Times before Çeviri İspanyolca
1,964 parallel translation
I've seen it too many times before.
Lo he visto muchas veces.
I've been here a few times before, okay?
He estado aqui varias veces, Okay?
I can pull the trigger 128 more times before this battery dies.
Puedo accionar el gatillo 128 veces más antes de que se agote la batería.
You know, I've passed this hotel many times before and I'd never have imagined the rooms to be like this.
Sabes, he pasado este hotel muchas veces antes y yo nunca hubiera imaginado las habitaciones eran así.
I know I done said it plenty of times before.
Sé que lo he dicho muchas veces antes.
Emerson Cod looked into the eyes that had lied to him so many times before and decided they were lying to him again.
Emerson Cod miró los ojos que le habían mentido tantas veces en el pasado y decidió que le estaban mintiendo de nuevo.
Yeah, she called a number of times before I said "Yes".
- Aja. Sí, ella me llamó varias veces hasta que dije que sí.
For fuck's sakes, my men have done this a hundred times before.
Por el amor de mierda, mi los hombres tienen hecho esto cientos de veces antes.
Miss Washington was arrested several times before.
La señorita Washington ha sido arrestada varias veces.
It's a pattern I've seen many times before,
Es un patrón que he visto antes muchas veces,
I've done the spell several times before, but this is the first time it's worked.
He hecho el hechizo varias veces antes pero es la primera vez que funciona.
It's an American tradition to circle the building three times before a meeting, sometimes four.
¿ Sabes qué? Es una tradición americana dar la vuelta tres veces al edificio antes de la reunión
Your name is still three times before.
- Su nombre aparece tres veces.
I want you to pass the ball four times before you shoot.
Quiero que pasen la pelota cuatro veces antes de tirar.
I've heard about horse-head fiddle ensemble many times before.
He oído hablar mucho acerca del conjunto'Morin Khuur'.
You know, I had to ask her out 10 times before we even got a coffee.
Sabes, lo rogué unas 10 veces antes que me aceptara un café.
Mickey said I had to let him hit me three times before I told him anything.
Mickey dice que tengo que dejar golpearme tres veces antes de decir algo.
It's all right for you, you've done it thousands of times before.
Todo está bien para ti, lo has hecho cientos de veces.
The group has done this many times before.
El grupo ha hecho esto muchas veces antes.
In ancient times before the now.
En tiempos antiguos.
He's done this half a dozen times before.
Ha hecho esto media docena de veces.
Many times before, when the streets of Kyoto run red with the blood of carnage. It always appears.
Cuando las calles de Kyoto... estaban teñidas de rojo por la sangre de las matanzas... siempre aparecía él.
She's cked him up a couple times before.
Lo había recogido un par de veces antes.
Older elephants have been here many times before, but the newest calves have never seen so much refreshment.
Los elefantes más viejos han estado aquí muchas veces antes, pero las crías nuevas jamás habían visto tanto refresco.
Whatever you requested, we've heard it a thousand times before.
Lo que solicitas, lo hemos escuchado miles de veces.
At night we'd, like, tell our feral, spiky-haired little children stories of, er, of "the before times".
Y les contaríamos a nuestros hijos de pelo pincho historias de, eh "las épocas anteriores"
How many times can you get tased in the nuts before you can't have kids?
¿ Cuántas descargas se requieren para volverte estéril?
It carries to nearly 80,000 miles, 30 times as far as ever before.
Llega hasta casi 128,748 kilómetros, 30 veces más lejos que nunca.
There's only so many times we're going to be able to pull this off before someone notices.
Es muy improbable de poder lograr algo así sin que nadie se dé cuenta.
How many times must I endure A night that doesn't dawn before I see the light?
¿ Cuantas veces mas debo resistir una noche que no alborea antes de ver la luz?
Lots of times I can envision my future with a woman before I come.
Muchas veces puedo vislumbrar mi futuro con una chica justo antes de eyacular.
Well, to be honest with you, I've been here before, all right, asking for God's help a lot of times, okay?
Para ser honesto con usted ya he venido aquí antes a pedirle ayuda a Dios un montón de veces, ¿ de acuerdo?
How many times you gotta jump back before you know the rules?
¿ Cuántas veces más debes viajar para aprenderte las reglas?
So many times now we've been through this before.
It's happened before, three times.
Ha pasado antes tres veces.
He called me ten times and hung up before he had the nerve to say anything to me.
Me llamó y colgó 10 veces antes de atreverse a decirme algo.
Okay, before you say anything else, dr. Good Times, you need to shower.
Vale, antes de que digas algo más Dr. Buenos Tiempos, necesitas una ducha.
Uncle, why is it.. No matter how many times one says goodbye.. .. it's so important to meet one last time before leaving.
Tío... no importa cuántas veces se diga adiós... es importante verse una vez más antes de irse.
How many times... does someone have to try to kill you before he's crossed a line?
¿ Cuántas veces tiene que intentar matarte para que se pase de la raya?
It's where she went before the wedding, and a few times after.
Es adonde fue antes de la boda y unas veces después.
I already had two alone times today before I got here.
Ya he tenido dos momentos para mi hoy, antes de venir aquí.
For centuries, since Heian times... for generation after generation... one bandit has killed the one before... and taken from him the name... of "Tajomaru."
Tajomaru debe vivir. Durante siglos... desde la época Heian... de generación en generación... un bandido ha matado... al anterior... Y una vez hecho... ha tomado el nombre de Tajomaru.
Entonces ¿ cuántas veces habías predicho que el desastre iba a ocurrir?
In Britain, before Thatcher, a CEO earned 10 times as much as the average worker.
En Gran Bretaña, antes de Thatcher... un director ejecutivo de una empresa ganaba 10 veces mas que el trabajador promedio.
In the US, before Reagan, CEO's earned 43 times as much as the average worker.
En los EE.UU., antes de Reagan... los directores ejecutivos ganaban 43 veces mas que el trabajador promedio.
Someone who reminded her of when times were good, before she had to give up that cute apartment with the partial river view.
Alguien que le recordaba a los buenos tiempos previos a abandonar el bonito departamento con vista al río.
He said he'd never seen me before, but I've been there loads of times.
Dijo que nunca me vió, pero he estado ahí un montón de veces.
Nothing I haven't handled before a dozen times.
Nada que no haya visto antes una docena de veces.
These are exciting times, my friends, and I know I've said it before...
Estos momentos son emocionantes, amigos, y ya sé que lo he dicho antes...
Lady, how many times does one guy have to crap on your head - before you stop wearing it as a hat?
Señora, ¿ cuántas veces tiene un tipo que llenarle la cabeza de mierda antes que le pare?
You should have thought of that before you queefed in my face three times.
Deberías haberlo pensado antes de tirarte tres pedos vaginales en mi cara.
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you leave 71
before you go 323
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you leave 71
before you go 323
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before you start 24
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before we start 86
before you came 20
before you start 24
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before we start 86
before you came 20
before that 401
before you 99
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before you do 63
before he died 107
before we met 21
before i 37
before i do 21
before what 97
before you 99
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before you do 63
before he died 107
before we met 21
before i 37
before i do 21
before what 97