Kind of like Çeviri İspanyolca
18,765 parallel translation
I don't want to get too personal with the particulars, but she was kind of like your, um... your Obi-Wan?
Yo no quiero ser demasiado personal con los datos, pero era algo así como su, um, su Obi-Wan?
Kind of like your name- - Violet.
Como el tuyo... Violet.
It never dawned on me to be a singer until he started walking off stage in the middle of gigs and it's kind of like, "Oh, fucking hell," you know.
NOEL : Nunca me había interesado ser el cantante hasta que Liam comenzó a irse del escenario a la mitad del concierto y era como, "Oh, mierda", sabes?
We were kind of like a fucking Mike Tyson band, you know what I mean?
Éramos como una banda de Mike Tyson, sabes lo que quiero decir?
Kind of like the idea of Edie being better than other babies.
Algo así como la idea de Edie ser mejor que los demás bebés.
He was kind of like you, into the... into the past of where things come from and stuff before today, uh...
Era algo así como tú, con el... con el pasado y de dónde vienen las cosas y cosas anteriores a hoy...
Yeah, kind of like you're Chet,
Sí, algo así como que tú eres Chet,
Playing catcher is kind of like being the economy czar.
Hacer de receptor es como ser zar económico.
So it's kind of like I didn't even say them.
Es como si no las hubiera dicho.
Kind of like an evil snake bite.
Es como el mordisco de una serpiente demoníaca.
I would kind of like to take care of it on my own.
Me gustaría encargarme por mi cuenta.
I ain't telling you what to do, but I kind of feel like staying sharp and letting them get messed up early is the only way you're gonna dominate beer pong later.
No le diré qué hacer, pero yo diría que mantenerse sobrio y dejar que ellos se emborrachen temprano es el único modo en que les ganará al beer pong.
Looks like some kind of security access card.
Parece una especie de tarjeta de acceso de seguridad.
You're like some kind of wizard.
Eres como una especie de hechicera.
I don't think I could be the kind of dad I'd like to be.
No creo que yo podría ser el tipo de papá, que me gustaría ser.
You look like you've had the kind of day a charity gala won't fix.
Parece como que has tenido la clase de día que una gala de caridad no va a arreglar.
Like, a cute lumberjack, cowboy, light-more-than-your-fire kind of man!
¿ Un lindo leñador o vaquero que te enciende más que el fuego?
She kind of looks like you, Wynonna.
Se parece un poco a ti, Wynonna.
She's a lawyer. Or she was, but there's some kind of, like, "disbarment" situation - or something, so she's...
Es abogada... o lo era, hubo algún tipo de... no sé... inhabilitación temporal o algo por el estilo y ella...
I just want to be able to walk around here without everybody looking at me like I'm some kind of terrified bigot.
Solo quiero poder andar por aquí sin que todas me miren como si fuera una racista aterrorizada.
What, is this some kind of lesbian superpower that you can fix machines like this, like a man?
¿ Tienes una especie de superpoder lésbico que sabes reparar máquinas tan grandes como un hombre?
Don't make me feel like I'm some kind of dream killer.
No me hagas sentir que destruí tus sueños.
What kind of boss lets you lay low like that?
¿ Qué tipo de jefe te permite pasar desapercibido de esa forma?
From now on, I'm only renting the kind of movies that I like.
De ahora en adelante, solo estoy alquilando el tipo de películas que me gustan.
It felt like I was some kind of prisoner.
Me sentí como una especie de prisionera.
She said, "Why don't you come with us? " Be on the bill, kind of thing. " And we were like," Yeah, Glasgow?
Ella dijo : "¿ Por qué no vienen con nosotras? Y estuvimos como" Sí, ¿ Glasgow?
We weren't the kind of band that was like, "Oh, poor Guigs," or "Poor Liam."
No éramos el tipo de banda que era como, "Oh, pobre Guigs" o "Pobre Liam."
I felt like all the people that were with us at the beginning were kind of getting pushed out a bit.
Sentía que todas las personas que estuvieron con nosotros al principio se fueron saliendo poco a poco.
Into what looks like some kind of volcanic rock.
En lo que parece ser roca volcánica.
We'll go see what kind of meta-human powers can take down a building like that and how to stop it.
Vamos a ver qué tipo de poderes metahumanos pueden derribar un edificio como ese y cómo detenerlos.
These things are always so nerve-wracking, to sit there and perform for all these people like some kind of a- -
Siempre me pongo nervioso. Sentarme y actuar frente a toda esa gente como si fuera...
This is Tom and he's making a move like some kind of grand fucking chess master.
Esto es Tom y está moviendo ficha - como un puto gran maestro de ajedrez.
Seems like the kind of thing somebody would remember.
Es una de esas cosas que uno recordaría.
That seems like kind of a lot.
Me parece que son demasiados.
The only kind of nerd you should feel like is hon-nerd that he selected you.
Solo deberías sentirte una nerda por el "honerd" de que te haya elegido.
- I kind of like this one.
[Carolyn] It kind of just looks like a billboard for the sky.
Parece una publicidad del cielo.
Even with a star like BoJack, Kelsey can't get that kind of money.
Aún con una estrella como BoJack, Kelsey no tiene tanto dinero.
Oh, God, this is just like the episode of Horsin'Around when Olivia went to the frat party, but Penny doesn't have a kind angel played by Jose Canseco to help her get out of this jam!
Es como el capítulo de Retozando en el que Olivia va a una fiesta, pero Penny no tiene un ángel guardián representado por José Canseco que la saque de esto.
Okay, if this is the thing that'll make you happy, then I totally support you, but it kind of sounds like you're just going back to the same sort of job that made you miserable for the last 20 years.
Bueno, si esto es lo que se hará feliz, entonces te apoyo, pero suena como si quisieras volver al mismo tipo de trabajo que te hizo infeliz 20 años.
No, I was just- - I kind of like the way it- - can we just push this to next week, please?
¿ Podemos posponerlo para la semana que viene?
Well, looks like you're gonna have to kind of start over, huh, Elon?
bien, parece que tendran que comenzar todo de nuevo, Elon?
Wow, babe. Looks like all our dreams are kind of on hold for a while, huh?
wau, bebe, parece que todos nuestros sueños estas pospuesto por un tiempo, ah?
I don't know about you guys, but since I got here, kind of feel like my whole world's upside-down.
No sé ustedes, pero desde que llegué aquí, me siento como si todo mi mundo estuviera de cabeza.
Like, what kind of moron would...?
¿ Qué clase de imbécil...?
Oh, my God, you're like a chess player who kind of sees, like, ten steps ahead.
Madre mía, eres como un ajedrecista que ve los diez próximos movimientos.
Oh, well, you know, I'm in here every day, and I like to watch the birds who flap through, kind of see what their progress is like.
Estoy aquí a diario y me gusta mirar el progreso de las aves.
What kind of screwed up life did she have that she took a risk like that?
¿ Qué tipo de jodido vida tenía que Que ella tomó un riesgo de esa manera?
Um... it kind of looks like you're sporting a third nipple.
Parece que tienes un tercer pezón.
I feel like you're the kind of person a girl could really... Settle down with someday.
Me parece que eres la clase de tío con el que una tía podría... sentar la cabeza.
It's like nothing counts unless it's some kind of pedigree.
Es como si no valiese nada a menos que sea algún tipo de pedigree.
kind of like you 17
kind of 1307
kind of weird 37
kind of a 17
kind of thing 52
kind of guy 48
kind of way 34
kind of fun 19
like 39801
likely 68
kind of 1307
kind of weird 37
kind of a 17
kind of thing 52
kind of guy 48
kind of way 34
kind of fun 19
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like always 190
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112
like you 1448
like i care 29
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112