Your entire life Çeviri Portekizce
506 parallel translation
Uh, senor, I wish you the most beautiful evening of your entire life.
Uh, senhor, desejo que passe a melhor noite de toda a sua vida.
You've never had an empty moment in your entire life, have you?
Nunca teve um momento vazio na sua vida, pois não?
Have you ever, in your entire life, seen anything so beautiful?
Em toda a sua vida, viu alguma coisa tão bonita?
And you're more alive at this moment than you have ever been in your entire life! Because you are afraid.
Está mais vivo que nunca porque tem medo.
You've never even had a credit card in your entire life.
Nem nunca teve um cartão de crédito em toda sua vida.
- You have your entire life ahead of you.
- Você tinha razão. - Sobre o quê? Foi a aventura de uma vida.
This is the only thing you have done in your entire life.
Isto é a única coisa que fizeste em toda a tua vida.
Your entire life, your shared conversations with her totalled 173 words.
Em toda a tua vida, trocaram um total de 173 palavras.
Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?
Tu já tinhas visto algo tão bonito em toda a tua vida?
Will you keep wandering in the forest in your entire life?
Vai continuar a vagar pela floresta toda a sua vida?
You've your entire life to see me.
Tem toda a sua vida para me ver Shyam.
You said that you couldn't possibly marry Robin because in your entire life you never had anyone as exciting as me.
Não, vou tirar isso da minha cabeça. Conversar? Com licença.
Catherine, have you ever, in your entire life, had an experience that truly changed you?
Catherine... Já tiveste na tua vida uma experiência que realmente te mudou?
Resolve your entire life in one bold stroke?
Resolver a vida toda num gesto ousado?
You've spent your entire life running away.
Você passa a vida inteira fugindo.
I've felt what it's like when a woman tears your entire life apart.
Eu senti como se uma mulher rasgasse toda a tua vida.
You spend your entire life plotting and scheming to acquire more and more possessions until your living areas are bursting with useless junk.
Passas a vida toda em planos e esquemas para adquirir mais e mais posses até os teus aposentos rebentarem com tanta tralha inútil.
Probably you've had good luck your entire life.
Se calhar teve sorte durante toda a vida.
Do you mean that that's the only time... you saw Johnny in your entire life?
Essa foi a única vez... que viu Johnny em toda vida?
We have the memories of your entire life to play around with.
Temos as memorias de toda a sua vida para podermos brincar.
You're throwing away your entire life.
Estás a atirar a tua vida para o lixo.
It becomes your entire life, then someone forgets to put out their cigarette and it all burns to the ground.
Torna-se toda a tua vida, depois alguém se esquece de apagar o cigarro e arde tudo até não restar nada.
You honestly never had that feeling about anybody in your entire life?
A sério que nunca teve esse sentimento por ninguém em toda a sua vida?
I know I've ruined your entire life, and you hate me, so let me pack my things and go crawling through a dark hole for a few years.
Sei que te estraguei a vida toda, odeias-me, por isso deixa-me arrumar as coisas e enfiar-me num buraco durante uns anos.
[Lester Narrating] I had always heard your entire life flashes... in front of your eyes the second before you die.
Sempre ouvira dizer que recordamos toda a nossa vida no segundo anterior à morte.
You've never felt that way in your entire life, have you?
Você nunca se sentiu daquele modo em toda a sua vida, não é?
But I think that's a super philosophy, Will. That way, you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody.
Como filosofia é porreira, com ela podes passar a vida inteira sem realmente conhecer ninguém.
You hid behind them your entire life.
Tu fizeste-o durante toda a tua vida patética.
I never thought you'd clear this much money your entire life.
Nunca pensei que ganhasses isto em toda a tua vida
You've wasted your entire life believing lies.
Você desperdiçou sua vida inteira acreditando em mentiras.
You spend your entire life stuck inside a biological cage of flesh and bone and blood.
Você gasta sua vida inteira presa numa jaula de carne, osso e sangue.
Your entire life history.
A história da sua vida inteira.
My father kept you in the Centre your entire life, Jarod.
O meu pai manteve-te no Centro a tua vida inteira, Jarod.
You felt it your entire life :
Sentiste-o toda a tua vida.
The truth is that if you've had money your entire life, either you despise it, which we do- - agreed? You're only truly comfortable around other people... who have it and despise it.
A verdade é que, quando se teve dinheiro toda a vida... mesmo que o desprezemos, o que nós fazemos, como concordarás, só nos sentimos bem junto de outras pessoas que o têm e o desprezam.
And I swear to God... I promise you and I promise God I'm gonna be the best husband you ever had in your entire life.
E juro por Deus, prometo-te a ti e prometo a Deus, que hei-de ser o melhor marido que tu já tiveste.
Up, up, up, up. That's better. Stephanie, you look like you never had a violin lesson with me in your entire life!
Até parece que nunca tiveste uma lição de violino na vida.
- fuck up your entire life!
- Vais estragar a tua vida.
I had always heard your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die.
Sempre ouvira dizer que recordamos toda a nossa vida no segundo anterior à morte.
How the streets you walked your entire life suddenly seem darker.
Como ruas que percorremos a vida toda de repente são mais escuras.
Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, living your entire life... with such a terrible secret that you can't share... with your loved ones for fear of their safety.
Imaginem, senhoras e senhores, viverem a vida inteira com um segredo que não revelam, temendo pela segurança dos vossos.
I've had business managers and agents that have put more bread in the market in one day than you ever made in your entire police life.
Já tive empresários e agentes... que colocaram mais dinheiro no mercado em um dia... do que você jamais fará na sua vida policial inteira.
You never played a round of golf in your entire misspent life.
Vá lá! Nunca jogaste golfe na vida!
Maybe I wanted to see your face naked, no guard up, how you really felt hoping I would be wrong about something that I knew my entire life.
Talvez eu quisesse ver a tua cara, nua, sem defesas, ver como realmente te sentias. À espera de estar enganada sobre algo que soube toda a minha vida.
But you can't let that brief moment define your entire life.
Não pode permiti-lo, meu amigo.
Be prepared to yield your entire being to it, to sacrifice your place in civilized life, for you will no longer be a part of it and there's no return.
Esteja preparado para se render por inteiro nisso, sacrificar seu lugar na vida civilizada, para você não ser mais parte disso e não há retorno.
Giving in to your entire range of emotions won't bring your relative closer back to life.
Ceder a toda uma série de emoções não faz a sua parente reaproximar-se mais da vida.
Oh, I have never been so mad at you in my entire life. Hilda, that's not true. Remember when we were kids and I broke your collarbone?
Nada disto teria acontecido se vocês soubessem controlar os vossos instintos primitivos, se todos vocês já tivessem superado os ciúmes.
We're in the middle of a life-and-death struggle for the control of the entire Alpha Quadrant and all you care about is quenching your petty thirst for revenge.
Estamos a meio de uma luta de vida ou morte pelo controlo de todo o Quadrante Alfa e só se preocupa em satisfazer essa sede mesquinha de vingança.
Yeah, well, my entire life has become nonsense, so I suggest you listen to me, because if I'm right, if I'm right it means it all of your research,
Bem... Toda a minha vida se tornou sem nexo, então sugiro que me ouça Pois se eu estiver certo, significa que toda a sua pesquisa
You know, Eve I have never been jealous of anyone in my entire life, but I have to admit that I am just the tiniest bit jealous of your heart.
Sabes, Eve nunca senti inveja de ninguém em toda a minha vida, mas tenho de admitir que tenho um pouco de inveja desse teu coração.
life 1101
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
life's a bitch 23
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life is great 19
life's not fair 17
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
lifetime opportunity 45
life is 34
life is great 19
life's not fair 17
life and death 48
life in prison 19
life insurance 30
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
life in prison 19
life insurance 30
life crisis 61
life was good 16
life support 23
life's short 17
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your sister 409
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your sister 409
your mother 885
your mom 327
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your dad 423
your old man 28
your mind 60
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your mom 327
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your dad 423
your old man 28
your mind 60
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your wedding 23
your lunch 18
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your wedding 23
your lunch 18