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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We are going home

We are going home translate French

281 parallel translation
Yes, father. We are going home.
Nous rentrons.
Maria, we are going home.
Maria, nous rentrons.
Now we are going home.
On rentre à la maison.
We are going home to Berlin!
Nous rentrons à Berlin!
- We are going home now, Rachel.
- Nous rentrons maintenant. - Non. Non, papa.
For 3 months now, in Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington, people have been standing in line, waitin'and waitin for a chance to get on board black beauty. 'Cause, Brothers, we are going home.
Depuis trois mois... à Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington... les gens font la queue... attendent et attendent... pour monter à bord de Beauté noire... parce que, mes frores, nous rentrons chez nous.
We are going home.
Nous rentrons chez nous!
But this is most embarrassing for all of us up here. So we are going home until tomorrow, right?
Excusez-moi... mais tout ca est très embarrassant pour nous... alors on rentre chez nous.
Come on, honey, we are going home.
Viens, chérie, on rentre à la maison.
- Your... cooperation has been so successful that we are going home for a little holiday.
- Votre coopération a été tellement efficace que l'on prend quelques vacances.
We are going home.
On rentre chez nous.
The war is over and we are going home!
La guerre est finie, on rentre!
I don't care about anything else all I know is that we are going home!
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que je veux rentrer à la maison!
We are going home.
On va rentrer!
We are going home.
Nous allons à la maison.
Look. Lady Penelope, we are going home.
Écoute, Lady Penelope, nous allons rentrer à la maison.
How in God's name are we going to get home, Fred?
Et maintenant, comment ferons-nous le voyage retour, de Fred? Aurons-nous assez?
Are you going back for more, or will we go home, you big stiff?
Tu vas en redemander ou on rentre à la maison, ivrogne?
- Are we ever going home?
- On va pouvoir rentrer un jour?
What are you going to do when we get back home, Thatcher?
Que feras-tu quand tu rentreras, Thatcher?
Are we going to go home now?
On peut enfin rentrer à la maison?
- Are we going home now, John? - Hush, little one
- On rentre à la maison, John?
We licked the war's over, the colonel and me are going home.
Le colonel et moi, on rentre chez nous.
"And so here we all are, Earl and Bonnie and me, going home together."
" Nous vivons donc à trois, Earl, Bonnie et moi, enfin réunis, chez nous!
What's the routine, are we going home now?
On rentre à la maison à présent?
When are we going home?
On rentre quand?
- Yeah. - When are we going home?
On rentre quand?
Stock, what'd he say? - When are we going home?
Stock, il t'a dit quand on rentrait?
When are we going home? - We're never going home.
- Are we going home?
On rentre à la maison?
When are we going home?
Quand est-ce qu'on part?
- Are we going home? - That's right.
- On rentre chez nous?
We are going to take Florès home.
Nous allons au village de Florès.
We're going home where this world was born and where life with the strife won't be tight we're going home captain, O'Malley's people are coming.
Oùù ce monde est né Oùù la vie et ses luttes ne seront pas déchirées Capitaine!
When are we going home?
Quand est-ce qu'on rentre?
When are we going home?
Quand rentre-t-on à la maison? Quand rentre-t-on à la maison?
And so, therefore, I think we can take it, gentlemen that we are going to have a very long walk home.
Et donc, je crois pouvoir dire, messieurs, que le chemin du retour devrait être très, très long.
- Are we going home?
- On rentre à la maison?
We are going home.
On rentre à la maison.
- But after that we are going home.
Mais après on rentre!
He's asking when are we going back home.
Il demande quand nous allons rentrer à la maison.
we just thought, instead of going far away, it would be more fun to stay home, where things are not so different... and, do... the things we do every day.
- On peut sortir. Et traverser la rue? Plutôt que de partir dans un endroit différent, ce sera mieux de rester ici, où rien n'est différent, pour faire la même chose que tous les jours.
- When are we going home?
- On rentre quand à la maison?
Are we going home now?
Où veux-tu m'emmener?
Are we going home now?
On rentre à la maison?
- we're going home. - We are?
- on rentre à la maison.
Are we going home, Papa?
On rentre à la maison, papa?
- Are we going home?
- Quoi? - Oh, non.
Sir? Are we ever going home?
Colonel... est-ce qu'on va bientôt rentrer?
Where are we going? Home.
- Où va-t-on?
- Aren't we going home today? - Yes, we are.
- On rentre chez nous aujourd'hui?

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