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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Have some coffee

Have some coffee Çeviri Fransızca

557 parallel translation
- Will you have some coffee, Uncle Jed?
- Tu prendras du café, Oncle Jed?
- Have some coffee.
- Cafê?
Sit down, fellow, have some coffee.
- Assieds-toi. Prends un café.
- Have some coffee?
- Un café?
- You think I could have some coffee?
- Pourrais-je avoir un café?
Have some coffee.
Prenez du café.
Come on, let's have some coffee.
Viens plutôt prendre un café.
- have some coffee, Dr. Finley.
- prenez du café, Dr Finley.
- Have some coffee, Jo.
- Prends du café, Jo.
Have some coffee or breakfast or drinks or something.
Bonjour, Messieurs! Prenez le café, un petit-déjeuner, une boisson, quelque chose.
Henry, have some coffee, both of you.
Prenez du café.
- No, but I'll have some coffee.
- Non, mais j'aimerais un café. - Moi aussi.
But do sit down and have some coffee.
Mais prenez donc un café.
I'll just have some coffee.
- Pour moi, un café.
May I have some coffee, please?
Puis-je avoir du café, s'il vous plaît?
- Will you have some coffee?
- Voulez-vous du café?
Here, have some coffee.
Ici, prenez un café.
I guess I will have some coffee, please.
Je prendrais bien un café, finalement.
Have some coffee.
Vous déjeunez?
He says, yes, they have some coffee... and Wiener schnitzel and pig's knuckles... and sauerkraut and... apple strudel...
- Il dit que oui, qu'ils ont du café. Et des saucisses, des pieds de porc et de la choucroute...
- Here, have some coffee.
- Tenez du café
I'll have some coffee.
Je vais prendre un café.
- Have some coffee?
- Du café?
Do have some coffee.
Prenez un café.
- Have some coffee.
- Prenez un café.
Francie, see if Mr. McGarrity won't have some coffee.
Offre une tasse de café à M. Garrity.
You'd better have some coffee too.
Prends du café, toi aussi.
No, I think I'll have some coffee first.
Non. Je prends mon café.
Won't you have some coffee?
Une tasse de café?
Have some coffee.
Prends du café.
Let's have some coffee and a sandwich. You must be hungry.
Prends un sandwich, tu dois avoir faim maintenant.
C'mon. Let's have some coffee.
Venez, je vous offre le café.
We'll go next door and have some coffee.
On va boire du café.
Have some coffee, Tom?
Un peu de café, Tom?
Will you have some coffee?
Une tasse de café?
Have some coffee.
Un café?
Better have some coffee before we start.
Vous devriez boire un café avant de partir.
I think you'd better have some coffee, Mrs. Landis.
Un café vous ferait du bien, Mme Landis.
Wouldn't you rather have some hot coffee?
Vous ne préférez pas plutôt un café chaud?
Have some sugar in your coffee, Arthur?
Prends du sucre dans ton café.
Will you have some more coffee, Bill?
Encore du café, Bill?
Uh, have some more coffee.
- Un peu plus de café?
Come up and have some coffee.
Viens prendre un café.
I'll have some creamed chicken and some coffee.
Je vais prendre le poulet à la crème et du café.
We have some friends in, and i ran out of cream for the coffee.
Nous recevons des amis et je n'ai plus de crème pour le café.
We have some fresh coffee on the stove. I'll get you some.
Nous avons du café sur le poêle, je vais vous servir.
I shall probably have a small orange juice, two three-minute eggs... some melba toast and coffee.
Je pense prendre un jus d'orange, deux œufs à la coque, des toasts et du café.
Won't you have some more coffee?
- Tu veux un autre café?
Now, you boys have some hot coffee.
Prenez du café chaud.
Bob, have some coffee, will you? You ain't eaten much lately.
Vous ne mangez pas...
It's not as good as yours, but coffee. Here have some.
Pas aussi bon que le tien, mais...

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