You just disappeared translate Portuguese
193 parallel translation
It was so strange when you just disappeared.
Foi tão estranho quando, de repente, desapareceram.
Nobody would notice if you just disappeared.
Ninguém vai reparar se você desaparecer.
You just disappeared.
You just disappeared on me.
Depois desapareceste.
Last time, you just disappeared so suddenly. Where've you been all this time? !
Nesse então, quando desapareceu de repente... aonde...?
You just disappeared!
Tu desapareces-te!
I wanted to introduce you to Nandini, but you just disappeared.
Queria apresentar-te a Nandini, mas tu desapareces-te.
You just disappeared.
Vc desapareceu.
When you left and you just disappeared...
Quando saíste, e simplesmente desapareceste,
Middle of eighth grade, you just disappeared.
A meio do oitavo ano, desapareceste.
You just disappeared.
Desapareceste apenas.
You just disappeared from jail?
Desapareceste assim da cadeia?
But then you just disappeared.
Mas, depois, desapareceste.
I just came over here to talk to you. You just disappeared.
Alguém aqui precisa de conversar.
You just disappeared.
Você desapareceu.
That was why you just disappeared without saying anything?
Foi por esse motivo que desapareceste sem dizer nada?
So you should, you just disappeared.
E devias, simplesmente desapareceste.
I mean, you just disappeared!
Quero dizer, tu simplesmente desapareceste!
You won the world championship, 1989, and you just disappeared.
Ganhou o campeonato mundial de 1989 e depois desapareceu.
You just disappeared.
- You know, he just disappeared.
- Sabes, desapareceu.
Can you imagine if all girls like me suddenly disappeared? Just imagine it!
Se todas as raparigas como eu desaparecessem, imagina o que aconteceria...
That was the blue mist you saw just before he disappeared.
Foi essa névoa azulada que voce viu antes dele desaparecer.
I was scanning as you ordered, and they just disappeared off the asteroid.
Acompanhei como ordenado... e eles acabaram de desaparecer do asteróide.
What the hell do you mean it just disappeared?
Como demonios desapareceu?
You. Just disappeared.
Tu desapareceste simplesmente.
You see the bottom of the spectra scope blew it to the wall... - and Jenning just... just disappeared.
- Tu, vê a base do espectroscópio, explodiu contra a parede e o Jenning simplesmente... desapareceu.
But still, where would we all be if--if your mailman just disappeared on you?
Mas mesmo assim, onde vocês todos estariam se os carteiros simplesmente desaparecessem?
Two injections of that sample you just tested... and the lumps disappeared within a week. No boosters, no side effects.
Duas injecções daquele líquido que testou e numa semana eles desapareceram, sem reforços nem efeitos secundários.
The bulkhead in front of me disappeared, and then I found myself out there just now, chopping wood, right before you walked up.
As paredes desapareceram, e eu me vi lá fora... cortando lenha, há um momento.
But maybe things would be better for you if I just disappeared for a while.
E quero estar contigo, mas talvez fosse melhor para ti se eu desaparecesse uns tempos.
It's just a shame you got there too late, right after he disappeared.
E você ter chegado tarde de mais. Assim que eIe sumiu.
You say he just disappeared?
Disse que ele desapareceu?
It was like his mind, his spirit, whatever you want to call it, just disappeared.
Parecia que a sua mente, o seu espírito, tinham desaparecido.
- So you're saying the Queen Anne just disappeared.
- Estão a dizer que desapareceu?
I mean, the guy just, you know, disappeared off the face of the earth.
O tipo simplesmente desapareceu da face da Terra?
I don't know, I guess I was blocked or something, and then, he just sort of disappeared, you know?
Não sei, acho que bloqueei ou coisa parecida, e depois, ele, tipo, desapareceu, sabes?
I'm just wondering where you disappeared to today.
Só imaginava onde te meteste todo o dia.
The only reason you changed your story was to get outta here, because you knew the parole board might buy the story of a psychotic break, but they would never let a woman out of jail who claimed her son just disappeared out of thin air.
Só mudou a sua história para sair daqui. Sabia que a comissão da condicional acreditaria que teve um surto psicótico, mas nunca libertariam uma mulher que afirma que o filho desapareceu no ar.
It's almost like the last three or four years you've just kind of disappeared.
É quase como se tivesses desaparecido nos últimos 3 a 4 anos.
You're telling us the shirt just disappeared?
Está a dizer-nos que a camisa desapareceu.
Here your father cast this medallion just before he disappeared he said it symbolized his dream of peace it's yours now now that you're grown up
Aqui O teu pai confiou-me este medalhão mesmo antes de desaparecer. Ele disse que simbolizava o seu sonho de paz.
You're not the only one who was thinking how much he hated the world just before it disappeared.
Não és o único que odiava tanto o mundo para fazê-lo desaparecer.
Listen, I know you're gonna want to help, McManus, but it'd be better for me and for my parole if this little incident just disappeared.
Sei que vai querer ajudar, McManus mas seria melhor para mim e para minha liberdade condicional se este incidente desaparecesse.
Just to confirm... you did not speak to him the day he disappeared, correct?
Apenas para confirmar, não falou com ele no dia em que desapareceu, correcto?
It says here your Lord Dyson mysteriously disappeared the day you rode through town. Well, I doubt that's just a coincidence.
Sem ofensa, lady, mas tu deixas cair a saia, libertação para todos, e, de repente, o teu demônio desaparece da face da Terra por toda a eternidade?
I had work to do. You've just disappeared.
Tenho trabalho a fazer.
All that anguish, that pain inside just disappeared, you know?
Aquela angústia, aquela dor que tava aqui dentro saía, sabe?
But why would they laugh at you just because you disappeared?
Mas riram só porque você desapareceu?
As far as the world is concerned, you'll just be a girl who disappeared in 1 946 and was never found.
E para o resto do mundo, Vais ser apenas uma rapariga que desapareceu em 1946 e nunca foi descoberta.
You'll hear from his own colleagues that he just disappeared.
Não há maneira de isto saltar. Chamo-o de "Travão de peruca".
you just got home 17
you just don't get it 121
you just wait 46
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39
you just don't get it 121
you just wait 46
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39