And everything changed Çeviri Fransızca
275 parallel translation
I was in the dumps, and then Uncle Charlie came and everything changed.
J'avais le cafard, et puis Oncle Charlie est arrivé... et tout a changé.
Then she died and everything changed.
Elle était blanchisseuse. Elle m'aimait et je l'aimais, elle était belle, gaie.
Then he was... and everything changed.
Puis il est arrivé, et tout a changé.
Then he was born and everything changed.
Puis, il est né et tout a changé.
- He was paroled and everything changed.
- Il a été mis en liberté conditionnelle.
But he left and everything changed.
Mais il est parti et tout a changé.
Then Pearl Harbor happened and everything changed.
Then Pearl Harbor happened and everything changed.
" and led us to believe that everything has changed.
" et nous a fait croire que tout avait changé.
I went to New York and I metJohn. Everything changed for me.
Je suis allée à New-York et j'ai rencontré John.
Since we came here, I have to take care of everything and you've changed and became aggressive
Depuis que nous sommes ici, je dois faire attention à tout et toi tu as changé et tu es devenu agressif
Oh, so you changed your name and thought that would change everything, huh?
Et tu crois que changer de nom suffit à tout changer?
You're hurt because everything is changed, and jimmy's hurt because everything is the same.
Tu as mal parce que tout a changé, et Jimmy a mal parce que rien n'a changé.
And now everything has changed?
Et maintenant tout a changé?
And everything was changed.
Tout changea.
And suddenly everything changed.
Et soudain, tout a changé.
I mean, I fell asleep and she changed everything.
Je me suis endormi et elle a tout changé.
That our circumstances must be changed fundamentally and without these changes everything we try to do must fail.
Un changement radical de notre condition. Sans de tels changements, toute tentative échouera.
The railroad and the telegraph, they've changed everything... or almost everything.
Le chemin de fer et le télégraphe ont tout changé... Presque tout.
One day everything changed, and your uncle demanded to be repaid immediately.
Un jour, tout a changé, et ton oncle a exigé d'être remboursé immédiatement.
And all of a sudden, everything changed.
Mais là, soudain, tout a changé.
He'd have changed everything, the insurance and the will.
Il devait tout changer : Assurance et testament.
You can't ask me to drop everything I've been working for and give up all my ambitions, because your plans have changed.
Tu ne peux pas me demander de renoncer à mes ambitions juste parce que tes plans ont changés.
And everyone came back on time? Changed and everything?
Nos cabines sont tout en bas, on a juste le temps de se changer et de remonter.
The car is one half-hour hot and the plates are changed. I did everything.
Le moteur a tourné, j'ai changé les plaques, j'ai tout fait.
And it changed everything, that night, everything that I believed about love.
Ça a tout changé, cette nuit, tout ce que je pensais de l'amour.
Everything changed in those hours between Vargas'suicide and the resignation that had been demanded the day before by a military ultimatum.
Tout changea dans ces heures qui séparent le suicide de Vargas et la déposition, exigée la veille par un ultimatum militaire.
The released power of the atom changed everything but our way of thinking, and thus we keep sliding down to a catastrophe never seen heretofore.
La force libérée de l'atome a tout changé mais pas les mentalités, et inéluctablement nous glissons vers une catastrophe jamais vue.
And then everything went on just the same... as it did before I left. Nothing changed. Don't you forget that.
La vie continuait comme avant mon départ.
And then when I turned 16, it seemed like everything changed overnight.
Et quand j'ai eu 16 ans, tout a changé du jour au lendemain.
Everything's changed. And ravaged by time they wander stubbornly... And ravaged by time they wander stubbornly all over Greece... all over Greece always performing the same play.
Tout a changé, eux aussi, dégradés par le temps, ils errent sans arrêt dans les rues de la Grèce en jouant tout le temps la même pièce.
He's changed the whole body and everything. Don't worry.
Ne t'en fais pas, Junior.
Look away for a second, and everything's changed.
À parier qu'ils pourraient disparaître en une seconde.
We've changed, matured. We are still shy, but calm, relaxed, almost at peace with the world, and we'd like to be at peace with you. Now that everything inside us is very clear, don't think only of yourself :
Nous avons changé, nous avons mûri, nous sommes toujours timides, mais calmes, relaxés, sereins... presque en paix avec le monde, et nous aimerions l'être avec toi maintenant qu'en nous tout est clair.
She reached out and yanked me back from the edge, literally changed everything for me, for my wife and my son.
Elle a tendu la main et m'a littéralement arraché au précipice. Elle a tout changé, pour moi, pour ma femme, pour mon fils.
And it has completely changed everything.
Et ça change carrément tout.
We didn't know it then, Janey, but them was the last of the Wild West times, before everything changed and Billy Cody made a show of it.
On le savait pas encore, Janey, mais l'epoque du Far West touchait a sa fin. Tout allait changer et Bill Cody en ferait bientôt un spectacle.
And, I mean, everything else has changed.
Tout le reste a évolué!
The Krenim lmperium- - over 200 star systems, 900 planets, thousands of warp - capable vessels and now... after the shock wave, everything seems to have changed.
L'empire krenim : 200 systèmes stellaires, 900 planètes, des milliers de vaisseaux à distorsion et maintenant... Après le passage de l'onde de choc, tout semble avoir changé.
And it changed everything.
Et il a tout changé.
Word is that since Big Brother went, everything's changed and the boys can feel it.
Tout a changé depuis que Big brother s'est fait la malle et les gars le sentent bien.
And everything feels the same, so nothing's changed, right?
Tout semble pareil, rien n'a changé, n'est-ce pas?
When we were in college, and at Christmas break you told me you were gay, everything changed.
quand tu m'as annoncé que tu étais gay, à noël, en fac, tout a changé.
Then I kissed him, and everything changed. Now I don't know if he's my boyfriend or best friend.
C'est mon petit ami ou mon meilleur ami?
And she has to be changed or else everything will stink.
Et il faut la changer sinon toute la maison va puer la pisse.
I came in here with this whole speech, and once you start talking, my speech doesn't apply, and everything gets changed, and I just want to make sure that I say everything to you, so just don't say anything.
Mon discours est prêt mais si tu commences à parler, ça n'ira plus et je veux être sûr de tout te dire.
And the thing that helps me deal with it is having a place that hasn't changed like everything else in my life.
Ce qu'il me faut, c'est un endroit... qui, lui, ne change pas.
Oh, wouldn't you know it. I just received a call and suddenly everything's changed.
Je viens d'avoir un appel, et tout a changé.
And even though everything about this family has changed... the truth is that we still need each other.
Et même si tout a changé dans cette famille... la vérité, c'est qu'on a toujours besoin les uns des autres.
If you hadn't come back when I was a kid, changed everything... she and I would have gotten together then. I would have met her father.
Quand j'étais gamin, si t'avais pas tout bouleversé... je serais sorti avec elle, j'aurais rencontré son père.
And what if everything's changed like that...
Et si tout était différent?
I'm looking back and I see time has changed everything.
Quand je regarde le passè, je vois que les temps modernes ont emporté la mode du pantalon et du talon militaire...
and everything will be fine 34
and everything 101
and everything else 36
everything changed 73
changed 111
changed your mind 19
changed my life 21
changed my mind 48
and eat 28
and everyone else 26
and everything 101
and everything else 36
everything changed 73
changed 111
changed your mind 19
changed my life 21
changed my mind 48
and eat 28
and everyone else 26
and ever since 27
and everybody knows it 20
and even though 16
and expensive 22
and everywhere 22
and every night 34
and ever since then 47
and everybody 18
and eventually 133
and everyone 32
and everybody knows it 20
and even though 16
and expensive 22
and everywhere 22
and every night 34
and ever since then 47
and everybody 18
and eventually 133
and everyone 32