Your life is over Çeviri İspanyolca
287 parallel translation
You understand that if Sam Wild is turned over to the police for any reason your life is over.
Usted entiende que si Sam Wild es entregado a la policía por alguna razón su vida se acaba.
- You act like your life is over.
Se comporta como si su vida hubiera acabado.
Let her die, your life is over.
Dejándola morir, tu vida acaba.
¡ Maldito seas!
- La iglesia dice : "¡ Amén!"
If you cannot cope with her third son, your life is over!
¡ Si no puedes enfrentarte con su tercer hijo, tu vida está acabada!
That part of your life is over now.
Esa vida ya es agua pasada.
You think your life is over... because you've been hurt, and you've lost the woman that you love.
Crees que tu vida se ha acabado. Porque te han herido y has perdido a la mujer que quieres.
Oh, it's a nice feeling, you know, that when one part of your life is over, another part can begin.
Es agradable saber que cuando se acaba una parte de tu vida, puede empezar otra.
Listen, young man, your life is over, do you understand?
Escucha, joven, tu vida se acabó ¿ entiendes?
Maybe the best part of your life is over and you don't wanna get up and start the bad part.
Quizá lo mejor de tu vida ya ha pasado y no quieres enfrentarte a la parte mala.
I told you, your life is over and anything you do for yourself is a waste of spirit, remember?
Ya te lo dije, todo lo que hicieras... en tu propio beneficio sería malgastar lo espiritual, recuerdas?
If this gets out, your life is over.
Si la gente se entera, estás frito. Serás un fenómeno.
But now, that part of your life is over.
Esa parte de tu vida se ha acabado.
That part of your life is over with.
Esa parte de tu vida ha terminado.
You tell me or your life is over.
Me lo dices o tu vida ha terminado.
And even if you don't, it doesn't mean that your life is over.
Y si no lo hace, eso no significa que su vida haya acabado.
I mean, no one more so than you, I'm sure, but everyone here is working under the assumption that this part of your life is over, that this person is out of your life.
Para ti más que nada, seguro, pero los aquí presentes suponemos que esa etapa de tu vida se acabó, que esa persona está fuera de tu vida.
Anybody messes this thing up for me tonight is through. Not only are you fired, your life is over. I'll see to it you never work again, and wind up tearing tickets off in Kuwait.
todo el que falle esta noche está frito, no sólo será despedido será su fin, me las arreglaré para que el unico trabajo que consiga sea vender entradas en Kuwait...
And unless there's some miracle of timing or events and greatness is thrust upon you, your life is over.
Y, a menos que haya algún milagro de oportunidades O eventos y caiga sobre ti la grandeza, Tu vida ha terminado.
May heaven give that until your life is over love will live. " Cheers.
Que el cielo otorgue, y hasta el fin de vuestras vidas, vivirá el amor. " Salud.
Your life is over.
Tu vida ha acabado.
Your life is over.
Tu vida acabó.
Is your whole life so filled with filthy drunkenness... brawling and lust, that here now... perhaps close to your death... the only thing left for you to do is to live it all over again in your mind?
Toda tu vida está plagada de borracheras... alardeando y anhelando, como ahora... quizá cerca de tu muerte... ¿ lo único que se te ocurre es revivirlo en tu mente?
You who formed a little stronghold of our people here in Canada... you will have your share of the happiness and prosperity... that is waiting for us all when the storm is over and the sun rises — that mighty sun — which will give us everything we need in life
Habéis formado un pequeño bastión para nuestro pueblo en Canadá, compartiréis la felicidad y prosperidad que nos espera a todos cuando cese la tormenta y salga el sol, ese sol poderoso... que nos dará todo lo necesario.
which will be useful only... if it is imbued with the Neuberin's creative spirit may she live on in your work you, Armin, will administer the inheritance and now that I hand over this house to you, Philine I place into your hands the endless task she had been serving so well the task to which you too have devoted your life
qué sólo será útil... si se imbuye con el espíritu creativo de Neuberin ella puede mantenerse viva en su trabajo usted, Armin, administrará la herencia y ahora que le entrego esta casa Philine, pongo en sus manos la tarea interminable para la cual ella había estado sirviendo tan bien
The fact is, once and for all, I do not wish to treat you as an inferior. But I've battled through a varied experience with men of many nations... roamed over half the globe, while you've spent your whole life... with one set of people in one house.
El hecho es, de una vez por todas, que no deseo tratarla como a una inferior, pero he... batallado a través de varias experiencias con muchos hombres de muchas naciones alrededor de medio mundo, mientras que usted ha pasado toda su vida
Your life is just beginning. Mine is half over.
Tu vida está empezando Yo ya he vivido la mitad.
Kiper, march through that door, and if you stick your neck in once... before the game is over, I'll wreck you for life. - Now, are you gonna go, or do I demonstrate?
Sal por esa puerta y si vuelves a asomar el cuello antes de que acabe la partida te destrozaré. ¿ Te vas a ir o quieres una demostración?
This is rather irregular, but... given the last day of your life to live over again... do you think you could uncover your murderer?
Voy a proponerle algo poco común. Si reviviera su último día, ¿ podría descubrir al asesino?
Your life is not over.
Su vida no se ha acabado.
When the war is over, and your life safe, time will show best...
Cuando la guerra haya terminado, y su vida esté a salvo, el tiempo lo dirá mejor...
And now, with you and your life, is over forever.
ahora, contigo y con tu vida, acabada para siempre.
Your continued narrow-minded refusal to believe in Over The Hill, is possibly costing us a better life, you know.
Tu continua estrechés mental se rehusa a creer En Over The Hill, es posible que llevemos una mejor vida, sabes.
Doctor... When this fight is over, you will be able to live your life with your daughter.
Doctor, cuando esta guerra acabe, podrá vivir tranquilo junto a su hija.
Is it worth risking your life over $ 10 two credit cards, a hairbrush and a lipstick?
¿ Merece la pena arriesgar la vida por 10 $, dos tarjetas de crédito, un cepillo y un carmín?
You get your inspector's funeral and my life is over, Danny.
Tú obtienes tu funeral de inspector, y mi vida se termina, Danny.
Listen, your old life is over.
Oye, tu antigua vida ha terminado.
But why is your life over?
Porque se terminó su vida?
Your life, as it has been, is over.
Su vida como la han conocido ha terminado.
Your life is a "do over".
Tu vida es un "otra vez".
Your life as you know it is over.
Tu vida como la conoces se acabó.
To cross over there is to take your life in your hands.
Cruzarlo es tomar tu vida en tus manos.
"Your life is a dream and now it is over." I know because we Spaniards...
"Tu vida es un sueño y se acabó" Lo se porque nosotros los españoles...
Just a good citizen... who knows your life here is over.
- Sólo un buen ciudadano que sabe que tu vida aquí se acabó.
Suddenly, your life as a private individual is over with.
de pronto, tu vida privada se acaba.
Your life is not over.
Tu vida no ha terminado.
Your private life is over.
Se acabó la vida civil.
Your Honor to give this young man custody over another life is not only wrong it's insane.
Dar a este joven la custodia de otra vida no sólo está mal es una locura.
You know, considering how you've lived your life, when this is all over, what makes you think you're going upstairs anyways?
Eres mejor que él. Piensa cómo has vivido. ¿ Qué te hace pensar que te irías al cielo?
A girl is not worth messing your life up over, you hear me?
No vale la pena complicarse por ninguna chica, ¿ oyes?
your life depends on it 17
your life 193
your life is in danger 35
is over 70
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your life 193
your life is in danger 35
is over 70
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246