And so were you Çeviri Fransızca
3,386 parallel translation
I was so confused and you were always away on a stupid book tour... Or because of Henry's custody shit, and I didn't wanna be a burden.
J'étais perdue et tu étais parti pour une promo débile ou pour t'occuper de Henry.
And you were away so often, calling me, and asking me how my day went...
Tu étais souvent parti.
That's why you were so interested in helping me find a Bilby and the Gliders!
Voilà pourquoi tu voulais m'aider à trouver un bandicoot et les phalangers!
And others were coming from, look, it has always been this intersection of art and commerce, so you cannot deny that.
"à ‡ a a toujours été au croisement de l'art et du commerce. On ne peut pas le nier."
And you were so traumatized,
Et vous étiez tellement traumatisé,
You may not believe this, Inspector, but you and Joshua were not so different.
Vous n'allez pas croire ceci, Inspecteur, mais vous et Joshua n'étiez pas si différents.
You were so upset when shiloh junior died that the kids and I thought we would get you...
Tu étais si triste quand Shiloh fils est mort que les enfants et moi, on a voulu t'offrir...
I know this because so many have told me how you killed Earl Haraldson and then built a new kind of ship... were the first to sail west and defeated a king of england!
Je le sais car beaucoup m'ont parlé de toi comment tu as tué Earl Haraldson puis construit un nouveau genre de navire... et être le premier à naviguer vers l'ouest et battre un roi d'Angleterre!
Flora and I were so close, you see.
Vous savez, Flora et moi étions si proches.
You were so damn sure you were gonna change the world and they all went along for the ride.
Tu étais tellement sûr que tu allais changer le monde et ils sont tous partis.
So you were listening to my lecture and not just lurking outside.
Alors vous écoutiez vraiment ma lecture Et ne faisiez pas que vous cacher dehors.
Who'd you think you were - so this is the guy that gave you the Mercedes and has a private jet and takes you to Maui and lives in the fucking mansion in Malibu.
- Tu croyais... Ce mec t'a donné une Mercedes, il a un jet privé, il t'emmène à Maui et il a un manoir à Malibu?
It all seemed so exciting when you were 18, and that photographer found you, class trip from Michigan, all the way out to Los Angeles.
Ça devait être excitant, à 18 ans, quand ce photographe t'a découvert. Voyage en première du Michigan jusqu'à Los Angeles.
And you were suddenly so far away from that shithole town you grew up in, so you did some modeling shoots.
Tu étais bien loin de ton patelin de merde. Tu as fait du mannequinat.
You were up there singing, it was so lovely, and we just, we made a mess of it.
Tu étais là en train de chanter, c'était magnifique, Et nous avons seulement.. Nous avons tout gâché.
I had no idea that you were so rugged and outdoorsy.
Je ne savais pas que tu étais si impressionnante et aventurière.
It was just a visit from his number one fan who he used to make the spanky-tank-pank dance with, but that day, you were Bob, and Bob was jealous of Laura's relationship with Crock, so he killed him.
C'était juste une visite venant de sa fan numéro un. qui avait l'habitude de faire la dance du Spanky-Tank-Pank, mais ce jour, tu étais Bob, et Bod était jaloux de la relation de Laura avec Crock, alors il l'a tué.
And then I think about how you were so upset with Walt and how you wanted the kids out of the house, and all of this makes me believe that there has got to be hope for you, that whatever he did to you can be undone.
Et puis je pense que là encore vous étiez tellement en colère contre Walt et vos enfants vouliez tellement de la maison Et tout cela me amène à croire qu'il ya encore de l'espoir pour vous que tout ce qu'il a fait pour vous est encore à venir.
You were so wet and so cranky, but now you feel better, don't you?
Vous étiez si humide et au bord des larmes, mais maintenant vous vous sentez mieux, hein?
And so it was, you were born with the same thick blond hair.
Et ce fut ainsi : Tu es né avec sa même chevelure dorée.
You were right, and that's why I thought we should spend more time together, so that I can learn these valuable life lessons from my big sister.
Tu avais raison, Et c'est pourquoi j'ai pensé que nous devrions passer plus de temps ensemble, pour que je puisse apprendre ces précieuses leçons de vie de ma grande sœur.
And you never were much of a thinker, so it probably won't affect you that much.
Et tu n'as jamais été un grand penseur. Donc ça va probablement pas t'affecter tant que ça.
So it wasn't like you thought you had murdered her and you were actually burying'her alive?
C'est pas comme tu pensais que tu l'avais buté et que t'étais en train de l'enterrer vivante?
Remember when you were a kid, and you came back to that place you were years later, and everything seemed so small?
Rappelle toi quand tu étais un enfant, et tu es revenu à cette Oui.
So, if I were you, I would just quit now and maybe Hot Topic will hire you back this summer
Si j'étais vous, je partirais. Sujet sensible à éviter.
Read it and you'll see, when you were a baby, that this "wonderful mother" that you spoke so glowingly about wanted to give you away.
Lis le et tu verra, que quand tu état bébé cette, merveilleuse mère donc tu parle si fièrement voulait t'abandonner.
But you were so articulate and powerful in damning them.
Mais vous vous exprimiez si bien, et étiez si puissante à les accabler.
So, were you, like, burning crosses and shit with those guys or like, "Heil Hitler"?
Donc quoi? Tu brûlais des croix avec ces gars? Ce genre de conneries?
So you stood there, and you played dumb while your people were breaking into my facility?
Alors vous êtes resté là, et n'avez pas bougé pendant que vos gens entraient par effraction dans mon bâtiments?
And she'll be like, "You were so brave, thank you very much"
Elle me dira : "Vous m'avez sauvé la vie. Merci."
So, for 32 years, you were hands-off, and then suddenly you just want to... get involved?
Alors, pour 32 ans, tu étais sans mains. et puis soudainement, tu as juste voulu... être impliqué?
We thought you were really good... and the idiots who were shouting, they were so wrong.
On a trouvé que tu avais vraiment bien joué... et que les idiots qui criaient avaient vraiment tort.
You see, you and your little girlfriend were out there eliminating our competition, so, in the end, your efforts simply sped up our schedule.
Toi et ta petite copine, vous avez éliminé la compétition. Donc... finalement, vos efforts n'auront qu'avancé notre calendrier.
You disappearing for months on end, you never taking my calls when things between Mom and me were so bad.
Tu disparaissais pendant des mois, tu ne répondais jamais à mes appels quand tout allait mal entre maman et moi.
So they dropped you at a park where you were picked up by a black-and-white.
Donc ils vous ont abandonné dans un parc où vous avez été ramassé par un véhicule noir et blanc.
So while you were being torn she was poisoning our relationship and poisoning your perception of me.
Et pendant que t'étais tiraillée, elle pourrissait notre relation et ton point de vue sur moi.
You know, we were so excited for him and for us to be able to do this show, and it was coming together.
On était si excité pour lui et pour nous de pouvoir monter ce spectacle, et tout allait bien.
And I only told Grayson so he would be more sympathetic to what you were going through.
Et je l'ai dis à Grayson uniquement pour qu'il comprenne mieux ce que tu traverses.
it made my performance so powerful, and, well, you were the one that put that all together, so... ( sighs )
et ça a fait surgir tellement d'émotions, que ça a rendu ma performance très puissante, et, tu as été celui qui a mis tout ça ensemble, donc...
Look, they were kind of falling off your finger and so I kind of slid them off and then you moved your hand and I couldn't put them back on so...
Elles étaient genre tombées de ton doigt et donc je les ai comme récupérées et ensuite tu as bougé ta main et je ne pouvais pas les remettre alors...
And by the way, you were, like, so much more fun when you were drunk.
Et, à propos, tu étais, tellement, plus amusant quand tu étais bourré.
And you were so kind as to buy these for me.
Et vous avez eu la gentillesse de les acheter pour moi.
So, what were you and Salazar over there laughing about?
Alors de quoi vous rigoliez avec Salazar?
Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail, you had so much enthusiasm and energy that he thought you maybe missed being the Governor.
Selon Peter, lors de la campagne, vous aviez tant d'enthousiasme, qu'il a pense que le poste de gouverneur vous manquait.
So I was thinking about our talk the other night, and how huge it was hearing you say that you were my real dad.
Je pensais à notre discussion de l'autre soir et à quel point c'était énorme de t'entendre dire que tu étais mon véritable père.
You looked up at me, both of you, with your big, beautiful eyes and... you were so quiet and so full of love.
Vous m'avez toutes les deux regardée avec vos grands yeux magnifiques et... vous étiez si silencieuses et remplies d'amour.
When my penis was split in half and inverted, my testes were removed, so I don't have any testosterone left to replace the estrogen that you taking away from me!
Quand mon pénis a été coupé en deux et inversé, mes testicules ont été enlevés, donc je n'ai plus de testostérone pour remplacer l'oestrogène que vous m'enlevez!
All right, men..... you were mostly in the war, so you know that battle plans always change and get fucked up.
Très bien, messieurs... la plupart d'entre vous ont fait la guerre, alors vous savez que les plans de bataille changent tout le temps.
You were the one who slept with a married man and had a child with him, so I know it's not my fault.
Tu es celle qui a couché avec un homme marié et qui as eu un enfant avec lui, donc je sais que c'est pas ma faute.
You were only 17, and I felt so bad for you.
Tu n'avais que 17 ans, je me suis sentie si mal pour toi.
Yeah, but, Bobby, you wrote that while you were married, and that didn't turn out so great, did it?
Oui mais Bobby, tu as écrit ça quand vous étiez mariés, et ça n'a pas fini si bien que ça, n'est-ce pas?
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and so on 257
and somehow 99
and so i 33
and so far 102
and sometimes 297
and so do we 31
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and so on 257
and somehow 99
and so i 33
and so far 102
and sometimes 297
and so do we 31
and so did you 29
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and so it is 20
and so do i 174
and so am i 177
and sooner or later 54
and so is she 17
and so i did 24
and so what 55
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and so it is 20
and so do i 174
and so am i 177
and sooner or later 54
and so is she 17
and so i did 24
and so what 55