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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / He was just leaving

He was just leaving Çeviri Portekizce

78 parallel translation
No, he was just leaving.
- Não, ele já estava de saída.
He was just leaving. Weren't you, honey?
Já está de saída, não é verdade?
- He was just leaving, Mrs Bird.
Já estávamos de saída, Mrs. Bird.
He was just leaving.
Ele ia-se já embora.
- He's a salesman and he was just leaving.
- É um vendedor e ele já estava a ir embora.
- He was just leaving.
Sabem, ele já estava de saída.
He was just leaving.
Ele estava de saída.
- No, he's just a friend, he was just leaving
- É um amigo. Já estava de saída. - Só sai quando eu disser.
- This is Mike, my law clerk, and he was just leaving.
Este é o Mike, o meu, escrevente e ele estava já de saída.
He was just leaving.
Ele estava mesmo de saída.
Anyway. he was just leaving.
De qualquer forma, ele está de partida.
- He was just leaving.
- Ele estava de saída.
It's okay, he was just leaving.
Tudo bem. Ele já estava de saída.
- He was just leaving.
Ele já está de saída.
It's okay. He was just leaving.
Está tudo certo, ele já estava a ir.
This is Alan Shore. He was just leaving.
Este é o Alan Shore.
- Spyder... - Nothing, he was just leaving.
- Nada, ele estava de saída.
And he was just leaving.
Ele está de saída.
He was just leaving.
E já estava de saída.
He was just leaving.
- Ele já estava de saída.
Well, he was just leaving.
- Ele está de saída.
He was just leaving.
Ele já está de saída.
Actually, he was just leaving.
Na verdade ele estava de saida.
Just that he was leaving.
Só disse que se ia embora.
Yes, just now as he was leaving.
Agora mesmo, quando saía.
I told him I was leaving last night and he... sort of came unravelled. He's just lost himself.
Eu disse-lhe que ia partir ontem á noite, e ele se fechou... e perdeu-se a si mesmo.
It's very hard to say anything about him because he was... The time I was with him, just prior to leaving him, he was right into it.
É muito difícil de dizer, porque, logo antes de ir, já o tinha decidido.
And just as he was leaving, he placed his hand... on my stomach... like this. For a long time, I didn't know what it meant.
Quando estava a sair... pôs a mão... na minha barriga... assim... durante muito tempo.
He was only a child when his father died on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, leaving William, just eight years old, as his heir.
Era apenas uma criança quando o seu pai morreu numa peregrinação à Terra Santa, deixando Guilherme, com somente 8 anos de idade, como seu herdeiro.
He saw the Universe as a great puzzle, just as he saw the Book of Daniel as a great puzzle, and it was God leaving messages for human beings to puzzle out, and he puzzled out the way the solar system worked and he tried to puzzle out the chronology of the Bible.
Ele via o universo como um grande quebra-cabeça, assim como via o Livro de Daniel um grande quebra-cabeça e isso era Deus deixando mensagens para o homem decifrar, e ele decifrou o modo como funciona o sistema solar e tentou decifrar a cronologia da Bíblia.
What did he say? He was just saying that we'll be leaving in a couple of seconds, so put your seatbelt on, make sure they're tight.
Ele disse que o avião vai descolar em alguns segundos então, aperta os cintos para segurança.
It was his decision, it's just now he's leaving.
A decisão era dele, só que, agora, ele vai-se embora.
Just that he was leaving town.
Ele ia sair da cidade.
He was leaving when I got there, so I followed him, just to talk to him.
- Fui ao dormitório dele. Estava a sair quando lá cheguei, por isso, segui-o, só para falar com ele.
Did he just say he was leaving?
Ele disse que se ia embora?
When he looked happy, you assumed the pain had gone, but it just got buried deeper, leaving him tormented about who he was, until finally he put a bullet...
Quando o viram feliz, acharam que a dor tinha desaparecido. Mas ficou mais profunda, deixando-o atormentado quanto à identidade dele até dar um tiro...
He came to visit and as he was leaving, he picked up a guitar and he started just playing by the front door, like E major, and we just jammed on that one chord for about 20 minutes.
Ele tinha vindo visitar-me e foi pegar numa guitarra. Entãõ começamos a tocar sempre a mesma nota. E flat major, ou assim.
Just as I was leaving with the fruit, he goes :
- Eu sim. Quando eu estava com a fruta, disse-me :
It sounded like The bit where he's leaving her Was just you goading him into an admission- -
- Pareceu que ele a estava a deixar apenas por você o estar a incitar a uma confissão...
FRANKIE : And just like that, he was blissfully off to his next heartbreak. Leaving us to deal with the mess he left behind.
E assim, lá ia ele rumo ao próximo desgosto amoroso, deixando-nos para lidar com o disparate que tinha feito.
No. No, I was just leaving a message on Robert's phone which is ridiculous because he hasn't got his phone with him.
Estava só a deixar uma mensagem no telefone do Robert, o que é ridículo porque ele não tem o telefone com ele.
Bill divorced the other two just before their prenups expired, leaving them without a dime, and get this, he was about to do the same to Tonya.
O Bill divorciou-se das outras duas antes do acordo pré-nupcial expirar, deixando-as sem dinheiro. E ia fazer o mesmo com a Tonya.
I just caught the owner as he was leaving.
Apanhei o dono quando já estava a sair.
No, no, no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order.
Não, não. Apenas mencionou que estava de partida, quando passou por cá para fazer a sua encomenda.
He just looked at me and told me he was leaving that he met a woman, that he didn't love my mother anymore, and that I was going to have to take care of her and my sister.
Só olhou para mim e disse que se ia embora. que conheceu uma mulher, que não amava mais a minha mãe, e que eu ia ter que cuidar dela e da minha irmã.
Seriously, what was he thinking, just leaving you there with this thing?
A sério, em que pensava ele ao deixar-te aí com esta coisa?
No, it's just... Was he leaving?
Ele estava de saída?
Were you just heartbroken'cause he was leaving you to move to Florida?
- E andava!
Once he'd got her in his clutches, just when she was at her most v-vulnerable, he abandoned her, leaving her d-desperate.
Assim que a teve nas mãos, quando ela estava mais vulnerável, abandonou-a, deixando-a desesperada.
I just started about Mum, him leaving'us, how selfish he was.
Comecei a falar da minha mãe, de ele nos ter abandonado, de como era egoísta.
And he wasn't answering his phone, so I came here and the fire department was just leaving.
Ele não atendia o telefone, por isso, vim até aqui e os bombeiros estavam a sair.

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