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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Does she know that

Does she know that translate French

346 parallel translation
Does she know that?
- Est-ce qu'elle le sait?
Does she know that he's not Mallen?
Sait-elle qu'il n'est pas Mallen?
Does she know that?
Elle le sait?
- And Carlotta, does she know that her manager shot her brother?
Jamais entendu parler! Et Carlotta, elle sait que son frère a été descendu par son manager?
Does she know that the diamonds are really on the Tyboria, Tarrant?
Sait-elle que les diamants sont sur le Tyboria?
Does she know that you confess everything to the priest?
Et est-ce qu'elle sait que tu confesses tout ce que tu fais à un prêtre?
- Does she know that?
Elle le sait?
Why does he want Does she know that?
Est-ce qu'elle le sait?
How does she know that? She's so clever.
Et par qui l'a-t-elle su, la petite fouine?
- Does she know that?
- Est-elle au courant?
- Does she know that?
- Elle le sait?
And how does she know that?
Et d'où elle le tient?
How the hell does she know that?
Comment le sait-elle?
- Why does she know that?
- Comment elle sait?
That you killed two men. But does she know about the others?
Que tu as tué deux hommes, mais les autres?
Does she know about Brenda, the girl that sheltered you?
Et pour Brenda, la fille qui t'a planqué?
But you know, Osen... why does she have it in for that clog smith Unokichi?
Dis-moi, Osen... Pourquoi tourmente-t-elle sa jeune soeur?
What Eric does not know Solange, and that she never in this house was not.
Eric ne connaît pas Solange et Solange n'est jamais venue ici.
Do you understand that she does not know that drug? And that something could happen to her? She could be hurt.
Tu te rends compte, elle ne connaît pas cette drogue, elle est en danger, elle pourrait être blessée?
I know she likes me but does she like me that way?
Elle m'aime bien mais de cette façon-là?
What does she mean? You might as well know, Miles, that reviving you as we did was in strict opposition to government policy.
Autant que vous sachiez, Miles... que de vous raviver comme on l'a fait... s'oppose strictement à la politique du gouvernement.
Germany believes she doesn't need us now but one day she'll know that she does!
L'Allemagne croit pouvoir se passer de nous, mais un jour, elle reconnaîtra son erreur.
She does not know that there Athos.
Elle ignore qu'Athos existe.
Does Augustus know that she does that?
Auguste sait qu'elle agit ainsi?
Listen, I don't know you, but you will tell Camille that the next time she does such a thing, she will remember it, eh?
Écoute, moi je te connais pas, mais tu diras à Camille que... La prochaine fois qu'elle me fait un coup comme ça, elle s'en souviendra! Hein?
She does not know I'm putting down scores... and the rocket scientist that she is, she figures out... That I am having affairs with fancy ladies.
Finaude comme elle est, elle croit que je la trompe.
You know, I'vE tried to buy her out, but she does own the deed to that studio and that property.
J'ai essayé de racheter sa part, mais elle possède ce studio et cette propriété.
Does he / she know why that the enemy is?
Tu sais pourquoi c'est l'ennemi?
Do hear, does he / she know that it is an ostrich?
T'es une poule mouillée.
She does not know that you know.
Elle ne sait pas que vous savez.
But I must know that she does not want, that she is well, that she is cared for, that she is safe.
Mais je dois m'assurer qu'elle ne manque de rien, qu'elle se porte bien, que l'on s'occupe d'elle, qu'elle est en sécurité.
She really does know that dog.
Elle connaît bien ce chien.
- Est-ce qu'il sait qu'elle est ici?
Was that an instinctive reaction? Or does she just know what fire can do?
Elle est guidée par l'instinct, ou par sa connaissance du feu?
Does she have any family or friends that might know where she went?
A-t-elle une famille ou des amis qui pourraient savoir où elle se trouve?
- Does she know that?
Elle est au courant?
Are you telling me that she doesn't know what he does for a living?
Vous voulez dire qu'elle ne sait pas ce qu'il fait dans la vie?
Does that mean you don't know where she is?
Vous ne savez pas où elle est?
It is not Maria's fault if she does not know that Mary had a lamb.
Ce n'est pas sa faute si elle ne sait pas que Marie avait un agneau.
But I get the feeling that she does want to believe in me, you know.
Je crois qu'elle cherche à croire en moi. C'est une bonne fille.
Does she need to know that?
Elle a besoin de savoir ça?
Does your mother know that she's here?
Ta mère sait qu'elle est là?
It's sad that she does not know.
C'est triste qu'elle ne le sache pas.
Does she know what that means in Europe?
Sait-elle ce que ça veut dire, en Europe?
I know that you and Nerys are friends and I was wondering... does she ever talk to you about me?
Je sais que Nerys et vous êtes amis et je me demandais... Est-ce qu'elle vous a déjà parlé de moi?
- Does she know him? All he's allowed her to know is that he exists and that he's been taking care of her financially. - No.
- Est-ce qu'elle le connaît?
- Does she know... that I'm not her daughter?
Elle croit toujours que je suis sa fille?
I don't know what she's doing when she does that.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'elle cherche à faire en agissant ainsi.
You know that old hag that does astrology on Good Morning America, she ought to pack it in.
Tu sais, la vieille peau qui fait l'astrologie dans l'émission Bonjour l'Amérique.
Oh, it was brilliant. And she does it all with that that steely gaze, you know? Yeah.
Elle a été brillante.
I just, I know that sometimes certain types of people, jealous people, might think, who does she think she is?
Je sais que parfois, certaines personnes, qui sont jalouses, me prennent pour une prétentieuse.

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