Protect him Çeviri İspanyolca
2,702 parallel translation
You told you wanted to become his sword, and protect him
Dijiste que querías convertirte en su espada y protegerlo.
But you'll come to see for yourself that I came back here to protect him.
Pero comprobarás por ti misma que vine aquí para protegerlo.
Protect him from what?
¿ Protegerlo de qué?
No, what I have to do is protect him.
No, lo que tengo que hacer es protegerle.
But we cannot protect him anymore.
Pero no podemos seguir protegiéndole más.
And we understand if you're trying to protect him.
Y comprendemos si estás intentando protegerle.
I wouldn't protect him.
Yo no le protegería.
We were supposed to... protect him, but he knew that I... couldn't stand up to his mother, and he knew she was incapable of putting him first.
Se supone que... deberíamos protegerle pero él supo que yo... no pude hacer frente a su madre, y que ella fue incapaz de ponerle en primer lugar.
You have to understand that you cannot protect him anymore, and he killed two people.
Tiene que comprender que ya no puede protegerle más, y que asesinó a dos personas.
He was trying to protect him.
Estaba intentando protegerlo.
- And you're trying to protect him.
Y tú intentas protegerle a él.
And you're trying to protect him.
Y usted está tratando de protegerlo.
You trying to protect him?
¿ Intentas protegerlo?
He's not coping well, I can't protect him if I have no idea what may come.
No está arreglándose bien, no puedo protegerlo si él no tiene idea de lo que puede venir.
And we would always protect him.
Y siempre le protegeríamos.
It's my duty to protect him
Es mi deber el protegerle.
If you were me, you might think you were trying to find your brother and protect him from the consequences of a criminal inquiry.
Si usted fuera yo, podría pensar que... estaba intentando encontrar a su hermano... y protegerlo de las consecuencias de una investigación criminal.
And he's looking to me to protect him.
Y me buscaba a mí para protegerlo.
We were roughing him up and they jumped in to protect him.
Lo estabamos molestando y ellos intervinieron para protegerlo.
If I want to go out on a limb to protect him, let them take a couple of bricks out of my house in Cop Heaven.
Si quiero ir por las armas para protegerlo, deja que recojan un par de ladrillos de mi casa en Cop Heaven.
So we can't protect him, not there.
Así que no podemos protegerlo, no allí.
The blue paint. And for me, one important protect him and his mother.
Pero ¿ quién es esta cosita tan pequeña?
I was trying to protect him.
Intentaba protegerle.
Don't protect him.
No le protejas.
She destroyed it to protect him.
Ella la destruyó para protegerlo.
So if you truly want to be a good mother to Henry, to protect him, if you want to be better, prove it.
Si realmente quieres ser una madre mejor para Henry... y protegerlo... si quieres ser "mejor"... Demuéstralo.
We're not here to protect him, Matt.
No estamos aquí para protegerle, Matt.
You need to stay close to Arthur, and do whatever you can to protect him.
Tienes que estar cerca de Arturo y hacer todo lo que puedas para protegerle.
I'll protect him, and we'll kill vampires without you.
Yo lo protegeré y mataremos vampiros. Sin ti.
Heavenly father, surround this child with your love and protect him from evil.
Padre celestial, rodea a este niño con tu amor y protégele del mal.
I'm trying to protect him.
Estoy tratando de protegerlo.
I mean, Bryan and I have been baby-proofing this house to protect our son, but we need to baby-proof ourselves, to protect him from our bad behavior.
Es decir, Bryan y yo hemos estado protegiendo la casa para nuestro hijo, pero tenemos que ponernos a hacernos seguros a nosotros mismos para protegerlo de nuestro mal comportamiento.
No matter what, I will protect him.
Sea como sea, lo protegeré.
If I can't prevent him from going, then I must protect him as best I can.
Si no puedo evitar que vaya, entonces debo protegerlo lo mejor que pueda.
But you can't protect him without your magic.
- Pero no puedes protegerlo sin tu magia.
Hoover pursued Martin Luther King with a vengeance doing nothing to protect him, even encouraging him to commit suicide in one notorious anonymous hatefilled letter until the moment King himself was shot and killed by another supposedly lone nut assasin in April of'68.
Hoover ejerció sobre Martin Luther King una venganza haciendo nada para protegerlo, incluso animándole a suicidarse en una famosa carta anónima llena de odio hasta el momento en que el mismo King fue muerto a tiros por otro supuesto asesino loco solitario en abril de 1968.
Then he destroyed protect him?
Entonces, demoler al marido.
We're the detectives assigned to protect him.
Somos los detectives asignados a protegerlo.
If I do I will having to protect him.
Si no lo hago Voy a tener que protegerlo.
I can't protect him down South.
- Yo no puedo protegerlo en el Sur.
I was supposed to protect him.
Tenía que protegerlo.
I'll protect him as if he were my own.
Lo protegeré como si fuera mi hermano.
We won't always be here to protect him.
No vamos a estar aquí siempre para protegerlo.
We sent him undercover to protect you.
Le enviamos encubierto para protegerte.
Whatever information Montgomery gave to him, he's been using it to protect you.
Cualquier información que Montgomery le dio, él la estuvo usando para protegerte.
We'll tell the police that he attacked us, that you shot him to protect me.
Le diremos a la policía que nos atacó, y que le disparaste para protegerme.
Do you vow to protect this child, to stave off sin, and shield him from evil?
¿ Prometéis proteger a este niño, prevenir el pecado y protegerle del mal?
It's about a man lying in a hospital bed because your girlfriend shot him in the head, a woman who's clearly using you to protect herself.
Huck, esto ya no es solo acerca de ti. Es acerca de un hombre tendido en una cama de un hospital porque tu novia le disparó en la cabeza, una mujer que claramente te está usando para protegerse a sí misma.
No matter what, I will protect him myself.
Protect her from him!
¡ Protégela de él!
Protect us from the devil, as we feel him approaching.
Protégenos del diablo, lo sentimos acercándose.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
protection 165
protect 93
proteus 71
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
protection 165
protect 93
proteus 71
protein 47
protective 27
protector 38
protected 88
protestant 20
protest 18
protect yourself 29
protect you 26
protect and serve 24
protect the king 17
protective 27
protector 38
protected 88
protestant 20
protest 18
protect yourself 29
protect you 26
protect and serve 24
protect the king 17