And last week translate Portuguese
1,379 parallel translation
And last week, Dobie called the congressman to report that Darren Clemen was sniffing around.
E na semana passada, Dobie ligou ao Congressista para dizer que Darren Clemen andava a fazer perguntas.
Dozens of similar crimes across Asia, which suddenly stopped last week, and started up again in Gotham.
Mais de uma dúzia de assaltos na Ásia... que de repente acabou na semana passada. E começou de novo em Gotham.
Oh, and you've never done that... say, last week?
- Tu nunca fizeste. Na semana passada?
And then last week, after tutoring, we went for a walk. And she grabbed my hand.
E na semana passada fomos dar um passeio e ela deu-me na mão.
Implants five years ago. Ovarian cysts removed, Benign. And then, of course, the failed implant switch last week.
Colocou implantes há cinco anos, removeu quistos benignos nos ovários e, na semana passada, houve a fatídica troca de implantes.
I was looking through your notes and ideas last week,
Estava a dar uma olhadela às tuas notas e ideias,
Last week i went out and bought a puppy.
Na semana passada saí e comprei um cachorrinho.
( sighs ) Sally... You know how sometimes people have to go away for a while and sometimes they forget to tell other people- - possibly women, possibly women they're involved with- - they're gonna be in Portugal for a week until the very last minute?
Sabes como às vezes as pessoas tem de sair por uns tempos e por vezes se esquecem de avisar outras pessoas, possivelmente mulheres, possivelmente mulheres com quem estejam envolvidos, que vão estar em Portugal uma semana, mesmo em cima da hora?
She came in the same way last week and the EEG was negative.
Chegou no mesmo estado a semana passada, e o EEG foi negativo.
Last week you were eating together in the Mess Hall... and in the training session yesterday she touched your behind.
Na semana passada, comeram juntos na messe e, na sessão de treino de ontem, ela tocou-lhe no rabo.
I mean, just last week we were having breakfast and he had a couple grapes on his plate.
A semana passada, estávamos a tomar o pequeno almoço e ele tinha umas uvas no prato.
You know... he called last week and made the first lunch reservation at the Dragonfly.
Sabes, ele telefonou a semana passada a fazer a primeira reserva no Dragonfly.
Anyway, last week one of these tapes turns up... and Danny's uncle's long gone... but one of his crew wanted to make a deal.
De qualquer maneira, na semana passada uma dessas cassetes apareceu... e o tio do Danny já desapareceu à muito tempo mas um da equipa dele quis fazer um acordo.
You came last week... ... with your game face, looking to score, and it worked.
Vieste da outra vez, com ar engatatão, e funcionou.
She lightened it last week and had it styled a little differently.
Ela aclarou-o a semana passada e arranjou-o um pouco diferente.
She calls me last week and she says she has a date... with an antique dealer... a guy named Dalton Padron.
Ela liga-me na semana passada e diz que tem um encontro com um antiquário, um tipo chamado Dalton Padron.
I saw last week on the news that girl got her face all cut up... and the reporter said y'all fixed that for free.
A semana passada vi nas notícias a rapariga com a cara cortada... e o repórter disse que a operaram de graça.
Last week, when you said that you and Jimmy were getting along really well.
A semana passada, quando disse que você e o Jimmy estavam a dar-se muito bem.
Yeah, I went up and visited your brother last week.
Fui visitar o teu irmão, a semana passada.
So, I was thinking about what you said last week... about challenging yourself and moving forward.
Pensei no que disseste na semana passada... sobre desafios e avançar.
I guess last week when I had the chance to change that... and it was just right there in front of me...
Não sei, na semana passada, quando pude mudar isso... e estava ali à minha frente,
- And yet you just got married last week.
No entanto, casaste-te a semana passada.
Last week, on P.I.I., Our billionaire bachelor gave five lovely ladies a... rose of continuation ; and he hurled a rock of... rejection at anyone displaying intelligence, character or ethnicity.
Na semana passada, na IIP, o nosso solteiro bilionário deu a rosa da continuidade a cinco senhoras e atirou a pedra de rejeição a quem mostrasse inteligência, carácter ou etnicidade.
That's what you said last week and the week before that.
Disseste isso na semana passada e na outra anterior.
I just know that if he didn't get into a good enough school to interest him, and he dropped out, went to work as a waiter or something, he wouldn't last a week.
Sei que, se não entrasse para uma boa escola que lhe despertasse interesse, desistisse, fosse servir às mesas, não aguentaria uma semana.
Harrison called me last week and said something about a package deal.
- Ele ligou-me a semana passada e falou-me numa promoção.
That boy came up short on that money last week... and y'all see how he out here grinding. So where that money at?
Aquele puto não tinha dinheiro na semana passada e já anda cá fora, a vender, por isso, onde está o dinheiro?
But you had a body dropped there last week and this is what the fuck it looked like yesterday.
Mas teve um homicídio lá na semana passada e eis o aspecto das ruas ontem.
And then again last week?
E outro a semana passada?
I think I fed him too much and he died last week.
Acho que lhe dei muita comida e morreu na semana passada.
I'm going to go over to Debra Salsman's... and thank her for bringing dinner last week.
Vou a casa de Debra Salsman... agradecer ter trazido o jantar a semana passada.
This is your money from last week and something extra.
Este é o dinheiro que fizeste a semana passada e mais qualquer coisa extra.
Carlos and my father were questioned by the Japanese last week.
O Carlos e o meu pai foram interrogados pelos japoneses a semana passada.
OK, this is last week and up to yesterday. - All right? - OK.
O dinheiro da semana passada e mais algumas semanas de pagamento.
You are promising that the last two week and is already in the last minute.
Há duas semanas que diz o mesmo. Estamos a ficar sem tempo.
See, it's a log there... and at the top, you can see where you deposited three years ago... and then at the bottom where we withdrew it last week.
Vês, há um registo aqui... e no topo, podes ver onde foi feito o depósito há três anos... e no fundo da folha onde nós retiramos, a semana passada.
Easily the best zero-and-eight team in the league, hungry to avenge their nail-biting lost last week.
É a melhor equipa com zero vitórias e oito derrotas na liga. Ansiosos por vingar a vitória estrondosa da semana passada :
He was arrested last week for being a public nuisance, Miles, and not for the first time.
Foi preso na semana passada por distúrbios e não é a primeira vez.
Last week at the payphone, Del Rio and Sarmentoso, she saw something she was scared of.
No telefone de Del Rio e Sarmentoso ela viu algo que a assustou.
Like how he proposed to me last week and I said yes and my head has been in a fog ever since?
Como quando ele me pediu em casamento a semana passada e eu aceitei... e a minha cabeça tem estado enevoada desde aí?
She rang last week and... it's probably just got something to do with the boat.
Provavelmente tem a ver com o barco.
Coming up, week-seven predictions with our new star John Anthony, who went an amazing 24 and six in last weekend's games.
E já a seguir, no "Sports Advisors" as previsões para a 7ª-semana da temporada que espantosamente acertou em 24 jogos, e falhou 6 nos jogos da semana passada.
Last week I finally took all my porn and I just put it in a garbage bag and I just hauled it out'cause I was just so sick of it.
Na semana passada finalmente deitei a minha pornografia ao lixo. Deitei-a simplesmente porque me mantinha doente.
I got here last week. With my parents and sister.
Cheguei aqui na semana passada, com os meus pais e a minha irmã.
Exactly, and the water was rough last week.
Só tem feridas superficiais. Exacto. Além disso, toda a semana passada tivemos mau mar.
Yeah, Missie and I saw some Indians riding south last week.
Sim, Missie e eu vimos alguns Índios na semana passada, cavalgando a sul.
Oh, don't worry, that experiments old and that egg was just part of last week's lunch.
Não te preocupes. Isto é antigo. E aquele ovo fez parte do almoço da semana passada.
Last week, I skipped soccer practice and came home early.
Na semana passada baldei-me aos treinos de futebol e vim para casa mais cedo.
So, last week, when she was out and he was at work, he gave me the keys, the alarm code and a list of album he coundn't live without.
Na semana passada ela estava fora e ele a trabalhar, ele deu-me as chaves, o código do alarme e a lista de álbuns sem os quais ele não poderia viver.
Let's take it easy with the cutting there, Doc, it's starting to look like the hit-and-run on your table last week.
Vamos lá com calma com os cortes, Doutor. Está a ficar parecida com a vítima de atropelamento-e-fuga que estava na sua mesa na semana passada.
We went and got tested last week at the Free Clinic on Ivar.
Nós fomos fazer um teste a semana passada na Clínica gratuita, na Ivar.
and last but not least 51
and last night 99
and last 50
and lastly 70
and last time i checked 17
and last year 17
last weekend 41
last week 809
week 129
weekly 26
and last night 99
and last 50
and lastly 70
and last time i checked 17
and last year 17
last weekend 41
last week 809
week 129
weekly 26
weeks 936
weekend 28
weekends 49
weeks pregnant 49
weeks later 21
week anniversary 20
weeks ago 149
and later 123
and listen 231
and louis 16
weekend 28
weekends 49
weeks pregnant 49
weeks later 21
week anniversary 20
weeks ago 149
and later 123
and listen 231
and louis 16
and look 537
and lead us not into temptation 55
and leave 42
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23
and lead us not into temptation 55
and leave 42
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23