Just talk to me translate French
1,870 parallel translation
My name is Frank, Frank Whitaker. If you'll just talk to me.
Mon nom est Frank, Frank Whitaker.
Why don't you just talk to me?
Pourquoi tu ne me parles pas?
Ok, but could you just talk to me again?
Mais raconte-moi, encore?
Please, stop yelling at me and just talk to me.
S'il te plaît, arrête de me crier dessus et parle-moi simplement.
Just talk to me, please.
Parle moi seulement, s'il te plaît.
Just talk to me.
Juste pour me parler.
- Hey, Jason. Just talk to me.
Hé, Jason.
Okay, can you just stop talking doctor to each other and just talk to me?
Arrêtez votre jargon et parlez-moi, s'il vous plaît.
Just know you can talk to me whenever you want to.
Sache que tu peux me parler quand tu le veux.
I rolled down my window to talk, just talk, and she gave me the finger and walked away.
J'ai baissé la vitre pour parler, juste parler, elle m'a fait un doigt et elle est partie.
Just to talk to someone like me.
Juste pour parler à quelqu'un comme moi.
I wanted to talk to someone who was... objective... just someone who doesn't care what happens to me.
Je voulais en parler à quelqu'un qui soit... objectif, quelqu'un qui se fiche de ce qui m'arrive.
And I think I waited till he couldn't talk anymore because... I just didn't want to hear him say it.
Et je pense... que j'ai attendu qu'il ne puisse plus parler... parce que je ne voulais pas l'entendre me le dire.
I just want you to know that... whenever you need to talk to me, I'm here.
Je veux juste que tu saches que... je serai là dès que tu auras envie de me voir.
Just give me a chance to talk to her.
Laissez-moi lui parler.
Yeah, I... I just don't think the fans Wanna hear me talk to Celeste that way.
Je ne crois pas que les fans veulent que je parle comme ça à Celeste.
Just get her to talk to me.
Fais en sorte qu'elle me reparle.
Just let me go talk to Amita.
Laisse-moi en parler à Amita.
Speaking of the old days, do you remember when you used to wander into my room and want to talk about my hockey team or algebra class, but really you just had a fight with Kitty?
À ce sujet, tu te souviens quand tu venais dans ma chambre et que tu me parlais de hockey ou d'algèbre, mais, en fait, tu t'étais disputée avec Kitty?
I just want to talk about what happened or... or just talk.So... let me know where you are.
Je veux qu'on parle de ce qui s'est passé, ou de ce que tu veux, dis-moi où tu es.
I wasn't too concerned, but... well, alec is just someone that I can talk to.
Je me sens à l'aise avec Alec.
Do what? It's just, when you talk to your husband that way, it really pushes a button for me.
Quand vous parlez sur ce ton à votre mari, ça me fait tiquer.
I just.. I can't take another second of replaying last night in my head I'll go nuts, I just need to talk to him
Je ne peux pas continuer à me ressasser la nuit dernière, je vais devenir folle, je dois seulement lui parler.
I told Sam she could always talk to me about anything and the first anything that she talks to me about, and I just stood there.
J'ai dit à Sam qu'elle pouvait toujours me parler de tout et à la première occasion de me parler, je suis restée plantée là.
- You know.. If you want to talk about something... anything, you know, you can always just... you know, talk to your fake mother... or you can talk to me.
Si tu as besoin de parler... tu peux toujours en parler à ta fausse mère.
Just, just wake, wake him. He's gonna wanna talk to me.
Va le réveiller, il voudra me parler.
We should get together and talk first. You just've to get to know me.
Nous devrions sortir ensemble juste pour discuter.
Let me just call my dad, okay? We can talk to him.
J'appelle mon père et on va en discuter.
You mean you walked all the way down here just to talk to me?
Vous avez fait tout ce chemin, juste pour me parler?
You're on to me. Can I please just talk for one second without being interrupted?
Est-ce que je peux parler sans être interrompu à toutes les phrases?
So please, let me just talk to you and explain to you what happened.
- laisse-moi entrer t'expliquer.
Look, I talked to the lab, they kinda put a trace on it, they're gonna find it, but I just thought you could talk to me,
Ecoute, j'ai parlé au labo, ils ont mis une sorte de traçage dessus, ils vont le retrouver, mais j'ai juste pensé que tu pourrais me parler,
You know, I just... I wish you had talk to me about it first, that's all.
Tu sais... j'aurais juste voulu que tu m'en parles avant.
I just ask that next time, when you do something like this, you talk to me about it.
La prochaine fois, Parle-moi avant de faire un truc comme ça.
All right, look, don't panic. Let me just talk to this guy.
Pas de panique, on va lui parler.
No, he just wants to meet to talk about couples who are interested in adopting Amy's baby.
Non, il veut juste me rencontrer pour parler de couples qui sont intéressés par l'adoption du bébé d'Amy.
Maybe I should just back off for a while, give you some space, and let you talk to Ricky without me giving you a hard time about it, because you need to talk to Ricky.
Peut-être que je devrais faire marche arrière pendant un certain temps, te laisser un peu d'espace, et te laisser parler à Ricky sans moi qui te rends la tâche plus difficile, parce que tu as besoin de parler à Ricky.
I was gonna drop off something for George at closing, and I was just wondering if you and I could get together for a few minutes and talk since we've already talked to George, Leon and I.
Je devais déposer quelque chose pour George avant la fermeture, et je me demandais si vous et moi pouvions parler quelques minutes. puisque nous avons déjà discuté avec George, Leon et moi.
Figured I just talk to him.
Tu peux tout me dire.
You know, just'cause i'm not dating anyone doesn't mean that you can't talk to me about your relationship.
Le fait que je ne sorte avec personne ne veut pas dire que tu ne peux pas me parler de ta relation.
My mom owns this cabin in Oregon. And sometimes when things get crazy... like I come close to death in the lab or I talk to Miriam in Payroll... I think maybe I should just take off and go live there.
Quand les choses deviennent folles, que je frôle la mort au labo, que je parle à Miriam de la compta, je me dis que je devrais me casser, vivre là-bas!
So why'd you make me drive all the way out here just to talk to you, hmm?
Alors, pourquoi m'avoir fait conduire jusqu'ici juste pour me parler, hein?
Yeah, okay. Uh, let me just talk to this guy out front first.
O.K. Je vais d'abord aller parler à ce type devant.
The way you talk to me. I just told you.
Le ton que tu emploies.
The Red-Blue Blur might not talk to me at first, but a fellow superhero like Stiletto might just get his attention long enough to pitch the writing prowess of the great Lois Lane.
Il pourrait ne pas venir, mais une camarade comme Stiletto pourrait assez retenir son attention pour alimenter la prouesse rédactionnelle de la grande Lois Lane.
Before you do it, I just need for you to talk to me about anything just to get my mind off this.
Avant de le faire, vous voulez bien me raconter quelque chose pour que je n'y pense pas?
if you don't want to talk To me, you can just say so. i don't wanna talk to you.
Si tu veux pas me parler, dis-le. Je veux pas.
Just give me a minute to talk to her.
Donne moi juste une minute pour lui parler.
- If you could just stop and talk to me...
- Arrête, parle-moi...
I mean, all night, you haven't wanted to dance or take photos or talk, but still, stupid me just kept on defending you.
Toute la soirée, tu n'as pas voulu danser ou prendre de photos ou parler, et pourtant, l'idiote que je suis a continué de te défendre.
If that's your only advice is to just be strong Jesus Christ, I could talk to the fucking rock out here it'd probably tell me something more useful than that.
Si tu n'as que ce conseil à me donner, je pourrais aussi bien parler à ce caillou. Il aurait sûrement de meilleures recommandations.
just talk 87
just talking 61
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to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
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just talking 61
just talk to her 40
just talk to him 60
talk to me 2348
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
just come home 43
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just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
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just go 1748
just me 553
just let it be 17
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be nice 17
just be patient 84
just us 261
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just answer me 27
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just answer me 27