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Wasn't me Çeviri İspanyolca

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I realized it wasn't your thing, and I let it go.
me di cuenta de que no era lo tuyo, y no deje ir.
It wasn't me.
No fui yo.
Well, it certainly wasn't me.
Bueno, por supuesto que no fui yo.
Clearly, I wasn't beaten enough as a child.
Claramente, no me golpearon lo suficiente de niño.
You brought me my comic books when I wasn't feeling well.
Tú me traíste mis libros de historietas cuando no me sentía bien.
I just wish Stuart wasn't around so we didn't have to be so quiet.
Me hubiese gustado que Stuart no estuviera cerca para que no tuviéramos que estar tan callados.
- The decision wasn't valid... your dib on Cindy
- La decisión no era válida... tu "me lo pido" de Cindy
I saw all the police and I started to walk down the on-ramp and they stopped me and they said I wasn't allowed down there.
Vi a la policía... y comencé a acercarme a la rampa de acceso. Me detuvieron y me dijeron que no tenía permitido ir allí.
That's why I wasn't mad at you back then.
Por eso mismo no me enfadé contigo, entonces.
No, it wasn't me.
No, no era yo.
Someone else told me that story about not having clean clothes, and it wasn't him.
Alguien más me dijo la historia de no tener ropa limpia, y no fue él.
You said you saw her get onto the helicopter with Juliette, but Juliette wasn't actually on the helicopter.
Me dijiste que la viste subir al helicóptero con Juliette, pero Juliette no estaba en realidad en ese helicóptero.
It wasn't me.
Yo no fui.
But as I stood there in that garden shed, I realised it wasn't going to solve anything, was it?
Pero cuando estuve en el cobertizo del jardín,... me di cuenta que no iba a solucionar nada, ¿ no?
That wasn't me.
Ese no fui yo.
As if ruining his life wasn't enough for me to worry about, now we get to wonder when you and Valerie exchanged numbers.
Como si arruinarle la vida no fuera suficiente para preocuparme ahora debo preocuparme por cuándo Valerie y tú intercambiaron números.
When the Armory kidnapped me four months ago, it wasn't to torture me.
Cuando la Armería me secuestró cuatro meses atrás, no fue para torturarme.
It wasn't the storm I was worried about.
No me preocupa la tormenta.
But it wasn't about saving me.
Pero no era para salvarme.
When I came back home, the wound on my head wasn't because I slipped and fell.
Cuando volvieron a casa, la herida en la cabeza No fue porque me resbalé y caída.
I'm neither married nor do I have children, but I wasn't worried.
Yo no estoy casado, ni tengo hijos... pero no me preocupaba. Me dije :
I wasn't sure you'd recall me.
No estaba seguro de que se acordara de mí.
Oh, that wasn't exactly hay you were throwing, either.
"Bueno, lo que me estabas tirando tampoco era heno que digamos".
It was clear to me that he must've deserted and I wasn't happy, but I didn't kill him, and neither did Geoffrey.
Fue claro para mí que él debió desertar y, yo no estaba feliz, pero no lo maté,... y tampoco lo hizo Geoffrey.
This wasn't down to me.
Esto no dependió de mí.
- It wasn't me.
- No fui yo.
I wasn't aware there was a problem.
No me di cuenta de que hubiera un problema.
I sent the note hoping to keep him from ratting me out, only Bardot wasn't intimidated.
Le envié la nota para que no me delatara, pero no lo atemoricé.
But wasn't I correct?
Me equivoco?
I realized, that it still wasn't worth dying.
Me di cuenta, Que no tiene gracia morir.
It wasn't about me and her getting together, she just... I don't know, man, she just wanted Kalani to know she has a dad.
No se trataba de estar juntos, ella solo... no lo sé, viejo, ella solo quería que Kalani supiera que tenía un padre.
And, for the record... I wasn't over you.
Y, para que sepas, no me había olvidado de ti.
- Well, you're making an'S'sound, - I wasn't... - which is throwing me.
Me confunde tu seseo.
You're the baby, and if it wasn't for me, you'd still be sucking your thumb in Mrs. Garducci's apartment. You know what, Mike? I'm gonna go find Phil.
Eres un bebé, y si no fuera por mí seguirías en casa de Garducci.
And Barn, you wasn't even gonna help me?
¿ Ni siquiera ibas a ayudarme?
Wasn't me!
¡ Yo no fui!
It flashed on me in bursts of clarity that it wasn't her fault if she was she and I just me.
Brilló en mí en ráfagas de claridad que no eran su culpa si ella era ella y yo sólo yo.
If fatso wasn't there, I think I'd come for real.
Si el gordo no hubiera estado ahí, creo que me hubiera venido.
It wasn't me!
- ¡ Yo no fui!
While I wasn't thrilled about her interest, I didn't really see the harm in it either.
Aunque no estaba entusiasmada con su interés, tampoco me pareció que fuera malo.
I was playing someone that I wasn't, and I got caught up.
Yo estaba jugando a alguien que Yo no estaba, y me vi envuelto.
Eddie is dead? That wasn't me.
¿ Eddie está muerto?
- It wasn't my place to tell you.
A mí no me correspondía.
I don't know, it's just a feeling, like maybe he wasn't telling the truth.
No sé, siento como si no me estuviera diciendo la verdad.
This wasn't meant for me.
- No es para mí, eso.
No, I wasn't surprised.
No, no me sorprendió.
I wasn't trying to take none of that, you heard me?
No iba a hacer nada de eso, ¿ me oyes?
They put me in max and there wasn't no bail.
Me pusieron en máxima seguridad y sin fianza.
Do I need to remind you, you wouldn't even have your job if it wasn't for Davis and me.
¿ Tengo que recordarte que no tendrías este trabajo si no fuera por Davis y por mí?
Pretty soon, I realized that it would just follow me, because... grief wasn't done with me.
Pronto me di cuenta de que si hubiera seguido... La pena no había acabado conmigo.
And it wasn't no lie when I said you was the only one for me.
Y no era una mentira cuando decía que eras la única para mí.

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