at home every night and he's like :
Es como una obra de teatro que se desarrolla en el sur en la que él llega a casa cada noche y dice :
Can we use any of that because my parents just ruined my Netflix special and it was kind of fucking awesome.
¿ Podemos usar algo de eso? Mis padres acaban de arruinar mi especial de NETFLIX y estuvo de puta madre.
Okay, it's gonna be that kind of day.
Bueno, va a ser ese tipo de día.
Seems kind of textbook.
Parece sacado de un libro.
You know, sometimes we might even share things with each other, like facts about ourselves, that kind of thing.
A veces, quizá deberíamos compartir cosas con el otro... como datos acerca de nosotros, esa clase de cosas.
Speaking of stirring up, I can only imagine what kind of trouble is being stirred up in the garage.
Hablando de revolver, solo puedo imaginar el tipo de problema que se está armando en el taller.
And I'm kind of freaking out!
¡ Y me estoy aterrando un poco!
What kind of seeds?
¿ Qué tipo de semillas?
What kind of casserole is that?
¿ Qué tipo de guiso es ese?
I can't relate to that kind of emotion.
No puedo identificarme con ese tipo de emoción.
The kind of store grown-ups go to.
El tipo de tienda a la que van los adultos.
We're kind of on the outs.
Estamos un poco distanciados.
Uh, this is kind of a weird question, but are you my supervisor?
Es una pregunta algo rara, pero ¿ eres tú mi supervisor?
And I think you kind of just caught me off-guard last night.
Y creo que anoche me pillaste con la guardia baja.
Magnus will never feel that kind of pain.
Magnus nunca sentirá esa clase de dolor.
I... I don't have that kind of money, not anymore.
Yo no tengo ese dinero, ya no.
[director] Part of this is I'm trying to figure out some of the big picture things. How aesthetically to tell your story. And even before that, kind of what your story is, you know?
En parte, intento entender algunas cosas generales cómo contar tu historia estéticamente e, incluso antes de eso, cuál es tu historia.
[Christoph] I've been thinking about how we would kind of create the documentary.
Estuve pensando cómo crearíamos el documental.
So I'm there, and it's me and my art supplies and my computer and my coffee maker, so it's kind of me, me, me.
Ahí estoy yo, mis materiales de arte, mi computadora y mi cafetera. Así que es todo yo, yo, yo.
And I have to trust for kind of crazy moments to happen.
Y debo confiar en que habrá momentos de locura.
To kind of get there, to this, like, hyperrealist, amazing painting.
Llegar ahí, a una pintura hiperrealista fantástica.
And this is kind of the notion that I went to art school with.
Y con esta noción fui a estudiar arte.
And somewhere between that abstract red square and the real, kind of butchered heart, is the graphic shape that kind of looks like that, and kind of looks like that, and it's just right to transport this idea of a symbol for love.
Y en algún lado, entre el cuadrado rojo abstracto y el corazón real de carnicero está esta forma gráfica que más o menos luce así y así y es perfecta para transmitir la idea del símbolo del amor.
There's a lot of kind of levels of metaphors and drawing to work.
Hay muchos niveles de metáforas y dibujos para trabajar.
And 3-D and 2-D and back and forth, and it's kind of like physical and...
Es 3D o 2D, atrás o adelante, es físico o...
This is the essence of this kind of first tourist moment.
Esta es la esencia del primer momento turístico.
I always felt like, "That's where I want to sit and kind of look out."
"Allí quiero sentarme a mirar".
And then we have this kind of emotional exchange, people walking by... [street hubbub ] [ silence]
Y luego tenemos un intercambio emocional gente que pasa... No funciona para nada.
This is the moment where I realized that kind of, like, my real life and my work life, they don't really mix.
En este momento me di cuenta de que mi vida real y la laboral no se mezclan.
I'm just trying to kind of solve it from a visual storytelling point of view.
Solo intento resolverlo desde la narración visual.
And I love that. I love this kind of tension, especially in editorial, but a lot of the calls I got were out of desperation.
Y me encanta eso, me encanta esta tensión en especial, en los editoriales pero muchos llamados eran por desesperación.
The elements are not this kind of, like, highly-rendered 3-D world, which I really detest visually. You know, where everything has highlights and everything feels like this smelly plastic.
Los elementos no son como en este mundo tridimensional que detesto visualmente donde todo es reluciente y parece de un plástico horrible.
I want an ink drawing. I want, like, a flat ink drawing that you can walk into and that kind of surrounds you.
Quiero un dibujo de tinta quiero un dibujo plano de tinta al que se pueda entrar y que te rodee.
And I still think New York is the best place to work, but I feel like it's not a good place to refill your kind of creative tank.
Y aún creo que Nueva York es el mejor lugar para trabajar pero no para rellenar tu tanque de la creatividad.
[Cristoph] There's all these kind of crazy galleries that do stuff that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever economically and it's just totally a different mindset.
Hay todo tipo de galerías alocadas que hacen cosas que no tienen ningún sentido económico en absoluto. Es una mentalidad totalmente distinta.
So my kind of, like, most intense phase, in terms of my work, actually happened when I moved to Berlin.
Así que mi fase más intensa, en cuanto a mi trabajo sucedió cuando me mudé a Berlín.
[Christoph] Anything that's happening between nine and six is kind of the essence.
Todo lo que sucede entre las nueve y las seis es la esencia.
[Christoph] Everything I do is kind of creating information, creating usually images that do something with what the viewer already knows.
Todo lo que hago es crear información crear imágenes que hagan algo con lo que el público ya sabe.
I take very specific time off for this kind of, like, free creation.
Me tomo tiempo libre para esta creación libre.
kind of like 48
kind of weird 37
kind of a 17
kind of thing 52
kind of guy 48
kind of way 34
kind of fun 19
kind of like you 17
of course 48716
off we go 156
kind of weird 37
kind of a 17
kind of thing 52
kind of guy 48
kind of way 34
kind of fun 19
kind of like you 17
of course 48716
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
of course not 6388
official 47
offense 31
often 203
offspring 19
offended 16
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
of course not 6388
official 47
offense 31
often 203
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
officer down 213
off the grid 28
off you go 630
of course i can 204
off with his head 28
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
off i go 35
of course i am 561
off the grid 28
off you go 630
of course i can 204
off with his head 28
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
off i go 35
of course i am 561