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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She kissed me

She kissed me Çeviri İspanyolca

457 parallel translation
And while we was dancing, she kissed me.
Y mientras bailábamos, ella me besó.
But I'm sure she kissed me good night.
Pero estoy seguro de que me besó.
She kissed me.
Ella me besó.
She kissed me goodbye and sent me away.
Me despidió con un beso y me envió lejos.
She kissed me!
Me susurró.
She kissed me and I think I saw in her beautiful grey eyes a reproach and a heavy sadness
Me besó, creí leer en sus bellos ojos grises un reproche y una profunda tristeza.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me I lived a few weeks while she loved me.
Nací cuando ella me besó morí cuando me abandonó viví unas semanas mientras me amó.
I was born when she kissed me I died when she left me, I...
Nací cuando ella me besó morí cuando me abandonó...
She kissed me once.
Me besó una vez.
She kissed me eagerly, fiercely.
Me besó con ilusión, con amor.
She kissed me!
Me besó!
Was she laughing at me when she kissed me?
¿ Se reía de mí cuando me besó?
So if I do like he says, then maybe I won't get in trouble. I think she kissed me. Oh, gee.
Si hago lo que dice, quizás no me meta en líos. ¡ Me ha besado!
She kissed me when I left.
Al final hasta me besó al salir.
She kissed me, and she looked at me, and she let me pass out all the papers.
Me dio un beso, me miró y me dejó repartir todas las hojas.
- She kissed me.
- Ella me besó.
Then this girl took me upstairs and she kissed me and she told me to close my eyes like this...
Entonces la chica me llevó arriba y me besó y me dijo que cerrara los ojos así...
Once she kissed me'cause she found out I got him to the hospital in time to save his life.
Una vez me besó porque descubrió que lo llevé al hospital a tiempo de salvarle la vida.
She kissed me right there.
Me dio un beso.
When she kissed me in the bar, all the dragoons went crazy.
Cuando ella me besó en el bar, todos los dragones se volvieron locos.
She kissed me as if Christ himself had ordered every move of her experienced tongue.
Me besó como si el mismísimo Cristo controlase los movimientos de su experimentada lengua.
I guess I won, she kissed me five times.
Me imagino que gané, me besó cinco veces.
- And then she kissed me.
- Luego me besó.
When I woke her up She kissed me three times
Al despertar me besó tres veces.
I wanted to look at her, but she kissed me
Quería mirarla en silencio, pero enseguida me besaba.
One held my arms behind my back, another held my face. She kissed me on the mouth.
Una sujetó mis brazos,... otra, mi cara me besó en la boca.
I never knew what a lesbian was until one night while talking she kissed me on the mouth.
No sabía lo que era una lesbiana pero una noche, hablando me besó en la boca.
I joined the show because I thought maybe somewhere I'd run into one of them that didn't measure everything by how many men she kissed in a week.
Me uní a la diversión porque pensé que quizá pudiera conocer a una que... no midiera todo por cuántos hombres besó en la semana.
She's never kissed me, except on birthdays.
Nunca me ha besado, salvo en los cumpleaños.
She never kissed me that way.
A mí nunca me besaba así.
I took her in my arms and kissed her tenderly... hoping against hope she would rebuff me.
La cogí en mis brazos y la besé tiernamente... esperando que ella me rechazara.
- And you dare speak of Hank Entwhistle, who only kissed me once. - That reminds me. She's still got my putter.
- Por cierto, todavía tiene mi putter.
When we kissed I bubbled up like molten lava Then she gave me The scare of my young life
Cuando nos besábamos, éramos como un volcán en erupción.
She just kissed me.
Sólo me besó.
... when I kissed her good night, she slapped my face.
... cuando le besé, me abofeteó.
Because two days later, after it was too late to stop you or call off the customs she came to my hotel room, where l was sitting half-drunk with a three-day beard on my face and she got down on her knees, and she kissed my hand. She told me she couldn ´ t go through with it with you.
Dos días después de marchar tú, cuando ya era tarde para remediar el hecho, ella vino a mi hotel, donde yo estaba medio borracho, con una barba de tres días se puso de rodillas, me besó la mano, y me dijo que no podía respetar la promesa que te había hecho.
It's that she called me son, and kissed me, crying, and...!
¡ es que me ha llamado hijo, y me besaba llorando, y...!
And when Katsumi-san told me how gently you kissed her... the day she became a bride... how tenderly you kissed my sweet little friend... I realized the hate was of my own making.
Y cuando Katsumi-san me dijo qué suave había sido el beso que le dio cuando se casó qué ternura tenía el beso que le dio a mi pequeña amiga me di cuenta de que el odio era mi propio invento.
She never kissed me like that.
Ella nunca me besó así.
How she hugged me on her little lap And kissed me "
"Cómo me acariciaba en su regazo... y me besaba..."
And she leaned down and kissed me... and I guess I kissed her.
Y se inclinó y me besó.. y supongo que la besé.
She reached up and kissed me on the face.
Se acercó y me besó en la cara.
She said she'd never kissed a grown man before... and she might as well kiss me.
Me dijo que nunca antes había besado a un adulto... y que prefería besarme a mí.
I hope you're not, not trying to tell me that it's just because I kissed her. She's changing her address just because I kissed her.
No me hará creer que porque la besé se cambia de dirección.
I once kissed her hand and she just gave me a kiss.
¡ Yo sólo le he besado la mano y ella sólo me ha dado un beso a mí!
She kissed my bush while I helped Paul fuck her from behind
Ella me besaba el sexo, mientras yo lo ayudaba a Paul a metérsela por atrás.
She put her arms around me, kissed me full on the lips and wouldn't stop.
- Bueno me abrazó, me besó en la boca y no paraba.
I kissed her while she was picking me up for one of the school plays.
La besé cuando ella me maquillaba para actuar en una obra juvenil.
I wouldn't notice if my mother came in here and she kissed me.
¿ Por qué?
I kissed him the way Velleda had taught me, She was a gypsy I met in the brothel.
Le besé como me había enseñado Velleda, una zíngara que conocí en el burdel.
She took my arm and kissed me and gave me a tender touch.
Me agarró del brazo, me besó y fue tierna conmigo.

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