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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You still have it

You still have it Çeviri Fransızca

1,154 parallel translation
- You still have it?
Vous l'avez encore? Peut-être.
Listen... sorry... the... the twelve... - You still have it?
Dites, je m'excuse, la 12, elle existe toujours?
Do you still have it?
Tu l'as toujours?
You still have it?
Tu l'as encore?
- You still have it?
- Tu en as encore?
- Do you still have it?
- Tu l'as encore?
You still have it.
Tu l'as encore en toi.
Still you should have asked before taking it
Tu aurais pu demander avant de le prendre.
Well, as you can see, I still have possession of it, don't I?
Il est toujours en ma possession, n'est-ce pas?
They got their sun, they got their water, but you could take Big Island, plop it on top of Mount McKinley, with all its lava, still have room for a leper colony.
Ils ont leur soleil, ils ont leur eau, mais vous pourriez prendre Big Island, la mettre au sommet du Mont McKinley, avec toute sa lave, y a toujours de la place pour une léproserie.
You still haven't figured it out yet, have you, sweetheart?
T'as vraiment rien pigé, mon chou.
And as you have so aptly described it, Lieutenant, that is still a cavity.
La carie est toujours là, je n'y ai pas touché.
Wouldn't you rather have all the money now, while you're still young and you can get all the pleasure out of it? Yes.
Veux-tu cet argent pendant que tu es jeune et que tu peux en profiter?
And you have it still.
Et c'est encore Ie cas.
You have it say, "Margaret wants to know if you still miss the war."
"Margaret demande si vous regrettez toujours la guerre."
Still have my C.N.T. card. I'll show it to you later.
J'ai toujours ma carte du C.N.T. Je vous la montrerai plus tard.
It was the sort of place where, if invited to stay to supper... you might, uh... be allowed to have your conversation with Stephen... but the rest of the family would be sitting... at the table reading a book... a behavior which was not really approved of in my circle... but which was tolerated from the Hawkings... because they were recognized to be... very eccentric, highly intelligent... very clever people... but still a bit odd.
C'était une maison où, quand on vous invitait à dîner, vous aviez le droit d'avoir une conversation avec Stephen... mais le reste de la famille s'asseyait à table avec un livre et lisait. Un comportement jugé plutôt mal élevé dans mon milieu, mais que l'on "passait" aux Hawking parce que tout le monde les savait... très excentriques, supérieurement intelligents, d'une grande finesse d'esprit, mais tout de même... un peu... bizarres.
They have a directory but the problem with it is, even if you figure out where you are and where you wanna go you still don't really know, sometimes, which way to walk because it's an upright map.
Certes, il y a un plan, mais l'ennui, c'est que, même si vous pensez savoir où vous êtes et où vous voulez aller, vous ne savez toujours pas quelle direction prendre, le plan étant vertical.
You should have tried it while you were still alive.
Tu aurais dû y goûter quand tu étais vivant. C'est trop tard.
Just come here and die, while you still have the option of doing it quickly!
Viens ici pour mourir tant que tu peux le faire rapidement.
You think it's fun? Still pretending to have taste?
Tu te crois malin en prenant des airs de bourgeois?
It seems so strange to me that Edwina should have been married twice, and you still a spinster.
Je trouve ça curieux. Edina a été mariée deux fois et tu es toujours vieille fille!
Take it, while you still have a career ahead of you.
Montez dedans. Si vous tenez à votre carrière.
It's still nice to have you back.
En tout cas, je suis content de vous revoir.
Uh, you still have to sign it.
- Attendez. Vous devez signer.
You still have this one. Sort it out. By size and...
Maintenant range-les... selon leur taille.
But there is one last thing you still have to do, and you better do it right because I'm not going to rest till I have what is rightfully mine.
Il reste encore quelque chose à faire. Tu as intérêt à le faire bien. Je dois le récupérer, sinon je ne serai pas tranquille.
If it was the shroud from your grandma's coffin... you'd still have to give it to me.
Si c'était le linceul de ta grand-mère, tu devrais le lui ôter, pour moi.
Warning : it'll shock your sensibility, if you still have any.
Elles peuvent blesser votre sensibilité, s'il vous en reste.
You tried to kill Inumaru and make it look like a car accident, and yet... you still have a lingering affection for him?
Tu as essayé de le tuer en maquillant ça en accident... Ne me dis pas que tu l'aimes encore?
It has been six weeks since we last met. And still I have not heard from you.
Six semaines depuis notre dernière rencontre, et je suis sans nouvelles de vous.
You may have more experience than I do, but with all due respect, gunny... this mission is N.S.C. Meaning I still have rank, whether you see it or not.
Tu es peut-être plus expérimenté, mais c'est une mission NSC et je suis ton supérieur.
We still have you by the goolies We agreed to kill my nephew's wife, and we'll do it
On est ensemble pour tuer la femme de mon neveu et on tuera la femme de mon neveu.
I wouldn't have the control you have, but it would still work.
Je la contrôlerais moins bien que vous, mais ça marcherait.
Look, Barn, I know you're still a little mad at me. But I want you to know, if I had to have someone hanging next to me, I'm glad it's you.
Je sais que tu es fâché contre moi... mais si je dois avoir un pendu à côté de moi... je préfère que ce soit toi.
Let me tell you, don't even think about it for as long as I still have my last breath.
Et je peux te dire que ce n'est pas la peine d'y penser de mon vivant.
It's good you still have a sense of humor, Holt,
Je suis content que vous ayez gardé le sens de l'humour.
You said you have made your dick to 1 ft 8 inches long, but after 3 months'practice, it's still 1 ft 6 inches
Tu m'as dit que ta bite était passée de 10 à 40 centimètres. Mais après 3 mois d'utilisation, c'est plutôt de 10 à 15.
How many autopsies have you been through and still you never pick it up?
A combien d'autopsies avez-vous assisté et pourtant, vous ne comprenez toujours rien.
- Hey, do you still have it?
Je pensais que peut-être ça m'inciterait à faire du violoncelle. - Est-ce que vous l'avez toujours?
There's something about Sunday night... that really makes you want to kill yourself... especially If you've just been totally made a fool of... by the only person you'll ever love... and you have a geometry midterm on Monday... which you still haven't studied for because you can't... because Brlan Krakow has your textbook... and you're too embarrassed to even deal with It.
Il y a quelque chose avec les dimanches soirs... qui vous donne vraiment envie de vous tuer... surtout si vous venez d'être ridiculisée... par la seule personne que vous aimerez jamais... et que vous avez un contrôle le lendemain... que vous n'avez pas pu réviser, parce que.. c'est Brian Krakow qui a votre manuel... Et vous êtes trop embarrassée pour lui demander.
You know, I still got that pen, the one that writes upside down. Yeah. I should have kept it.
En apparence seulement.
How did you... Suffice it to say, I still have friends on Cardassia.
J'ai toujours des amis sur Cardassia.
- You still haven't figured it out, have you?
- Tu n'as pas encore compris?
I'II have to take it in, you can still use it.
Il faudra que je te le reprenne. Il peut encore servir.
From all the fear the city seems so still. We stand alone on this shadowed hill. Look in the mirror, you don't have to take it.
Ce n'est pas une réponse claire qui pourtant semble l'être,
- See who's still here. - You'll have it in an hour.
- Trouvez qui est encore là.
- You still have to give it parameters.
- Il faut le programmer.
You still have to sign it.
A vous de signer.
- You still haven't read it, have you?
- Tu l'as pas encore lu, hein?
Well, you still shouldn't have said it.
Tu aurais dû te taire.

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