Same as before translate Portuguese
475 parallel translation
You feel the same as before?
E continuas a pensar o mesmo que esta manhã?
The same as before...
- O que foi desta vez?
Same as before.
Como antes. Vamos!
Same as before. 198th and Figueroa.
O resultado é o mesmo. 198th e Figueroa.
Same as before, Pa. 215.
O mesmo que antes, Pai. 215.
It's the same as before, wherever he goes.
É o mesmo de sempre, para onde quer que ele vá.
Same as before.
O mesmo que antes.
Mission's still the same as before.
A missão é a mesma de antes.
We'll go at eight bells, same as before.
Atacaremos á oitava badalada, como anteriormente.
- Where? Same as before. Diane's Inlet.
Como a antes, para a baía de Diana.
Same as before, Mr Sulu.
O mesmo que antes, Sr. Sulu.
I got you a new pair of glasses. The same as before.
- Trouxe-lhe óculos, do mesmo tipo.
A comparison of our Steinman with Starfleet records shows that Lieutenant Romaine's fingerprints, voice analysis, all external factors remain exactly the same as before.
A comparação entre o nosso teste e os registos da Frota mostra que as impressões digitais da Tenente, a análise de voz, todos os factores externos se mantêm como antes.
Go on. It's the same as before.
É o mesmo que antes.
- The same as before.
O mesmo que antes.
Is it possible for Spock to return to Vulcan and repair the timeline that has been broken so all is the same as before?
É possível a Spock voltar a Vulcano... e consertar a cronologia que foi quebrada... para que tudo volte ao seu lugar?
Everything looked exactly the same as before, even Alice and the White Rabbit.
Tudo parecia exatamente como antes... até Alice e o Coelho Branco.
For as much as Homer and Wilma have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands,
Dado que Homer e Wilma consentiram conjuntamente unir-se no Sagrado Matrimónio, e o testemunharam diante Deus e das pessoas aqui presentes, e em consequência fizeram um ao promessa de fidelidade, e declararam o mesmo ao entregar e receber uma aliança, e juntando a suas mãos,
For as much as Gray and Liza here have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company and thereto have given and pledged their troth each to the other,
Os aqui pressente Gray e Liza, uniram-se pelo matrimónio... e assim na nossa presença e diante de Deus... prometeram-se um ao outro.
He returned at the same time as before.
Ele voltou à noite pela mesma hora que na véspera.
The same as you did before he married you.
O mesmo que fazias antes de ele se casar contigo.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Queria-o dessa maneira mas quando te vi na tenda e tu tocaste-me e rezaste por mim..... senti-me mal por estar sozinho e soube que tinha que te ver de novo antes de partir para descobrir se sentia o mesmo que ontem à noite.
Before you went away, I used to watch you every evening as you walked on your terrace always at the same hour, always alone.
Antes que se fosse, eu o observava todas as noites... andando no seu terraço... sempre à mesma hora, sempre sózinho.
Same means as before.
Da mesma forma que dantes.
[Nothing's changed there, even though time has passed... ] [... the same people with the same heads as before... ] [... which the same sun beats fiercely down on.]
Nada mudou por ali, apesar da passagem do tempo... o mesmo povo com as mesmas cabeças duras... impiedosamente batidas por impiedosos raios de sol.
I got in the same old routine and before I knew it I was on it again.
Comecei outra vez com as drogas e sem pensar, voltei ao mesmo.
I was leaving my office building in the evening... and an acquaintance, his offices are in the same building as mine... said something about seeing me at the Garden the night before, at the fights.
Certa noite, saía eu da minha firma quando um conhecido, com escritório no mesmo prédio, mencionou ter-me visto no Garden, na noite anterior, no combate de boxe.
- The same as you saw before?
- Tal como viu antes?
It's exactly the same as it was before, only one or two slight changes.
Está tudo como antes, apenas houve pequenas mudanças.
But the time machine occupies the same space as before its journey.
Mas a máquina do tempo ocupa o mesmo espaço que ocupava antes desta viagem.
Our target, same as yesterday, day before that, and the week before that.
O nosso objectivo, mesmo de ontem, de anteontem e na semana anterior.
For as much as Harry and Imogene have consented together in holy wedlock... and have witnessed the same before God and this company.
Harry e lmogene deram seu consentimento para unir-se em santo casamento... e o hão feito ante Deus e esta congregação.
Nothing. How many of my clients have reached the same point in their cases as you, and stood here before me saying... exactly the same things.
Quantos clientes atingem o estágio que você atingiu... e ficou em pé, na minha frente, dizendo as mesmas coisas?
So natural and still the same as they was before they was.
Tão naturais e continuam o mesmo que sempre foram antes de serem.
Forasmuch as Sam and Jennie have consented together in holy wedlock, and have declared the same before God and in the presence of this company,
Como o Sam e a Jennie trocaram os votos de casamento, e declararam-no perante Deus e todos nós aqui presentes.
Are these the same hands you had before, Father?
Mostra as mãos, pai, são as mesmas de antes?
I'm still the same as I was before, Christine, perhaps even better.
Continuo o mesmo. Talvez ainda melhor.
Now, Prince Andrei no longer felt the same love for her as before.
O príncipe Andrei já näo tinha o mesmo amor por ela.
Now, Prince Andrei no longer felt the same love for her as before.
O príncipe Andrei já não tinha o mesmo amor por ela.
Same type as before, sir, except...
São iguais aos anteriores, à excepção...
I'm still the same as I was before.
Continuo o mesmo.
You shall have the same money as before.
Terá a mesma quantia em dinheiro que lhe falei.
Talby's done the same as a lot of others before him,
Talby está fazendo o mesmo que outros fizeram antes dele.
You'll beam me down to the same coordinates as before.
Vai-me transportar para as mesmas coordenadas que antes.
The school I went to taught us that the 13 Colonies with proper, educated leadership, all with the same goal in mind after the Revolutionary War, took from 1776 to 1787 11 years of peaceful effort before they came up with a paper that all 13 colonies would sign.
A escola onde estudei ensinou que as 13 colônias após a Guerra da Independência, levaram de 1776 a 1787 11 anos de esforço pacífico para escrever um documento que todas as 13 colônias assinassem.
Shit, I feel like tearing down everything. I've got to hand it in the same condition as it was before.
Com a vontade que tenho de destroçá-lo tudo, puxa vida, e agora resulta que tenho que entregá-lo como antes.
All right, same procedure as before.
Bem. O mesmo procedimento anterior.
Make it the same deal as before.
Façam tudo como antes.
The same guy as before.
O mesmo rapaz de antes.
These are the same statements that you have already foresworn before the Venetian Inquisition, and that we urge you to retract, solemnly and publicly, in the Church of Santa Maria della Minerva.
Estas são as mesmas proposições, já renegadas por ti perante a lnquisição veneziana, e sobre as quais te convidamos agora, a pronunciar uma solene e pública retractação, na lgreja de Santa Maria della Minerva.
You can ask me the same questions as before.
Pode me fazer as mesmas perguntas.
same as usual 40
same as me 59
same as yesterday 19
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as yours 16
same as always 89
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21
same as me 59
same as yesterday 19
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as yours 16
same as always 89
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21
same as ever 26
as before 33
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
as before 33
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before you start 24
before your time 20
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before you start 24
before your time 20
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194