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Didn't you see Çeviri Portekizce

6,253 parallel translation
Sometimes they're looking at you right in the face. They're right in front of you, staring at you in the mirror and you didn't even see them. It's crazy.
Às vezes estão bem à nossa frente, a olhar para nós através do espelho, e nem sequer os vemos, é de loucos.
- Yeah, I didn't see you at school today.
Hoje não te vi na escola.
- Honestly, I came to get my belt sander. And to see if you got fixed. But I guess that didn't happen.
Sinceramente, vim buscar a lixadeira e ver se já estavas boa, mas vejo que não.
I guess I didn't expect to see you every day for five years.
Acho que não contava ver-te todos os dias durante cinco anos.
Didn't expect to see you back here.
- Não esperava ver-te aqui.
He didn't see you, did he?
- Ele não te viu, pois não?
You see, Lewis didn't know it yet, but he had already changed banking forever with one simple idea.
O Lewis ainda não sabia, mas ele mudara a banca para sempre com uma ideia simples.
I mistook you for a good, honest country girl, and now I see you didn't want to overawe a plain soldier.
Tomei-te por uma boa e honesta rapariga do campo, e agora vejo que não quiseste impressionar um simples soldado.
You didn't see him dance with me.
Não o viste dançar comigo.
You mean to tell me that you didn't sit outside her house... after she told you good night, just waiting to see if Vince showed up.
Queres dizer-me que não ficaste lá fora, à porta da casa dela, depois de ela se ter despedido de ti, para veres se o Vince aparecia?
You didn't see him there?
Não o viste por lá?
- You didn't see that?
- Não viu aquilo?
I wanted to see if there's any leads you guys didn't run out.
Queria saber se havia pistas.
You didn't see him, his eyes.
- Não viste os olhos dele, meu.
You didn't see his face.
Não viste a cara dele.
Didn't you see the dog?
Não viste o cão?
So, you didn't see my post about it, or anything?
Então, não viste a minha publicação sobre isso nem nada?
Didn't think I'd see you again.
Não pensei ver-te outra vez.
You didn't happen to see an Appaloosa back there on the trail?
Você nunca viu um Appaloosa lá na trilha?
Sorry, I didn't see that you called.
Desculpa, não vi que me tinhas chamado.
You see, Tornetta, he didn't have Ernest Hayes.
Sabes, o Tornetta não contou o Ernest Hayes.
You didn't see the tree fall.
Não viste a arvore a cair.
You didn't tell me because you think it's just another thing I might not see, right?
Não me contaste porque achaste que era outra coisa que não ia ver, não foi?
I didn't see, see you get here.
Não vi... te a chegar.
You didn't see that coming?
Não estavas à espera desta?
You didn't see that coming?
Não esperavas por esta?
Glad to see you didn't freeze over or nothing, huh.
Ainda bem que não congelou.
You didn't see the look in his eyes.
Não viste o olhar dele.
- You didn't see it?
- Não viste? - Não.
Oh, well, you obviously didn't see the red C 24.
- Então não viste o C24 Vermelho.
You see, I didn't get to where I am today by asking for handouts.
Não cheguei ao que sou hoje a pedir esmolas.
You didn't see it while you're going though all my shit?
Não o viste enquanto estavas a mexer nas minhas coisas?
Didn't you see Hoop Dreams?
- Vá lá! - Inacreditável. Não viste o Hoop Dreams?
Were you at the church? I didn't see you there.
Estiveste na igreja?
I didn't even see you.
Nem te vi.
I didn't expect to see any of you again.
Não esperava vê-los novamente.
Didn't you see the cocaine?
Não viste a cocaína?
Did you ever see anybody besides you that didn't love Toby?
Viste mais alguém além de ti que não gostava do Toby?
Sergeant! Didn't... see you there.
Sargento, desculpe... não o tinha visto.
You didn't see any of it.
Você não viu nada.
I didn't ask you to come here to see his body.
Não lhe pedi para vir ver o corpo dele.
Look, I can't tell you what I don't know. I didn't see the guy.
Não posso dizer-lhe o que não sei.
- My letter just said I wanted to see you, it didn't say I had any idea what I'd do when I got here.
A minha carta apenas dizia que te queria ver. Não dizia que eu não saberia o que dizer quando chegasse aqui.
I didn't give it to you... because everything that you see you commandeer.
Não lho dei porque requisita tudo o que vê.
I didn't know if I was ever gonna see you again.
Não pensei que te fosse ver novamente.
I mean, the day after the last Pinto came off the line, you didn't see any of those anymore.
No dia a seguir ao último Pinto ter saído da linha de montagem, nunca mais se viram.
I didn't see this for you. Oh, yeah?
- Não estava a contar com isto.
You didn't see her, Dad, okay.
Não a viste, pai.
We didn't even see you there.
Nem vimos que estavas aí.
But you'll always regret that you had a chance to see the ocean, and you didn't go.
Mas hão de sempre lamentar terem tido a hipótese de ver o oceano, e não foram.
And you didn't see this coming when you were examining him?
E não previu isto quando o examinou?

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