Before he died Çeviri İspanyolca
2,721 parallel translation
Before he died, he left a roadmap for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.
Antes de morir, me dejó una hoja de ruta para su venganza, que me guió a las personas que destruyeron nuestras vidas.
Before he died, he left a roadmap for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.
Antes de morir, dejó una hoja de ruta para vengarse que me guía a la gente que nos destrozó la vida.
He wanted me to have this before he died.
Quería que tuviera esto antes de morir.
Before he died, did my brother say anything or sign a document about who would inherit the throne?
¿ Sabéis si antes de morir mi hermano dijo algo o firmó algún documento sobre quién heredaría su corona?
Before he died, he left a road map for revenge That led me to the people who destroyed our lives.
Antes de morir, dejó una hoja de ruta para vengarse que me llevo hasta la gente que había destruido nuestras vidas.
He ordered a number 17 triple cheeseburger deluxe right before he died.
No es verdad. Antes de morir ordenó una hamburguesa de queso triple deluxe. ¿ Sí?
You know what Benny said before he died?
¿ Sabes lo que dijo Benny antes de morir?
And I always regretted not spending more time with him the last time he came to visit before he died.
Y siempre me arrepentí de no pasar más tiempo con él la última vez que vino a vernos antes de morir.
Can you tell us what happened to your younger brother before he died?
¿ Puedes decirnos lo que pasó con tu hermano menor antes de morir?
Before he died, he said that Don Diego did not kill my sister. So he is blackmailing something else. - Do you think that Pascual had killed her sister?
Antes de morir dijo que don Diego no había matado a mi hermana, así que el chantaje sería por otra cosa.
Before he died, he was trying to name members of oversight.
Antes de morir, estaba intentando nombrar a miembros de supervisión.
Can't tell yet if he lost it before he died or after.
Todavía no puedo decir si lo perdió antes de morir o después.
Gaines named you before he died in front of Nikita.
Gaines te nombró antes de morir en frente de Nikita.
Before he died, he left a roadmap for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.
Antes de morir, dejó una hoja de ruta para vengarse que me condujo a la gente que destruyó nuestras vidas.
The night before he died, Gennaro Superman came over. He came into my room.
La noche antes de morir, Gennaro estuvo conmigo, en mi habitación.
Don't you know that stoy about the rich old guy who said this to his family before he died?
¿ No conoces esa historia... sobre el viejo rico que le dijo esto a su familia antes de morir?
Did he say anything before he died?
¿ Dijo algo antes de morir?
It's the same beef Walt ate an hour before he died... your dish, Leon.
Se trata de la misma ternera que Walt comió una hora antes de morir... su plato, Leon.
He told you about me, didn't he, before he died?
Te habló de mí, ¿ no? , antes de morir.
Know what he said before he died?
¿ Sabes lo que dijo... antes de morir?
I memorized and wrote what Scholar Yoon Pil did before he died.
Memoricé y escribí lo que hizo el académico Yoon Pil antes de morir.
Why did he eat those before he died?
¿ Por qué se tragó eso antes de morir?
Father wrote an order before he died.
Padre escribió una orden antes de morir.
Before he died, he told me not to be hostile to Wiryegung.
Antes de morir, me dijo que no fuera hostil con Wirye.
Yeah, how... he only wanted to hear Beethoven's Opus 131, and they played it for him, like, five days before he died.
Sí, que solo quería oír el Opus 131 de Beethoven y que se lo tocaron cinco días antes de que muriera.
They say he dragged his intestines for a mile before he died.
Dicen que arrastró sus intestinos más de un kilómetro antes de morir.
Before he died, your father asked me to give you this poem by Tecumseh.
Antes de morir, tu padre me pidió que te diera este poema de Tecumseh.
Or maybe even Levi before he died?
O tal vez incluso Levi \ nantes de que murió?
Uh, I saw your pa about five or six years back, just before he died.
Vi a tu papá cinco o seis años atrás, justo antes de morir.
Raj sent this from Moscow a month before he died, for you.
Raj envió este de Moscú, un mes antes de morir, por ti.
Apparently Tehmur mentioned a'Simran'before he died...
Aparentemente Tehmur menciono a una "Simran" antes de morir.
He worked to his very last on this one in order to finish it before he died.
Trabajó muy rápido en esto en orden para terminarlo antes de morir.
But as it turns out, four hours before he died he accessed your file.
Pero como resulta que, cuatro horas antes de su muerte tuvo acceso a su expediente.
Mom, he died 25 years ago, and this leisure suit passed away ten years before that.
Mama, el murio hace 25 años. y este traje paso a mejor vida diez años antes de eso.
If he died once before, there should be a report about it or another trauma that keeps him rooted here.
Si murio una vez antes, debe haber algun raporte sobre ello o de otro trauma que lo mantiene aquí.
He died before I was born.
Murió antes de que naciera.
- No, he died in a car accident right before Hope was born.
No, murió en un accidente vial antes de que naciera Hope.
He died before my eyes!
¡ Ha muerto delante de mí!
Fifth one died before he could try it.
El 5 to murió antes de tomarlo.
He died long before this happened.
Él murió mucho antes de que esto ocurriera.
Thing was... he died before he got it.
La cuestión es... que murió antes de recibirla.
But I remember, just before Frank died, he was asking about you, out of the blue.
Pero recuerdo, justo antes que Frank muriera, estaba preguntando por tí, de la nada.
He died just before my first birthday.
Murió justo antes de mi primer cumpleaños.
According to Pyong, before Yoon Pil died, he figured out about us.
De acuerdo a Pyong, antes de que Yoon Pil muriera, él supo de nosotros.
He might have died before he achieved all his plans, but as Eoraha he had no fault.
Pudo haber muerto antes de llevar a cabo todos sus planes... pero como Rey no tuvo ninguna falta.
But he died before I was three.
Pero murió antes de que yo tuviera tres años.
He died before you were 15, but in a car crash.
Él murió antes de que cumplas los 15, pero en un accidente de auto.
Before my father died, he said the worst thing about growing old was that other men stopped seeing you as dangerous.
Antes de morir, mi padre dijo que lo peor de envejecer era que los otros hombres dejaban de considerarte un peligro.
Well, just like a year before he died, he was at the Paramount. Oh, what a show.
Oh, qué show..
Even though the poor prince died before he fuIfılled his dreams.
A pesar de que el pobre príncipe murió antes de cumplir sus sueños.
He died before he got a chance to be in a fucking American jukebox!
¡ Murió antes de tener una oportunidad de estar en una maldita rockola americana!
before he 18
before he left 22
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
before he left 22
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
died 275
died in 24
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you leave 71
before you go 323
before you die 34
before i met you 48
died in 24
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you leave 71
before you go 323
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before you start 24
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before you start 24
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86