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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Have some tea

Have some tea Çeviri Fransızca

529 parallel translation
- Have some tea, Paul, won't you?
- Tu veux du thé, Paul?
Sit down and have some tea.
Viens prendre du thé.
Have some tea.
Prenez du thé.
Have some tea, Stone?
Du thé, Stone?
And I know you'll have some tea, won't you?
Vous prendrez bien du thé?
EVE : Mrs. Cole wants you to come over and have some tea.
Mme Cole veut que tu ailles prendre le thé.
Have some tea.
Vous prendrez bien du thé...
Have some tea.
- Entre donc! - Merci.
You ought to have some tea or something.
Prenez un thé ou quelque chose.
You will stay and have some tea with us, Mrs. Chips?
Vous prendrez bien Ie the avec nous, madame... "Chips"?
Come along inside and have some tea.
Entrez prendre un peu de the.
Sit down. Have some tea.
Je te sers du thé?
Will you have some tea?
- Prendrais-tu du thé?
Now, come along down with me and we'll have some tea. Alright.
- Allons boire du thé.
Come, we'll go home and have some tea and forget all about it.
Allez, rentrons prendre le thé et oublions tout ça.
- Won't you have some tea or something?
- Désirez-vous un peu de thé?
Could I have some tea?
Puis-je avoir du thé?
Please have some tea.
S.V.P. un peu de thé.
We have some tea, Miss Logan.
Prenons le thé.
- Have some tea, Huw.
- Prends du thé, Huw.
- Sit down, won't you, and have some tea.
- Une tasse de thé? - Non, merci.
Let's have some tea and then talk it over.
Parlons-en en prenant le thé.
Yes, of course. Won't you have some tea or something?
Une tasse de thé?
I was just about to have some tea.
J'allais prendre le thé.
- Hey, let's have some tea first, huh? - That stuff?
Buvons un peu de thé d'abord.
Let's have some tea.
Buvons plutôt du thé.
- We'll have some tea, Mother.
- On allait prendre le thé.
- Sit here and have some tea with me. - Thank you.
- Asseyez-vous et prenons le thé
Have some tea.
- Bien sûr. Du thé?
Let's have some tea now.
Prenons le thé, maintenant.
- Have some tea.
Une tasse de thé?
That is, might we all have some tea together?
On pourrait prendre le thé ensemble.
Can I have some tea in my milk?
Je peux avoir du thé dans mon lait?
Well, let's go have some tea.
Allons boire du thé.
Why don't we have some tea?
Allons prendre un thé. D'accord.
Please, have some tea.
Voici du thé, si vous voulez.
Then have some tea
Dans ce cas, prenez du thé.
I'm gonna have some tea and figure this character out.
Je vais boire un peu de thé et essayer de comprendre ce caractère.
I have some tea ready.
Je vous apporte un peu de thé.
Won't you have some tea?
Je vous fais un thé.
Harriet, have some more tea.
Reprends du thé.
Have some of this instead of tea. No one's home now.
Il n'y a personne à la maison, ça remplacera le thé.
Yes, yes. I just made some tea. Come and have a cup.
Je viens de faire du thé.
Let's have some tea, shall we?
Veux-tu un peu de thé?
I have the kettle boiling for some tea.
J'ai fait bouillir de l'eau pour le thé.
Here... have some tea...
- Pas besoin!
Have you had some tea?
- Avez-vous pris votre thé?
- Let's have some tea.
- Un thé?
To have served tea, complained about having headaches, spoken some English...
Offrir le thé, avoir des migraines, dire des mots d'anglais.
Won't you have some tea?
Ne prendrez vous pas un peu de thé?
We have some hot tea ready for you two.
On a préparé une tisane pour vous deux.

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