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Didn't i say translate Spanish

16,426 parallel translation
MAC : That's true, I did not say that, because I didn't think you would come if I did.
Es cierto, no mencioné eso porque creí que no vendrías si lo hacía.
CHARLIE : First of all, I'd like to say I-I personally didn't think any of us would be standing in front of you here today.
Antes que nada, me gustaría decir que yo... personalmente no pensé que ninguno de nosotros estaría parado frente a ti hoy.
- I just didn't know what to say.
- No sabía qué decir.
I didn't say that.
No he dicho eso.
I didn't say anything about a lot of things.
No he dicho nada acerca de muchas cosas.
Car's in my name and I didn't say he could drive it, so I'm charging him.
El coche está a mi nombre y yo no he dicho que pueda conducirlo, así que, voy a presentar cargos.
I didn't say it did.
No he dicho que los tuviera.
I can't say she didn't go.
No puedo negar que no fuera.
I didn't say I found any.
No dije que lo hubiera encontrado.
- I didn't say shit.
- No dije ni mierda.
Why didn't I just say "October"?
¿ Por qué no habré dicho "octubre"?
I didn't say I like the idea.
No estoy diciendo que me gusta la idea.
I didn't mean to say it.
No quería decir eso.
I spoke to Wright this morning. He didn't say anything about Erin.
Hablé con Wright esta mañana.
I didn't even say that while I was being waterboarded.
Ni siquiera digo que mientras Que estaba siendo sometido al submarino.
I didn't say disputed or disproven, but whatever we want to call it, Mr. Metz is now a free man.
No he dicho cuestionadas o refutadas, pero da igual cómo queramos llamarlo, el Sr. Metz ahora es un hombre libre.
I didn't say boo to a fucking goose turd before all this kicked off.
No había visto a un maldito espanto, antes de toda esta mierda.
- I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
Now, mind you, I didn't say "monster."
De la criatura.
Ok, well, don't say I didn't warn you.
De acuerdo, bueno, no digas que no te lo advertí.
- I didn't say anything. - You're bar mitzvah'd, man.
- Estás fumado.
I don't know, sir, they didn't say.
No sé, señor, no lo dijeron.
Didn't I say our paths would cross again.
¿ No dije que nuestros caminos se vuelvan a cruzar.
- Marco, I didn't say that.
- No dije eso.
I didn't say that I was gonna tell her.
No dije que fuera a decírselo.
I didn't say it. It says it here, right? [laughing] I never heard him accused of being, accused of being wooden before, you know.
no he dicho que se dice que aquí, [risas] Nunca lo oí acusado de ser, acusado de ser de madera antes, usted sabe.
He didn't always show a lot of emotion but I'd say those times at which he would toast the family at those gatherings were the times I maybe saw him express the most emotion.
No siempre mostró mucha emoción Pero yo diría que esos momentos en la que se brindar por la familia en esas reuniones Eran las veces que tal vez vi a expresar el más emoción.
I didn't say that I wasn't into you.
No dije que no me atrajeras.
- I didn't say nothing.
- No dije nada.
Hey! I didn't say "go"!
¡ No dije "ya"!
And to that extent, I confess that I am very sorry that I didn't do something or say something.
Por eso, hasta ahora, confieso que estoy muy arrepentida... de no haber hecho algo o dicho algo.
- I didn't say that.
No dije eso.
- I didn't say that.
- No dije eso.
I didn't know what to say, but I wanna make it up to you.
No sé qué decir, pero quiero compensar.
Well, maybe I didn't say anything because there was nothing to say.
Tal vez no dijera nada porque no había nada que decir.
I asked Jackie about you, and he didn't have a lot of good things to say.
Le pregunté a Jackie sobre usted y no me dijo nada bueno.
Look, I didn't say it is or is not Kathy what's-her-name...
No dije que era o no Kathy.
- I didn't say anything.
- No dije nada.
I didn't want to intrude, but I just had to say that I'm such an admirer of yours.
No queria entrometerme, pero solo tenia que decir que soy un admirador suyo tales.
I-I didn't say "company."
No me refiero a una empresa.
I didn't say I don't want to win it.
No estoy diciendo eso. Solo no lo sé.
I didn't say that.
Yo no dije eso.
I didn't say that at all.
No dije eso en lo absoluto.
I didn't say a thing.
¡ Yo no dije nada!
I don't know how to say this often enough, I didn't bring the case.
No sé cómo decir esto lo suficiente, yo no presenté el caso.
So if you said, "I didn't want to win in Brazil," I'll leave you alone, but once we sit and say this is the plan, you can't change the plan.
Si hubieses dicho : "No quiero ganar en Brasil", te dejo tranquilo, pero una vez que nos sentamos y me dices el plan, ya no puedes cambiar el plan.
I didn't say that.
No dije eso.
I didn't see the Gibbler gallop in that routine, so I have to say, "Whoa!"
No vi el galope Gibbler en esa rutina, así que debo decir : "¡ Alto!".
Didn't I say no video games?
¿ No dije que nada de videojuegos?
I didn't say we were any good.
No dije que fuéramos buenos.
Now, I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I didn't hold a grudge, because I did.
No voy a mentir diciéndoles que no me importó, porque no es así.

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