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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Late last night

Late last night Çeviri Portekizce

609 parallel translation
I arrived late last night and put into a cove a few miles to the west.
Cheguei ontem à noite e atraquei numa baía a oeste.
I worked pretty late last night.
Ontem trabalhei até muito tarde.
Rode in late last night.
Chegaram tarde ontem à noite.
You arrived very late last night.
Você chegou muito tarde ontem de noite.
Murphy, I want you to check every rectory in town and find out which priests were out late last night.
Murphy, quero que verifique todas as reitorias da cidade e descubra que padres chegaram tarde, ontem à noite.
I'd like to take her there, but we were up so late last night.
Adoraria ir com ela, mas ontem fui dormir tarde demais.
- We got here late last night.
Chegámos aqui ontem à noite.
We were up late last night.
Deitámo-nos tarde na noite passada.
How come you were so late last night?
Porque chegaste täo tarde ontem?
Out. Out. I got home late last night that's why everything is in such a mess.
Peço desculpas por recebê-lo assim.
He woke them late last night, paid them a month's wages.
Acordou-os ontem à noite, e pagou-lhes os salários do mês.
You came in very late last night, dear.
- Ontem à noite vieste muito tarde.
- Late last night.
- Ao fim da noite de ontem.
You came back late last night.
Ontem à noite voltaste tarde.
He came home late last night.
Deitou-se tarde.
- Did you hear anything strange late last night?
Ouviu alguma coisa ontem? Ouvi.
She was out late last night.
Ela deitou-se muito tarde ontem.
We got here late last night.
Ontem noite.
I'd been riding late last night.
Bom, ontem estive acordado até tarde.
- He went to Miami late last night.
- Foi ontem à noite para Miami.
- I got in very late last night.
- Cheguei muito tarde ontem.
I hope Lucy didn't keep you up too late last night.
Espero que a Lucy não o tenha mantido a pé até muito tarde.
Donald Andrews, 17, of Foxhaven, died late last night as a result of a gunshot wound...
Donald Andrews, 17 anos, de Foxhaven, faleceu ontem à noite em resultado de um ferimento de bala...
Yeah. The girl came back late last night with a man, early 30s, brown hair.
Ela chegou a casa tarde com um homem pela casa dos 30, de cabelo castanho.
- You got in late last night.
- Chegou tarde ontem!
This is Ken Warden reporting to you from the hitherto sleepy island of Cascara, where late last night the man they call the Singing Rebel made a daring escape from this jail.
Eu sou Ken Warden relatando-vos da até agora adormecida ilha de Cascara, onde esta madrugada o homem a quem chamam de'Rebelde Cantante'executou uma ousada fuga desta prisão.
- Late last night.
- Tarde ontem à noite.
No, he called late last night.
Ligou-me já tarde à noite.
You come up here late last night.
Você veio aqui ontem à noite.
Listen, late last night a Hawthorne Hills man discovered his wife lying unconscious on top of their car.
Ouçam isto : ontem à noite um homem de Hawthorne Hills... encontrou a sua mulher inconsciente sobre o teto de seu automóvel.
You got in late last night.
Ontem chegaste tarde.
She left on a flight back to New York late last night.
Voltou para Nova Iorque ontem à noite.
I'm sorry to have called so late last night.
Desculpa ter telefonado tão tarde ontem à noite.
- Choir practice was late last night.
- O ensaio do coro atrasou-se ontem.
Brundle vanished late last night with co-worker, Beth Logan.
O Brundle desapareceu ontem com a colega, Beth Logan.
Lt. Parker, with the killer now murdering your own family, will this intensify phantom-like devastator of families struck again late last night.
Com o assassino agora a matar a sua família, isto vai intensificar o fantasma devastador de famílias voltou a atacar, ontem.
Leo came home late last night.
O Leo chegou tarde, ontem à noite.
She was brought in late last night.
Chegou ontem durante a noite.
You know, you were out so late last night, I thought you would sleep in.
Sabe, saiu até tão tarde ontem à noite que pensei que ficaria a dormir.
She may not take kindly to that since we borrowed her tires late last night while she was sleeping.
Ela é capaz de não achar piada depois de lhe termos levado os pneus enquanto dormia.
"A statement made by Longfellow Deeds, New York's new Cinderella Man, " who last night proved that his late uncle from whom he inherited $ 20 million, "was an amateur in the art of standing the town on its cauliflower ear."
Uma das revelações de Longfellow Deeds, o no Cinderella man de Nova Iorque, que provou ontem à noite que o tio, de quem herdou vinte milhões de dólares, não passava de um amador na arte de virar a noite do avesso. "
Where were you last night? You came home so late.
Onde é que estiveste ontem á noite que vieste para casa tardíssimo?
She stole out of the house last night at a late hour and didn't return.
Ela saiu de casa a noite passada a uma hora tardia e não regressou.
Last night he sat over there drinking coffee until late.
Na noite passada, esteve ali sentado a beber café até tarde.
Last night for instance when the others had left he stayed on here, real late writing away.
Ontem, quando os outros saíram, ele ficou escrevendo até tarde.
They gave them to her last night so they could sleep late. ( phone rings )
Deram-lhos ontem à noite, para hoje poderem dormir até tarde.
Last night, late.
Ontem à noite, já era tarde.
In an 11th-hour-compromise late last night, the Legislature passed a fiscal blueprint that called for more than 600...
Agora és cartoonista?
I live with my mother, at Torrington Lodge in Blackheath, but last night, having late business with Mr. Oldacre, I stayed at a hotel in Norwood.
Eu vivo com a minha mãe em Torrington Lodge, em Blackheath, mas a noite passada, tendo coisas a tratar com o Sr. Oldacre, fiquei num hotel em Norwood.
Well, i had a date last night i was 7 minutes late for.
Bem, tive um encontro ontem e atrasei-me sete minutos.
I got up late, after the concert of last night.
Levantei-me tarde, após o concerto da noite passada.

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