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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Did you know her

Did you know her translate French

1,022 parallel translation
How well did you know her?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
- How well did you know her?
Vous étiez proches?
- When did you know her?
- Quand l'avez-vous rencontrée?
Did you know her?
Avez-vous connu cette dame?
- Did you know her?
- Vous la connaissiez?
Did you know her long?
Vous la connaissiez depuis longtemps?
- Did you know her?
Vous la connaissiez?
Did you know her occupation?
A votre avis, quel genre de profession avait-elle?
Did you know her?
Tu la connais?
Did you know her?
Vous la connaissiez?
How well did you know her, Alex?
Tu la connaissais bien, Alex?
Did you know her?
- La connaissiez-vous?
Did you know her well?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
But you didn't know her, did you?
Mais tu ne la connaissais pas.
You know I met Viveca St. John before she even did her first video.
Vous savez... j'ai connu Viveca avant qu'elle ne fasse son premier film.
Did you know that Myra asked me to lunch with her today?
Myra m'a invitée à déjeuner aujourd'hui.
You told me you'd just seen her. I know I did.
- Tu as dit que tu venais de la voir.
Did you know anything about her family?
Vous connaissiez sa famille?
You did know her.
Vous la connaissiez.
Did you ever know her?
Tu l'as connue?
- Mrs. Helm, when the prisoner said "I have killed her", did you know to whom he referred?
Quand l'accusé a dit : "Je l'ai tuée", saviez-vous de qui il parlait?
Did you know that in her new will, you were the beneficiary of £ 80,000?
Saviez-vous que, par testament, vous héritiez de 80 000 livres?
Well, she did her best to make it, but you know how these things are. Such short notice.
Elle a voulu l'annuler mais tu vois, c'était trop tard.
Did you show her what Italians know how to do?
Tu fais ça à l'italienne?
How did you know about her and the races? .
Comment savez-vous pour les courses?
Did you know I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?
J'ai entendu ses ongles gratter le couvercle du cercueil.
How did you know about her?
Comment le savez-vous?
How did you know anybody was in her room?
Tu savais qu'elles étaient dans la chambre?
I did not know her until recently but in no case she can be this woman you are looking for.
Je ne la connais que depuis peu mais en aucun cas il ne peut s'agir de cette femme que vous recherchez.
Humbert don't tell Charlotte that I told you this, will you but did you know that you've had the most remarkable effect on her?
Ne le répétez pas à Charlotte, mais vous l'avez transformée.
If you didn't threaten her, you know who did. And you gave them the keys.
Si ce n'était pas vous, c'est quelqu'un que vous connaissez, et qui pouvait avoir la clé.
Did you know that my husband died because of her?
Vous saviez que mon mari est mort à cause d'elle?
And did you know that Grandma takes her teeth out before she goes to bed, Daddy?
Et tu savais que grand-mère enlève ses dents avant de se coucher, papa?
You know what he did for her folks? Bought them a house in Del Webb's Sun City.
Et tu sais qu'il a offert à ses parents une maison à Sun City.
The girl you're engaged to, did you tell her you don't know how to fish?
Votre fiancée, vous lui avez dit que vous ne saviez pas pêcher?
You know, last night, when Easy's dress came unzipped, did you tell her that you thought I was crazy?
Hier soir, quand la robe d'Easy s'est dégrafée, vous lui avez dit que vous me trouviez folle?
Did you know, for example, in extreme cases, when her life is in danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger?
Saviez-vous par exemple, dans des situations extrêmes, quand sa vie est en danger qu'une Raxacoricofallapatorienne peut décocher un dart empoisonné de son doigt?
Oh, well, you did break her plates, you know.
DODO : Vous avez quand même cassé ses assiettes.
Wait, you know what? Natalie Wood did a small part in that, one of her first parts.
Attendez, Natalie Wood y jouait un petit rôle.
And how do you know she'll understand, did you talk to her on the phone?
Et comment tu sais qu'elle comprendra, tu lui as parlé au téléphone?
How did you know her? Don't ask
Plus de questions!
You also didn't know, when she sent you that picture of her mansion... it was only just a boarding house, did you?
Tu n'avais pas vu sur la photo de son "manoir" que c'était une pension de famille?
- You did not know her.
- Tu ne la connaissais pas.
Oh, you did know her?
Vous la connaissiez?
You didn't know about her, did you?
Tu savais pas pour elle, pas vrai?
But you did know her?
Tu la connaissais au moins?
I did not know how to rid you of her.
Je n'ai pas su comment te débarrasser d'elle.
Did you know that she, and not James, killed her daughter?
Vous savez qu'elle a tué sa fille, c'était pas James.
I remember the first shot we did, the first scene I shot was out on the prairie, you know, going to visit her father.
Je me souviens de ma première scène : C'était celle où je rendais visite à son père.
You didn't happen to know her, did you?
Vous ne la connaissiez pas, par hasard?
Why, did you know her?
- Vous la connaissiez?

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