The day after that translate French
684 parallel translation
Since the day after that dream.
Depuis le lendemain de ce rêve.
The day after that. He became more and more strange.
Le surlendemain, il avait l'air de plus en plus drôle.
That was the longest night I ever lived through, Keyes... and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers... and they started talking about it at the office... and the day after that, when you started digging into it.
Ce fut une nuit interminable. Le lendemain, ce fut pire, tout était dans le journal. On ne parlait que de ça au bureau.
- The day after that.
- Le lendemain.
The day after that and the day after that and all summer long.
Mais je suis revenu le lendemain. Et le jour d'après.
And the day after that, and the next.
Et le jour suivant, et l'autre encore.
And the day after that.
Et celui d'après.
And we should submit that proof to the court by the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.
Et nous devons soumettre ces preuves à la cours dès mercredi.
I Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States, do hereby make knowm that the said lands acquired from the Sioux tribes, will be available for settlement at and after the hour of o'clock... noon of the 25 day of June, 1887 and not before...
Je, Ulysses S. Grant, par la présente déclare que les terres acquises des tribus sioux seront disponibles pour la colonisation.
The books are audited the 30th. That's the day after tomorrow.
L'audit des comptes a lieu le 30, soit après-demain.
It is the day after tomorrow that we're dining with the Flavier's isn't it?
Nous dînons chez les Flavier après-demain?
And that butcher - the day he saw me after he'd canceled our meat bill because you told him I was dead.
Et ce boucher qui m'a vu après avoir annulé notre ardoise... parce que tu lui avais dit que j'étais mort.
GHQ has discovered that Fritz is making a big push the day after tomorrow.
Le GHQ a découvert que les Fritz vont tenter une grande poussée après-demain.
Had you one thought for me, lying day after day in that prison of despair? Feeling the rope around my throat, choking the very breath oflife out of me? No...
Avez-vous eu une seule pensée pour moi... moisissant jour après jour dans cette prison de désespoir?
After what you said to me the other day, that chapter is definitely - closed.
Après ce que vous m'avez dit, ce chapitre est définitivement clos.
They'll do all the same things to you... and you'll trail after them just like me... hoping they won't be so mean to you that day... or say something to make you feel so bad.
Ils te feront la meme chose... et tu traineras apres eux comme moi... en esperant qu'ils soient plus gentils un jour... et ne disent rien pour te blesser.
Very irregular, sir. That's because I want you to see the men who fought 36 engagements who cleared and pacified this frontier single-handed who sweated and starved day after day against impossible odds.
Je tiens à vous montrer les hommes qui se sont battus dans 36 engagements, qui ont pacifié cette frontière, qui ont sué et ont eu faim et réussi l'impossible.
Well, that afternoon, the day after the dance she'd gone down to the smelter with Lars-Erik and Mr. Torsten Barring.
Eh bien, cette après-midi là, le lendemain du bal, elle est descendue à la fonderie avec Lars-Erik et M. Barring.
Well, just after she got back, late that afternoon it was the day of the consul's birthday and before he started to open his presents I went up to the attic to get more robes for the sleigh ride.
Après son retour, tard dans l'après-midi... C'était l'anniversaire du consul. Avant qu'il ne commence à ouvrir ses cadeaux, je suis montée au grenier chercher des manteaux.
After the war, the First world war, that day begins to change.
Aprês la premiêre guerre mondiale, ce jour s'est mis à changer.
Every day I'm out after him. I've trodden that mountain almost into the ground.
Depuis, je bats la montagne chaque jour pour le retrouver.
Mary, I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow and the next day and next year and the year after that.
Je sais ce que je vais faire demain, après-demain et l'année prochaine.
I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow and the next day and next year and the year after that.
Peut-être voyager en Europe de temps en temps. Je sais ce que je vais faire demain, après-demain et l'année prochaine.
See that they don't get here before the day after tomorrow.
Qu'ils ne viennent pas ici avant aprês-demain.
That's the only way. After all, she left the child with me From the day we agreed to part.
Elle m'a laissé l'enfant quand on s'est séparés, elle n'a pas le droit de s'imposer.
"Your car won't be back until the day after tomorrow. That gives you 48 hours to admit you love each other." 48 hours?
No volvereis hasta el final del día de mañana, teneis 48 horas para quereros el uno al otro.
After he passed, my father slapped me right across the face. When I asked him what that was for, he said, "Just so you'll never forget the day you saw the President of the United States."
Après son passage, mon père m'a giflé pour que jamais je n'oublie que j'avais vu le président.
In that case, they may allow you to return here some day. After the scandal has died down a little bit.
Auquel cas, vous pourrez y revenir une fois l'affaire classée.
Susan m'a dit en rentrant de la Nouvelle-Orléans qu'elle ne m'épouserait pas.
No, but I'll tell you of the day after, that is this morning.
Je vais te parler du lendemain, de ce matin.
I remember riding through it that day after we left the hideout.
On l'a traversée après avoir quitté la planque.
The other day I took a step that I had never given to another woman. After giving me hope, I suddenly said : "Excuse me, there is nothing to do."
Avec vous, j'ai franchi un pas jamais franchi auparavant, et après m'avoir laissé entrevoir un doux espoir, vous me dites de but en blanc que non.
One, two, three Sundays for calling the banns. Anytime after that, when we get a fine day, I shall be wed.
Trois dimanches pour publier les bans, ensuite, quand on aura une belle journée, je me marierai.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
S'il avait appelé sa femme longue distance le jour de son départ, après son arrivée à Merritsville, pourquoi lui envoyer une carte pour lui dire qu'elle était bien arrivée?
Day after day, you've sat in that courtroom. You know you'll never be allowed to open your mouth... on anything other than the charges brought against you.
Vous êtes venu à la Cour chaque jour, vous savez qu'on ne vous laissera pas parler d'autre chose que de l'acte d'accusation.
Today is the 5th of November, tomorrow's the 6th... and the day after is the 7th. You know what day that is, don't you?
On est le 5 novembre, demain c'est le 6, le lendemain le 7, et tu sais quel jour c'est!
So that is why we brought you here. The day after tomorrow, we want you to address a group of scientific and military experts so that we may plan for any emergency.
Nous vous avons appelés... pour que vous discutiez... avec des savants et des militaires afin d'établir un plan de défense.
After the meeting that day, he got on the train.
Après la réunion de ce jour, il a pris le train.
- That's the day after tomorrow.
- C'est après-demain.
After she'd been in the hospital for two weeks, Dr Luther and Dr Day were satisfied that whether she behaved as Eve White or Eve Black, she would do no harm to herself or to others.
Au bout de quinze jours d'hôpital, ses médecins estimèrent que sous aucune de ses deux personnalités, elle ne risquait de se nuire, ni de nuire à autrui.
That funneral is the day after tomorrow at 1 p.m.
Les funérailles auront lieu après demain à 13h.
They should be passing through Salon-la-Tour, that's 20 kilometers west of here, tomorrow or the day after.
Il devrait traverser le Salon-la-Tour, à environ 20 kilomètres à l'ouest, dans un jour ou deux.
Every day after that, I went to the beach, but you were never there.
Chaque matin après ça, j'allais à la plage, mais jamais tu ne venais.
The realization that, day after day, you were depriving her of the things she'd always been used to.
Et qu'elle réalise que vous la privez chaque jour des choses auxquelles elle était habituée.
Well, that's what I've come to see you about. On the day after she arrived, she disappeared.
La raison de ma visite... le lendemain de son arrivée, elle a disparu.
I'll accept the day's holiday, sir, But after that, I don't want to work for you anymore, Mr Eaton.
Je vais accepter le jour de congé, monsieur, mais après cela, je ne veux plus travailler plus pour vous, M. Eaton.
I mean, I want an automobile too. But after the things that come first,.. A steady job, a home, and eating every day.
Moi, ça me plairait d'avoir une auto mais après avoir désiré et eu d'abord d'autres choses un travail fixe, une maison, l'assurance de manger.
We're on the eve of a day that people will talk about long after we're dead and gone.
C'est la veille... d'un jour dont le souvenir nous survivra.
I knew about that the day after I moved in here. - You did?
J'ai appris cette histoire le lendemain de mon arrivée.
But after that we have the entire day together.
Après on est libre.
Specifically, the day I went to Vic Tanny, I got on the scale, as they normally do, to check you in, and I weighed 153 pounds, and then after six months, I weighed myself on that very same scale, and I found that I weighed 151.
Particulièrement, le 1 er jour au gymnase, je me suis pesé, comme ils font d'habitude en arrivant, et je pesais 69,4 kilos, et au bout de 6 mois, je me suis pesé sur la même balance, et j'ai découvert que je faisais 68,5.
the day before yesterday 39
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
after that day 20
after that 1569
after that night 26
the doors 46
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
after that day 20
after that 1569
after that night 26
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the doctor 415
the door 306
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the doctor said 57
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the doctor 415
the door 306
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the doctor said 57