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You killed him Çeviri Portekizce

3,394 parallel translation
No, you killed him.
Não, tu mataste-o.
When Teddy didn't take it, you killed him.
Quando o Teddy não aceitou, matou-o.
You killed him, didn't you?
Matou-o, não foi?
Is that what you told Carl Abrams before you killed him?
Foi isso que disse ao Carl Abrams antes de matá-lo?
You just said that you killed him.
Acabou de dizer que o matou.
You located Mantel, you killed him.
Vocês localizaram o Mantel, e mataram-no.
And you killed him.
Entretanto, matou-o.
You killed him.
You pulled the trigger, you set up the patsy, And then you killed him and made it look like a suicide.
Você puxou o gatilho, arranjou um bode expiatório, e depois matou-o, fazendo parecer suicídio.
But then Phil decided not to die, and you would be left with all the debt, so you killed him for the insurance money.
Mas, o Phil decidiu não morrer, e você ficaria com toda a dívida, então, matou-o para ficar com o dinheiro.
And then you killed him.
E, depois matou-o.
Are you sorry that you killed him?
Estás arrependida de o ter matado?
You killed him, you son of a bitch!
Tu mataste-o, filho da puta!
So, you killed him?
Então, vocês mataram-no?
I assumed that you killed him.
Eu pensei que o tivesses matado.
Unless you're ready to tell me the name of your C.I. who got him killed.
A menos que me digas o nome do teu informador, que causou a sua morte.
And I know... I know you've had him killed.
Sei que o mandaste matar.
- you just killed him.
Acho que o mataste.
If that was Toothless, you could have killed him!
Se fosse o Toothless, podiam tê-lo morto!
And you... you want him'cause he killed your girl.
E você... quere-o porque matou a sua miúda.
Now, you find out who killed Van Der Hoff, and you'll be one step closer to him.
"Pendura-o como os outros". Se descobrir quem matou o Van Der Hoff, ficará um passo mais perto dele.
11 souls whose responsibility it is to determine the landmark status of historical buildings in the city. You think that had something to do with him being killed?
onde onze almas têm a responsabilidade de determinar o estatuto de marco de edifícios históricos na cidade.
The last thing Phillip Van Der Hoff did before he died was change his vote on the Taggart Speakeasy Museum. So you think that bleach-teeth killed him?
A última coisa que o Phillip Van Der Hoff fez antes de morrer foi alterar o seu voto sobre o Museu Taggart Speakeasy.
What about that other kid- - the one you think that killed Carl Abrams- - how do we find him?
E aquele rapaz que achas que matou o Carl Abrams, como o achamos?
See, I think you killed Carl Abrams because the girl you loved started showering her attention on him, not you.
Veja bem, acho que matou o Carl Abrams pois a rapariga que ama, deu-lhe atenção a ele e não a si.
You know that wasn't real virus, so I couldn't have killed him.
Sabes que não era o vírus verdadeiro? Não o podia ter morto.
So you know who killed him.
Então sabe quem o matou.
You withheld that he was having an affair, and then you went out of your way to make it look like his work got him killed.
Soube que ele tinha um caso e arranjou maneira de parecer - que o trabalho dele o matou.
You want to know if I killed him.
Querem saber se eu o matei.
So if you didn't use this and Tanner didn't post it, then who killed him?
Então se você não o usou e o Tanner não o divulgou, - então quem o matou?
You killed him. Not necessarily.
Mercy, you tell him he's in Chechnya, he knows it's only a matter of time before he's killed.
Mercy, se lhe disser que está na Chechénia, ele saberá que é só uma questão de tempo até ser morto. Está bem.
If you're asking if I killed him, the answer is no. - Miss me?
Se estás a perguntar-me se o matei, a resposta é não.
Hanna, if you're asking if I killed him, the answer's no.
Hanna, se estás a perguntar-me se o matei, a resposta é não.
Oh. Maybe you can clear something up for me and explain why the man who hired me was killed less than ten minutes after I told him that Michael Westen was still working for the CIA!
Então talvez possas ajudar-me a explicar porque é que o homem que me contratou, morreu menos de 10 minutos depois de lhe contar que o Michael Westen ainda trabalhava para a CIA!
Do you have any idea who killed him?
Tens alguma ideia de quem o matou?
No. If you hadn't gotten to him first, I probably would have killed the guy.
Se não tivesses chegado primeiro, eu se calhar tinha-o morto.
My father was murdered, but you know all about that, because according to your dad's newspaper my mom killed him.
O meu pai foi assassinado, mas tu isso já sabes, porque de acordo com o jornal do teu pai, a minha mãe matou-o.
Yeah. Silas killed you, tried to kill me, then- - I shot him.
O Silas matou-te, tentou matar-me, depois... dei-lhe um tiro.
Well, you killed him.
Pois tu acabaste com ele.
You've killed him!
Tu mataste-o!
You think she killed him.
Tu achas que ela o matou.
Do you think she killed him?
Achas que ela o matou?
You were prepared to let Neil Jenkins believe that he'd killed Richard Peters when he pushed him.
Você estava preparada para deixar que o Neil Jenkins acreditasse que tinha morto o Richard Peters quando o empurrou.
You think Javier might've killed him?
Achas que o Javier pode tê-lo morto?
Is that why you had him killed?
Foi por isso que o mandou matar?
You think klaus killed him.
Achas que o Klaus o matou.
You almost killed him!
- Quase o mataste!
I'll bet you old Sheriff Connally blackmailed James into giving up the location of the money and then pulled strings to have him killed behind bars and then planted that letter to set me up.
Aposto como o velho Xerife Connally fez chantagem com ele para saber onde estava o dinheiro, mexeu os pauzinhos para que ele fosse morto e depois colocou a carta para me tramar.
[Sighs] You think Nighthorse told Ridges that you were onto him, Ridges killed himself?
Achas que o Nighthorse disse ao Ridges que estava atrás dele, e o Ridges se matou?
You pronounced his sentence, and Hector went there and killed him?
Você pronunciou a sentença dele e Hector foi lá e matou-o?

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