Take it to him translate French
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Take it to him now.
Va vite lui apporter sans qu'on te voie.
I'd better take it to him.
Il vaut mieux que ce soit moi qui lui donne.
The counterpart is that this life belongs to someone else, and should therefore take it to him.
La contrepartie, c'est que cette vie appartient à quelqu'un d'autre, et qu'il faut donc la lui prendre.
And right now, I am going to get some chicken soup from Josh's favorite place and take it to him and say that I hope he feels better.
Maintenant, je vais chercher du bouillon dans le resto favori de Josh, lui en apporter, et lui dire que j'espère qu'il aille mieux.
I will dedicate a copy to him and you will take it to him in Rome.
Je vais lui en dédier une copie et vous lui apporterez à Rome.
It'll take five minutes to put him to sleep.
Elle agira en cinq minutes.
If he wants to take it, let him take it.
S'il la veut, il la prendra.
And he just replied that he planned to live with the kid and take care of him. That was it.
Il lui a répondu qu'il allait vivre avec le gosse et s'en occuper.
To Seela it will take him / her years to dominate the art of eating clams like his.
Seela mettra des années à maîtriser la chasse aux palourdes.
For that reason he / she doesn't leave and it continues there until he allows him / her to take what needs.
Elle reste là et continue à attendre, jusqu'à ce qu'il lui permette de prendre ce dont elle a besoin.
I will see to it that he has proper out-post treatment and I will take care of him.
Je vais veiller à ce qu'il ai traitement post-sortie approprié et je prendrai soin de lui.
We get his picture, take it to the feds, let the system find him- - but he doesn't want to be found!
Apportons une photo de lui aux fédéraux. - Laissons le système le trouver. - Il veut pas qu'on le trouve!
See, the guntz will grab you boy, take him to the clan pa russki and hope to get a big pay out of it.
Les mafieux chopent le mec, l'amènent au patron des Ruskovs, en échange d'un gros paquet de pognon...
It may take him a while to revive completely.
- Non, il est vivant. Il mettra un moment à se remettre.
She won't try to take him until it's dark.
Elle ne tentera rien avant la nuit.
As I listened to that sad, wretched man, I wondered why he would take on the sins of people who refused to look him in the eye, and I wondered how long it would be before he came to eat my sins away.
En écoutant ce triste et misérable homme, je me demandais pourquoi il récupérait les péchés des gens qui refusaient de le regarder dans les yeux, et je me demandais quand il viendrait manger mes péchés.
The photographer gave it to me... to help him take some photos of a little girl with no clothes on.
- le photographe me l'a donné. Pour que je l'aide à faire quelques photos avec une fille nue.
We were going to finish him here then take him to the hideout. We'll do it in reverse!
- On voulait le buter ici et l'emmener à la planque.
Let him decide. If he wants to take LSD, he'll take it. He doesn't have to listen to you.
Laissez-le décider s'il veut du LSD.
According to Hernan it would take something important to bring him out of hiding.
D'après Hernan, il faudrait un truc important pour le faire sortir de sa cachette.
Why should we take it out, are we his servants to work for him.
Que disait ce Monsieur à propos de Goa?
So I figured if I told him we finally had an afternoon where I could take you out to lunch or something, then he'd have no choice but to let me out of it.
Donc je me disais que si je pouvais lui dire qu'on avait finalement un après-midi où je pourrais t'inviter à déjeuner ou autre, il serait obligé de me laisser annuler.
I take it you've tried to talk him out of leaving?
Vous avez tenté de le dissuader de partir.
You mean the dead one I've been asking him to take down for three years before it finally blew over?
Tu veux dire celui que je lui demande d'abattre depuis trois ans avant qu'il finisse par tomber?
- How long will it take to move him?
- Combien de temps faut-il pour le faire bouger?
It turns out she asked him to take it out.
En fait, c'est elle qui lui a demandé de la sortir.
Did you take him to see it?
Tu l'as emmené le voir?
It would take someone coming up from behind the assemblyman, strangling him with great force, to create the kind of trauma apparent at the back of the neck.
Il aurait fallu que quelqu'un soit à l'arrière du parlementaire, et qu'il l'étrangle de toutes ses forces, pour créer ce genre de traumatisme à l'arrière du cou.
Hannah told me that you come by every now and then... took sam to little league tryouts... and every time a new "star wars" movie comes out, you take him to see it.
Hannah m'a dit que tu passais de temps en temps... que tu emmenais Sam à de petites qualifications de la ligue... Et qu'à chaque fois qu'un nouveau "Star Wars" sortait, tu l'emmenais le voir.
Look, if you want to take him down, you have to kick it up a notch.
Ecoute, si tu veux l'avoir, tu dois frapper là où ça fait mal,
It could take a while for me to locate him.
Ca peut me prendre du temps pour le localiser.
Anybody who can blast his friend in the face and get him to take the rap for it, my kind of citizen.
Qui peut faire éclater le visage de son ami et lui faire porter le blâme... est mon genre de héros.
Mr. Buchanan, I'd like it if Josh's grandfather could take him back to his house.
M. Buchanan, j'aimerais que le grand-père de Josh le ramène
We're gonna have to take care of him, make it look like a suicide.
On va le liquider et maquiller ça en suicide.
I'm gonna see if he can work it out for us to see Claude before they take him back, okay?
Je vais voir s'il peut nous aider pour qu'on puisse voir Claude avant qu'ils l'amènent, ok?
It's in reference to... do you ever take him out of the house?
C'est en rapport avec... Sort-il parfois de la maison?
Let me take it back to him.
Je dirais que tu as laissé tomber ou que tu avais peur de les affronter.
Suis le conseil de celui qui doit nettoyer derrière lui, tu n'as pas envie de ce qui reste de Logan Echolls. *
It might take him some time to adjust, but... don't worry, everything's going to turn out fine.
Il pourrait mettre du temps à s'adapter, mais... ne t'en fais pas, tout va s'arranger.
Some kid hid it on Ken, and I had to take it from him, because there's no way he could've done this without blowing'us all to hell.
Un type l'a caché sur Ken, et je devais lui enlever, parce que sinon, il nous aurait fait tomber avec lui.
Riley says it'd take him at least an hour to get into the power plant control system.
Riley dit que ça prendra une heure pour entrer dans le système de la centrale.
I figured we'd give him a show. I was betting on the fact that maybe he'd hate me just enough to take it out on you.
En lui donnant un spectacle, je pariais sur le fait qu'il me haïssait assez pour s'en prendre à toi.
It was at that point that we were able to subdue him and take him into custody.
C'est à ce moment que nous avons pu le calmer, et le placer en détention.
He said you screamed at him and told him to take it.
Il a dit que tu t'étais emportée et lui avais dit de la prendre.
No, but it wouldn't take a lot of face time for him to get Emily pregnant.
Non, mais ça ne lui aurait pas pris longtemps pour mettre Emily enceinte.
No, it's not what you have to do, it's what you want to do, and you want to have a good time before you go take Fun Ted out back and shoot him.
Non, ce n'est pas ce que tu dois faire, c'est ce que tu veux faire, et tu veux passer un bon moment avant de sortir à l'arrière avec Ted le Marrant pour l'abattre.
It's time for me to take him out!
Il est temps que je l'en sorte!
Well, he was originally in it, but we were told to take him out.
À l'origine, il était entier, mais on nous dit de l'enlever.
It is not wise to take the necklace from him.
Ce n'était pas judicieux de lui enlever le collier.
It wouldn't take much for me to leave him for good.
Je pourrais sans doute tout laisser tomber pour être avec lui.
Was it your client's intent to take advantage of him when it turned out he didn't, Mr Palmer?
L'intention de votre client était-elle de l'abuser quand il s'est avéré qu'il ne comprenait pas, M. Palmer?
take it easy 3777
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it down 128
take it up 36
take it down a notch 45
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it back 224
take it away 239
take it 3226
take it slow 68
take it down 128
take it up 36
take it down a notch 45
take it or leave it 210
take it off 554
take it back 224
take it home 26
take it from me 172
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it out 200
take it with you 38
take it and go 23
take it all 88
take it easy there 31
take it in 45
take it from me 172
take it like a man 22
take it outside 56
take it out 200
take it with you 38
take it and go 23
take it all 88
take it easy there 31
take it in 45
take it easy now 42
take it all off 18
take it easy on him 18
take it now 28
to him 225
to himself 21
take me away 98
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it all off 18
take it easy on him 18
take it now 28
to him 225
to himself 21
take me away 98
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take me 491
take me back 66
take a nap 62
take me there 54
take that 698
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me out 21
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take me back 66
take a nap 62
take me there 54
take that 698
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me out 21
take a shower 102
take a walk 160