Next thing i knew translate French
374 parallel translation
I must have... for the next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of the room.
Je dois avoir... La dernière chose dont je me souvienne et que je me tenais au milieu de la pièce.
- The next thing I knew, I heard a shot.
Puis il y a eu la détonation.
The next thing I knew, I'd killed her.
La seule chose que je sais, c'est qu'ensuite, je l'avais tué.
The next thing I knew, the room was filled with police.
La seule chose, c'est que la pièce était pleine de policiers.
The next thing I knew, he'd been accused of murder.
J'apprends ensuite qu'il est accusé de meurtre.
Well the next thing I knew I was... I was in the bog.
Et je me suis retrouvé dans la boue.
The next thing I knew, some guy came up and tripped me.
Et après, un type m'a fait trébucher.
I went straight to the hotel, and next thing I knew, you were pushing me around.
J'ai foncé à l'hôtel et tu t'es mis à me cuisiner.
The next thing I knew... she'd slipped going down the stairs.
Je me souviens seulement la voir glisser dans les escaliers.
He came at me with a rock and the next thing I knew he was lying there.
Il avait cette pierre. L'instant d'après, il était par terre. Rentre, Dan.
The next thing I knew, I was in a troop train... waving bye-bye to my wife.
Je me suis retrouvé dans un train, disant au revoir à ma femme.
Just after midnight it was, they come up behind me and the next thing I knew was well here I am.
J'ai été attaqué par-derrière. Et voilà...
Next thing I knew, he was falling off a cliff.
Et soudain, il est tombé d'une falaise.
Well, I was young and impressionable and... The next thing I knew we had a weekly in a town called Clovis, just out of Fresno.
J'étais jeune et impressionnable, et après, on a eu une semaine dans une ville, Clovis, près de Fresno.
Next thing I knew, they were coming at me, strange people.
Je me suis rendu compte... Il y avait des gens bizarres qui me regardaient.
Next thing I knew, we were in a ditch, the car rolled over a couple of times, and, uh... well, that's about the whole story.
Je suis revenu à moi dans le fossé. Un point c'est tout.
The next thing I knew, she married her rich suitor,... and we were all living in great style on his estate in Long Island.
Aussitôt, lris a épousé son riche prétendant et on s'est mis à mener grand train dans sa propriété de Long Island.
One minute I was experting on the care and feeding of porpoises and the next thing I knew, we were talking about love. its symptoms.
J'étais tout aux marsouins. Mais l'amour s'est glissé dans la conversation.
Well, it's like the other day I was playing out in the back yard with Bonnie and all of a sudden I got this splitting headache and then the next thing I knew,
L'autre jour, par exemple, je jouais avec Bonnie. Et tout à coup, j'ai cru que ma tête éclatait... puis je ne sais plus.
Next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground. I realized I'd been knocked out.
La seule chose que je sais, c'est que je me suis réveillé allongé sur le sol... et j'ai réalisé... que j'avais été assommé.
The next thing I knew, I was out in the cold, hard snow in my bare little soul.
Avant d'avoir pu dire ouf, j'étais dehors, avec mon âme pour seul bagage.
Et d'un coup, il était là, par terre.
And the next thing I knew, Papa was in the room... standin'over me, hollerin'...
Après je me souviens juste de papa dans la pièce... au-dessus de moi, en train de crier...
The next thing I knew it was all fall down... and I wound up with this.
Et brusquement, c'était Ie chaos... et je me suis retrouvée avec ça.
The next thing I knew, I was on the ground.
Je me suis retrouvé par terre.
And then this... this man grabbed me and the next thing I knew he fell dead in front of me.
Et puis ce... cet homme m'a attrapée et... l'instant d'après il est tombé raide mort sous mes yeux.
The next thing I knew I was locked up in here... charged with housebreaking, arson... and even the murder of a townsman.
Puis je me suis retrouvé enfermé ici, accusé de vol, d'incendie volontaire et même du meurtre d'un villageois.
Next thing I knew I was here, but how?
Je me suis retrouvée ici mais comment?
The next thing I knew, the boys were pulling me off him.
La minute d'après, mes hommes nous séparaient.
She... cut an audition record with them. The next thing I knew she'd run off to New York with that Gilroy character.
Elle a enregistré un disque avec eux, et elle est partie à New York avec le Gilroy en question.
Next thing I knew, I was in the Mediterranean.
La seconde d'après, j'étais dans l'eau.
And the next thing I knew, I was sitting in a car between two men.
Je me suis réveillé dans une voiture, entre deux types.
And then the next thing I knew, I was on my way!
Et tout à coup, me voilà parti!
The next thing I knew, I was in the water.
Puis je me suis retrouvée dans l'eau.
Next thing I knew I was getting sued by the landlord. I couldn't pay the hospital bill.
Plus tard, j'ai su que j'étais assigné en justice par le proprio et je ne pouvais pas payer la note d'hôpital.
I remember once in Paris, he just stepped out for cigarettes and the next thing I knew he was arrested for floating nude down the Seine!
Un jour, à Paris, il est sorti pour acheter des cigarettes et soudain, j'apprends qu'il s'est fait arrêter pour avoir nagé tout nu dans la Seine!
We were having a drink with Tino here, and next thing I knew...
On prenait un verre avec Tino. Et en un éclair...
Next thing I knew, you moved out of New York.
La 2ème fois, c'est quand tu es parti de New York.
Next thing I knew, we were in her bedroom, underneath a Russian icon, and her husband came home and found us.
En moins de deux, on était dans sa chambre, sous une icône russe, et son mari nous a trouvés là.
Next thing I knew, I was holding him, he was crying, we were in bed.
Il pleurait et on s'est retrouvés au lit.
The next thing I knew, it was night.
Et après il faisait nuit.
I went for my gun, it went off. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, and a few minutes later you people came in.
J'ai voulu saisir mon arme, le coup est parti, et je me suis retrouvé au sol... et quelques minutes après, vous êtes tous arrivés.
And the next thing I knew I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him.
Sans même y avoir réfléchi, j'ai sauté sur lui et je lui ai tapé dessus.
Next thing I knew she was head over heels in love with that tenant, that sensitive young man who suddenly started occupying all her time.
Et puis elle est tombée amoureuse du locataire, ce jeune homme sensible qui a commencé à lui prendre tout son temps.
Next thing I knew, she was coming over here for dinner tonight.
L'instant d'après, elle acceptait de dîner ici ce soir.
And the next thing I knew...
J'ai pas eu Ie temps de faire ouf que...
And the next thing I knew, all three were on me and I was fighting for my life.
Cela leur a déplu, ils se sont jetés sur moi et il a fallu que je me batte.
The next thing I knew, we were in bed.
Seulement en un clin d'œil, on était au lit.
The next thing I knew, the ship was calling me.
Puis j'ai reçu un appel du vaisseau.
And then the next thing we knew, he was gone. I don't know where.
Et puis il avait disparu. Je ne sais pas où.
He was hammering away at my face pretty bad So I kept laying in to his chest with everything I had Next thing you knew... boom
Il me martelait le visage, alors, j'ai tapé la poitrine de toutes mes forces et boum!
next thing you know 288
next thing 83
next thing i know 298
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
next thing 83
next thing i know 298
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew that 414
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew you would come 37
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew that 414
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew you would come 37