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Who was that guy Çeviri Fransızca

803 parallel translation
Who was that guy learned so much from watching an apple drop?
Qui était le gars qui a tant appris en regardant tomber une pomme?
Who was that guy in the fifth row, third from the end?
Au 5e rang, le troisième en partant de la fin?
Hey, Charlie, who was that guy?
Charlie, qui c'était, ce type?
- Who was that guy you were with?
C'était qui, ce type?
Who was that guy? The one you was talking to so long?
Qui c'était, celui-là?
- Who was that guy?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce type?
- Who was that guy?
Qui est ce type-là?
Who was that guy who recommended her to the Standa department stores?
Comment s'appelait celui qui l'a recommandée à la Standard?
Who was that guy?
Qui était ce type?
Who was that guy who sells marijuana, the prison guy?
- Qui vend de la marijuana? - Jasbo?
- Who was that guy?
- Qui était ce type?
After years of research, I finally discovered that I was the only guy in the world who hadn't written a play.
Après des années de recherches... j'ai découvert que j'étais le seul type au monde... qui n'avait pas écrit de pièce.
Say, I wonder does Mary know who that guy was?
Je me demande si Mary connaissait ce type.
Mr. Pascal,... that guy there, in the ground,... well, I was the one who...
M. Pascal,... le type qui est là, dans le trou,... ben, c'est moi qui...
I heard somewhere about you being mixed up with a guy. Who was that?
J'ai su que vous aviez eu quelqu'un...
Who is Finnegan? Just tell her that, Mr. Wise Guy... and see what she says. - Not is, was.
- Qui est Finnegan?
I didn't have a chance to tell you while the hullabaloo was on, but the guy who organized that riot was our pal Oscar Trent.
Avec tout le raffut, je n'ai pas pu vous le dire, mais c'est notre ami Oscar Trent qui a organisé cette émeute.
Not that anyone paid much attention to him. He was just an old German refugee who worked for us. Nice old guy.
C'était un pauvre type, un réfugié allemand qui en voulait uniquement aux nazis dont il espérait se venger.
Who? That guy that was just standing here!
Où est passé le grand type?
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
Tu crois à ce qu'il disait, le vieux à l'Oso Negro, l'autre soir? Que l'or, ça vous change l'âme d'un homme et que le type qui en a trouvé, il est plus jamais le même?
Some time later, before a packed audience, the greatest figures in show business joined in paying tribute to the memory of the little guy who thought that he was all alone.
Devant une salle comble, les étoiles du music-hall rendirent hommage à sa mémoire. Ils rendaient hommage à celui qui s'était cru seul...
The only thing I learnt was that the guy who'd murdered Buckley... wasn't the only killer loose in Superstition.
Mais le type qui avait tué Buckley n'était pas le seul tueur en liberté à Superstition.
You're looking at the guy who was framed for the job. That's why I'm cutting myself in whether you like it or not.
C'est moi qui ai porté le chapeau pour vous, alors je prends ma part!
It was a little corny but find me a guy who can write a love letter that isn't a little corny.
C'était un peu sentimental, mais peut-on écrire une lettre d'amour qui ne soit pas un peu sentimentale?
That bet convinced Milton Overfelder that I was the one guy in St. Louis he beat that week who was really trying.
Cela a convaincu Milton Overfelder que j'étais le seul gars de Saint Louis qui tentait vraiment de le battre.
The guy who's doing this is relying on the fact that I was arrested for trading gold during the occupation.
Je crains que non. Le type qui a fait le coup sait que j'ai été arrêté pour trafic d'or, pendant l'Occupation.
No, you knew it, because it was you who dealt with that German guy.
Tu le savais. C'est toi qui as traité avec l'Allemand.
That guy who was in love with you...
Cet homme qui t'aimait...
I wasn't the kind of guy who went around kissing ladies, but, that little goober stuck there just like it was a tattoo.
Je ne suis pas le genre à être bécoté. Son rouge à lèvres m'est resté comme un tatouage.
I'd like to meet the guy who ever said that travel was relaxing.
J'aimerais savoir qui a dit que les voyages reposaient.
That guy who was supposed to lend him a room.
Ce type devait lui prêter un local.
That woman Oren used to be the woman of a guy who was like an older brother to the man, Yasu.
Cette femme, Oren, était la maîtresse du supérieur de cet homme, Yasu.
The guy who was murdered, Tokubei well, the villagers think that he died in a fight over Umeno but the truth is that you had him murdered.
Les gens croient que Tokubei est mort pour les faveurs d'Uméno. Mais je sais que c'est ton homme de main qui l'a tué.
Isn't that the guy who was with Paula Cavalier?
- C'est le type qui était avec Paula Cavalier.
Who was that big guy with the beard?
Le grand barbu, qui c'était?
Should we use that guy who was just here? No.
- Par le type que j'ai croisé?
Any guy who was Sicilian, that is.
Tous les Siciliens, quoi.
I guess it was one of those bullets that you fired at that guy who broke in here a year ago.
C'est l'une des balles que vous avez tirées sur le type qui s'est introduit ici.
That guy, who was going to sleep in the hallway, is in the closet.
Le visiteur s'est enfermé dans le placard.
The third guy, that an untrustworthy statement by a kid had led to think it was a woman at first, instead it's a man who speaks Italian with a pronounced foreign accent.
Le troisième homme, que la déclaration peu fiable d'un enfant avait amené à croire qu'il s'agissait d'une femme au début, est en fait un homme qui parle italien avec un accent étranger prononcé.
Just that she was with a really cute guy in a really boss car, and we thought you just might know who it was.
Elle était avec un gars très mignon dans une belle voiture. On croyait que tu savais qui c'était.
And... would that guy or whoever it was who gave you that ride... If we're able to find him and verify your story it would keep to that, couldn't it?
Ce type, celui qui t'a pris en stop, on pourrait le retrouver pour confirmer ta version, si ça s'avère nécessaire, non?
Jess, I'm gonna ask you, who was the guy that was just leaving when I arrived in your house?
Je voulais vous demander, qui est le garçon qui partait quand je suis venu chez vous ce soir?
It was someone they called Faggio, who drove like a god... and do you know what they did to that guy, do you know it, you little cunt?
Il s'appelait Fangio, et conduisait comme un dieu. Tu sais ce qu'ils lui ont fait, connasse?
Look, Lieutenant, if I knew who that guy was, you think I wouldn't have called you guys a long time ago?
Si je savais qui c'était, je vous aurais déjà appelé.
There was this one guy who said that he knew her and went to a party with her, and she...
Un type a dit qu'il la connaissait, qu'il était allé á une soirée avec elle, et qu'elle...
You know that Brindisi killing, the guy who was pushed into the lake up at West Falls?
Tu sais que Brindisi a été tué, le type qui a été poussé dans le lac à West Falls?
What was that guy's name who went around bumping the bird, you know?
Comment s'appelait ce gars qui savait pas chasser les oiseaux?
That fighter guy says he had a visit from a slim, frail, young man... who was asking questions about Garrone.
Celui qui ressemble à un boxeur a reçu la visite d'un gringalet qui lui a posé des questions sur Garrone.
That guy that just ran out in such a hurry, who was he?
Qui était le type qui semblait si pressé?
That guy who was here took her bracelet last night.
C'était le type qui a volé le bracelet.

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