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We go in there translate French

1,212 parallel translation
They call Bomb Squad. We go in there.
- Ils appellent la brigade anti-bombe.
We go in there with guns blazing, it's an act of war.
On ne peut pas. L'ambassade est sur sol soudanais.
We go in there all spit and vinegar, there's a good chance she gets hurt.
Si on y va sans réfléchir, elle pourrait être blessée.
We go in there with a plan of attack, and maybe, if we're lucky, we all come out alive.
On y va avec un plan d'attaque et avec un peu de chance, on s'en sort vivants.
We agreed only as a last resort, besides, if we go in there blazing like...
Ça devait être notre dernier recours, et puis, si on fonce sur eux comme...
Before we go in there, I want to give you something.
Avant d'entrer, je veux te donner quelque chose.
All right, uh, listen, you know, before we go in there and deal with Lady Heather, I-I just want to acknowledge that you and I haven't spoken much since the divorce, or before it, for that matter.
Bien, écoute, avant d'entrer et de s'occuper de Lady Heather, je veux admettre que l'on s'est peu parlé depuis le divorce, et avant ça, d'ailleurs.
So, one day, he said, "Shall we go in there?"
Un jour, il a dit : "On entre?"
If she start giving me some bullshit about it ain't there... and we gotta go someplace else and get it... I'm gonna shoot you in the head right then and there.
Si elle commence à me dire qu'on doit aller le chercher ailleurs, je te brûle la cervelle.
Hey, look. Are you gonna let me go in there or are we gonna stand around and talk and let this guy bleed to death?
Hey, tu me laisses entrer ou on reste ici a discuter pendant que l'autre perd tout son sang?
Sir, there is a hole, we can all go in
Dites aux autres de rentrer dans ce trou.
Fifth grade, all right? She did two things to us in fifth grade. She taught us what impure thoughts were... and she used to come into the boys'room... during the two times of the day you could go to pee... they march you down in a straight line... you go in and pee... and she'd come in there and watch us pee... to make sure that we weren't playing with ourselves.
En seconde, elle a fait deux choses : elle nous parlait des pensées impures et elle rentrait dans les toilettes des garçons les deux fois où on pouvait aller pisser.
- we're his dick suckers - there ya go maybe you just point it like this, hold on, dude don't deny tuck that shit in dude you dont mind?
- Nous sommes ses suceuses de bite. - Hé ben voila! Et si tu presses comme ça.
I love the coral reefs, because... it's a bit like a garden, with all these animals, but a garden which is a bit in another world, in that of the sea and us, we go there, but... we have no gills, so we can't stay there long,
J'aime beaucoup les récifs coralliens parce que c'est un peu comme un jardin avec tous ces animaux, mais un jardin qui est un peu dans un autre monde, dans celui de la mer et nous, on y va, mais on n'a pas de branchies,
We're just gonna go in there... and we're gonna sit down, and we're gonna listen to the Burns... talk about their side of this turf war.
On y va, on s'assied et on écoute les Burrs raconter leur histoire.
Look, Bunt, we've gotta go back in there.
Sans thé, on ne s'aventure pas dans la brume.
Mother, we can't go in there.
- On ne peut pas entrer ici.
We'll never get him outta there. Let me go in after him.
Sinon on le sortira jamais.
Go in there and do exactly like we planned. Go, go, go!
Vas-y et fais ce qu'on a dit.
You're not allowed in the hotel. If we could go into the bar and have a drink... and talk for a few minutes, there's some points...
Si on allait boire un verre et parler quelques minutes...
We could go in with the EVAs, but there's not much left in the life-support packs.
On pourrait avec l'A.E.V. mais il reste peu d'oxygène dedans.
We can talk to each other there and go for walks together in the summer and in the winter, and in the rain and in the sun and I can come and pick you up and we can go flying.
On peut se parler et aller se promener tous les deux... l'été et l'hiver, sous la pluie et au soleil. Je pourrai venir te chercher et on s'envolera.
We have to go out there in a minute. They're gonna be watchin'.
Quand on va sortir, ils nous regarderont
And we'll go in there, break in and get them.
- On entre, on récupère les cendres. - Super!
We don't want to go in there, sir.
- Faut pas y aller!
There is this feeling in certain circles that we should let the Sheik go, set him free.
Certains pensent que nous devrions libérer le Cheikh, le laisser partir.
So, we'll set things in motion on Wednesday, and we'll go from there.
Alors, on programme tout pour mercredi et on improvisera.
We gotta go in there and search that cabin, Sam no matter what we're afraid of finding, or how much it may hurt.
Il faut fouiller cette chambre même si on a peur de ce qu'on découvrira.
So next thing we know, Schilling is back up from the mines and he got this huge knife in his hand walking, into Major Whitaker's office, the last thing I saw was Bings, I guess he was trying to go in there to help Major Whitaker
Et directement après ça, Schilling remonte de la mine et il a ce gros couteau dans la main, et il entre dans le bureau de Whittaker, La dernière chose que j'ai vue, c'est Baines.
- Do we really wanna go in there?
- On veut vraiment entrer là-dedans?
We go out there and put that Vulcan in his place.
Nous allons remettre ce Vulcain à sa place.
Colonel, we should go back in there...
Colonel, on devrait y retourner...
If that's Hope, why don't we just go in there and...?
Alors, on y va...
You can either stop, give them the sound bite, do the dance or you hold your head up and walk by, and the next time we're in Boston we'll go out there and we'll work the wall together.
Soit tu y vas et tu joues leur jeu, soit tu les ignores, et la prochaine fois qu'on est à Boston, on couvrira le grand champ tous les deux.
We'd talk about the stars and whether there might be somebody else like us out in space, places we wanted to go and... it made our trials seem smaller.
On parlait des étoiles et d'autres êtres vivants dans l'espace. Des endroits où on voulait aller. Ça rendait la vie plus facile.
Umm, before we go further, if there's anybody here who has reason why Joel and Risa should not be joined in holy matrimony, let him speak now, or forever after hold his peace.
Avant de continuer... si quelqu'un ici... a une raison de s'opposer...
- Because I don't want to go in there, have that lady take one look at me, and predict Armageddon, death, and destruction on a global level. The end of the world as we know it.
Je refuse d'entrer là-dedans, et de l'écouter... me prédire le cataclysme suprême... et la fin du monde.
But we do know that they will pay us to haul cargo, which they're not going to do if you go in there doing your John Wayne impression.
Nous savons qu'ils nous paieront pour la cargaison, ce qu'ils ne feront pas, si tu entres en jouant les John Wayne.
Disons-leur la vérité.
- Go ahead. We're outside the control room, but without tricorders we can't tell if it's safe to go in there.
Dites-nous si nous serons en sûreté à l'intérieur de la salle de contrôle.
Look... I'm gonna go in there, I'm gonna get my girlfriend, then we're gonna go home. Ok?
Ecoutez, j'y vais, je prends ma petite amie et on rentre.
There are windows upstairs. We'll close them when we go to sleep, and no one will come in.
En haut, on a des fenêtres, quand on dort, personne peut entrer.
There is no way a 2-knot submarine can get in firing position against a 30-knot destroyer unless we go deep.
Chef. Notre sous-marin allant à deux noeuds... ne peut s'attaquer à un destroyer allant à 30 noeuds que s'il plonge profond.
Do you realize what you're in for? We need the flights because the minute that first missile becomes operational we gotta go in there and destroy them
Il faudra détruire les missiles dès que le 1er sera opérationnel.
Bobby, you gotta go in there and make them understand that we have to have an answer tomorrow
Bobby, tu dois leur faire comprendre qu'il nous faut une réponse demain.
Go in there and buy some bottled water and some food that we'll keep.
Je veux que vous alliez acheter de l'eau et de quoi manger.
His right leg is broken, and there was some arterial damage we had to go in and repair.
Sa jambe droite est cassée, et il a eu quelques hémorragies internes on a dû l'opérer.
How about I hop in there and we go for a spin?
Et si je montais avec vous pour aller faire un tour?
On ne peut pas y aller! Ce serait du suicide, de la folie!
We're not there in 15 minutes, you go without us.
Si on n'est pas là dans 15 minutes, allez-y.
See, we'll go there, arrange it all in a couple of hours and come back. And then she wouldn't come back here, this evening or any other time...
On y va, on aura vite fini et elle ne reviendra plus ici, ni ce soir, ni jamais.

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