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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ C ] / Clearing of throat

Clearing of throat Çeviri Portekizce

7 parallel translation
[Clearing throat] i'm somebody who sort of writes you about once a week.
Sou alguém que lhe escreve uma vez por semana.
[Clearing throat] glass of water there, please, woody.
Um copo de água, por favor, Woody.
of me convincing him that what sounded like me going "Ha!" was really me clearing my throat, but after that we had a very pleasant, productive conversation. - And?
era eu a aclarar a garganta, mas após isso tivemos uma conversa agradável e produtiva.
I'm here to teach you a little bit about my life and the era of the Founding Fathers... ( CLEARING THROAT )
Estou aqui para ensinar um pouco sobre a minha vida, e a era dos Pais Fundadores.
Apart from a way of clearing your throat.
Além de uma maneira de desobstruir a garganta...
( CLEARING THROAT ) Excuse me, can you tell me which of these knuckleheads is a Mr Basil Shute?
Desculpe, pode dizer-me qual destes idiotas é um tal de Sr. Basil Shute?
( CLEARING THROAT ) Wow. Didn't even make it out of the parking lot.
Ainda nem saí do estacionamento.

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