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Just before he died translate French

194 parallel translation
Ten years ago tonight, just before he died on that bed.
Dix ans ce soir, juste avant de mourir ici.
Reminds me of Nacional's just before he died from the cornada.
Il ressemble à Nacional avant de mourir.
Mr. Carter wrote and signed this just before... Just before he died.
M. Carter a écrit et signé ceci juste avant sa mort.
It was Mr. Artozoul who planted it just before he died.
C'est M. Artozoul qui l'avait planté juste avant de mourir.
That's what my poor father said just before he died!
C'est ce ce que mon pauvre père a dit avant de mourir
Just before he died.
Juste avant de mourir.
Mr. Wiggs always swore it cured his arthritis just before he died.
M. Wiggs jurait qu'il guérissait son arthrite avant de mourir.
Bernard told me to come here just before he died.
Avant de mourir, Bernard m'a dit de venir ici.
Just before he died, he said :
Un peu avant d'expirer, il a dit :
Look, surely, you don't think Richard Davis would've sent me a letter just before he died, do you?
Vous étiez amis. - Que faites-vous?
Well, um, I gather you have a letter that Richard Davis sent you just before he died.
De quoi vouliez-vous me parler? Vous avez une lettre que Davis vous a envoyée avant de mourir.
That piece of fresh mud was stuck between the sole and heel of someone's riding boot. Someone who visited Mr. Enderby just before he died.
La boue était tassée entre la semelle et le talon du visiteur qui est venu chez M.Enderby avant sa mort.
I remember seeing him sitting in it just before he died.
Je le revois encore assis dessus juste avant de mourir.
He told me just before he died.
Il me l'a dit juste avant de mourir.
- He bought it just before he died.
Il l'avait acquis peu avant sa mort.
The old earl, just before he died, said,
Le vieux comte, juste avant sa mort, a déclaré :
You went to see him just before he died?
Vous êtes allée le voir juste avant sa mort?
I'm trying to reconstruct exactly what Dr. Willis was doing just before he died.
J'essaie de reconstituer ce que faisait le docteur juste avant sa mort.
Just before he died, he said that he really dug you.
Avant de mourir, il a dit combien il t'aimait.
You know what Jimmy said just before he died?
Reprends-toi. Tu sais ce que Jimmy a dit avant de mourir?
That time in the room try and remember Father Merrin just before he died.
Ce jour-là, dans la chambre... rappelez-vous le Père Merrin, juste avant qu'il meure.
I have a hunch he taped this just before he died.
J'ai l'impression qu'il a enregistré ça avant de mourir.
One was Dominic. The way he said, "I slipped," just before he died.
D'abord Dominic... sa façon de dire "J'ai dérapé!" Quand il est mort.
He wrote a song just before he died that we'd like to perform tonight for you.
Avant sa mort... il a écrit un morceau que nous voudrions jouer ce soir.
Some random notes from the book he was reading just before he died.
Des citations du livre qu'il lisait juste avant de mourir.
Just before he died, he told me that I should become a policeman.
Juste avant sa mort, il m'a dit d'entrer dans la police.
My grandfather gave this to me just before he died.
Mon grand-père me l'a donné juste avant sa mort.
Sir, I assume you know what your wife and Mr. Evans were doing just before he died?
Vous savez ce que faisaient votre femme et M. Evans avant sa mort?
'Cause Father Jim asked me to. Just before he died.
Parce que le père Jim me l'a demandé avant de mourir.
He brought it back one night just before he died and said :
Il l'a rapportée un soir avant de mourir et a dit :
You know what my daddy said to me just before he died?
Tu sais ce que mon père m'a dit juste avant de mourir?
Just before he died, the Minbari assassin looked at me and said :
Juste avant de mourir, l'assassin Minbari m'a regardé et a dit : 1320 01 : 31 : 53,800 - - 01 : 31 : 57,300 "Il y a un trou dans votre esprit"
My father told me just before he died and then he made me promise never to come here.
Mon père me l'a appris sur son lit de mort. Il m'a fait promettre de ne jamais venir ici.
Why would Drake call for the correct time just before he died?
Pourquoi Drake voulait-il savoir l'heure avant de mourir?
This is the recording the COS made of the phone call Drake received just before he died.
Voici l'enregistrement du COS de l'appel reçu par Drake avant sa mort.
You know, just before he died he promised that when the comet came back he'd be riding on it.
À sa mort, il a promis qu'au retour de la comète, il serait à cheval dessus.
Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died?
Savez-vous ce qu'a dit le dernier Xon agonisant?
I caught it, just before he died.
Je l'ai eu, juste avant qu'il ne meure.
And just before he died, he cracked.
Avant de mourir, il a craqué.
- Yes, just before he died.
- Oui, juste avant de mourir.
I remember just before he died, Fromentin... you know what he said?
Je me souviens que Fromentin a dit avant de mourir... que Rembrandt avait la subtilité d'une guillotine émoussée.
You see, just before Dr Santelle died.. he inherited some money. Quite a lot of money.
Avant sa mort, il a hérité d'une grosse somme d'argent.
Just one thing, he died before we could help him.
Dernier détail : Il est mort en arrivant.
Comme si M. Wilson était encore là, à balayer comme il le faisait avant de mourir.
No, it was promise he made to my mother, just before she died.
Non, c'est une promesse qu'il a faite à ma mère avant qu'elle meure.
And that's Mathias, the blacksmith. He is my grandfather. He died in the winter of 1945, just before the Americans arrived.
Et ça, c'est Mathias, le forgeron, le grand-pére, mort en hiver 1945, juste avant l'arrivée des Américains.
You can't imagine what it was like to kiss him. He took a picture just before he died.
Il s'est fait prendre en photo avant sa mort.
He just died, before the vet even got here.
Il est mort, c'est tout, avant l'arrivée du vétérinaire.
And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died. Nothing could be done.
Il nous a alors dit qu'un peu plus tôt juste avant le lever du soleil, le bébé était mort.
This is just the way your father looked before he died.
Ton père était dans la même situation avant de mourir.
Well, he died. Just before the Abydos mission.
Eh bien, il est mort... juste avant la mission d'Abydos.

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